ACDs and hair


New member
I’ve had dogs as part of my household for the last 60ish years. Goldens, terriers, American Eskimo, Labs, mutts, chihuahuas, and now the second of two consecutive ACDs. IMO, the breed is generally the smartest, most adaptable, loyal, and most individual and original in personality of any of the dogs I’ve ever called mine. My current buddy is a female who is going on 17 years old, and when she goes, I’ll probably keep looking for another ACD until the right one shows up in my life. But, … THE HAIR!!! It never stops falling out!! I’ve had Roombas text me their resignation letters. One of my Dysons was last seen after dark, headed east at the edge of town. My parents’ Hoover upright from the 50s - the one cast from NASA spacecraft grade aluminum alloy that’s worked perfectly for 6 plus decades, died in the middle of my living room in a flurry of sparks and smoke that smelled like burnt hair and wet dog only a month after I brought it home with me. My question is, why does a working breed that hails from a country known for its hot and dusty environment, especially in the cattle and sheep raising parts, have an undercoat? Especially one that seems like it’s produced faster than a sheep produces wool. Can’t you ACD breeders out there select for lines that don’t produce half their body weight in shedded hair every year? I’m not a dog breeder, but could this be a thing? I’d pay top dollar for a puppy. Let me know. Thanks for listening.
@momofthreeboys This gave me a good laugh. My mom was visiting this week and kept complaining about the shedding. Told us multiple times we should brush her more often. We brush her 1-2 times a day & vacuum every other day. It’s a part time job keep up with the hair! 😂😂
@tseleng We rescued mine when he was 9 months old. I can NOT get a brush over him. I've tried different ones, i've tried bribing him - it's not happening. He acts like it tickles or something and can't tolerate it. So we sweep or vacuum A LOT.
@genxgirl Ours…..tolerates it. I’ve got to get her out on our patio where she doesn’t have a quick escape and we just give her constant praises with each brush in hopes she’ll let us get a few more in. 😂
@genxgirl I think they’re on the spectrum. The female Airedale somehow communicates to him that she needs to go outside, the ACD then wakes me up to let his girlfriend/wife out & he waits on the deck with me for her.
@sksguy YES! There's a lot of things with my doc that really feels like if they COULD diagnose a dog as such, he would be. (And I am NOT making light of this, should anyone see this and be upset. We've actually looked into it a little and wondered)
@genxgirl We got ours at 5 months from the local humane society and have the same issue with brushing. We used to get her groomed regularly, but we have moved twice since and haven't found somewhere new. Groomers have said she is absolutely wonderful for them and sweet. She just doesn't do blow drying well; so they would use another method. We sweep and vacuum a lot as well.

My family had a golden retriever growing up so I am used to the hair.
@tseleng Mine is half lab...Wednesday I had to take him to the vet. I brush him every day, but I brushed him extra Tuesday night and extra Wednesday morning. I'm standing there at vet and see a whole swirl come down of his hair. It's all over my pants where he was leaning. I'm like..!?!?
@deelo00 Haha I call those the nervous sprinkles! I’ve got a half lab/beagle along with my ACD/retriever. Both of them shed like CRAZY at the vet. Especially if we have to do during the coat blowing seasons. 😂
@deelo00 Awe man, that’s so tough. :/ I just took a look at your post, our dogs have very similar coats! Such a cutie. Hope he (and you) had a restful weekend after the vet visit!!
@tseleng Thank you! He's boarded right now, we had a trip we couldnt cancel. :( I just messages a bit ago to check on him. He's struggled since the 4th, I sure hope he's doing okay. And thank you.
@momofthreeboys If you can still find one, a Kirby Heritage II is quite possibly the sturdiest and suckiest vacuum I've ever owned. I bought one in 1984 and finally replaced it in 2017. I only replaced it because I could no longer carry it upstairs. It survived three different ACD's.

As for the undercoat, It regulates their body temperature. it also keeps them from getting a sunburn on cloudless days, and stay dry during a rainstorm.

They blow their undercoat twice per year. It takes about 3 months to blow it. As for interfering with the breed standard, I'll pass, but you can find some amazing cattle dog mixes that don't shed much.

Basenji/Heeler are not only extremely smart, they are low shedders. And they're really great looking.
@momofthreeboys I’m not really sure why they chose Basinji, unless it was also the very loud barking that comes from an ACD. Having a silent genius with sharp teeth and the fastest bite may be what they were trying to accomplish. They are gorgeous.