7.5 months and protected me from an intruder 🥺

@conner74 Oh man, it was bloody brilliant.

I can still see the whole thing play out perfectly in my mind, and best part is he's a small husky for his size, so he was like 20lbs of pure angry fluff who literally made that dude run for the hills.
@bonnieb Wow, what a great pupper! You’re a lucky mama and I wish the both of you all the best! :)

Also, do you have an alarm and did you file a police report? The police won’t actually do anything but it might be good to have something on file. And if other neighbors have reported anything, maybe the police would increase patrols or whatever? Have you talked to any of your neighbors and/or do you have an online neighbor group with whom you could share your experience?

Edit: I think this is the perfect sub to share your story.
@dsimmons01 Please speak with your neighbors and file a police report. I once caught a peeping tom — somehow kept my cool and got him arrested by keeping him at my window while I called the police — it turned out that they’d been trying to “catch” him for over 6 months. Even though they knew it was the same guy terrorizing women, they couldn’t pin it on him bc the women didn’t see his face and police didn’t catch him in the act. The guy knew what he could get away with. This ended up being his “3rd strike” and he ended up fleeing the state, which then made it a felony. I digress with the happy ending, but my point is, had these other women not called and reported him, they wouldn’t have known about his multiple offenses or known what he looked like bc they at least knew to keep an eye out for a guy “taking a walk” in a neighborhood that happens to be 20 miles from where he lives and works (as a security guard).
@caworker96 If you can believe it, I’ve had THREE peeping Toms arrested — three different homes (HCOL areas), within three years. TWO of the three worked as security guards.
@dsimmons01 I did talk to my neighbors! Well, my building at least. We don’t have a camera system but I am on the HOA and we have now agreed to install one as well as update the fence entry to be more secure as we realized it may have been pushed open. I may knock on the next door neighbors door to see if they have a camera, but not sure. I figured I couldn’t file a report without footage, but you’re right I probably should just so they can document it.
@bonnieb I also live alone and feel so much safer with my dog. He is also not crated and even my trainer said that crating a dog at night prevents them from being able to protect.

That's so awesome that your boy showed his stuff! It's a good bonding experience as well....
@bonnieb Nice! Your pup proves that though he loves people in general he will whip out a can of whoop-ass when he needs to protect the one he loves!
@bonnieb Have not had a ose call yet. But everytime my dog gets spooked and barks I don't yell to shut her up. I go and inspect what she is barking at, she stood when I do this, then I give her some love. I don't ever want her to not bark when something is amiss

Didn't stop her from sleeping through my brother's truck being stolen from our driveway(our bedroom is complete opposite side of the house so maybe she didn't hear it) so you win some you lose some.

Truck was found 3 weeks later with only the cat stolen and a torn up ignition.

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