6 y/o dog doesn't correct puppy when puppy is obviously being too rough


New member
Looking for guidance here...

I have a 6 y/o Border Collie (Shiloh) and a 12 w/o Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (Magnus). They play really, really well together most of the time, but Magnus doesn't really have an off switch when it comes to rough housing unless I give him an enforced nap. There have been several times in the past week where I've had to step in and stop the Magnus from literally chewing on Shiloh while she chews on a bully stick. I can understand why Magnus keeps going, because she doesn't give him any indication that he's bothering her...

1.) Why on earth isn't Shiloh correcting Magnus when it's clear she doesn't want to play?

2.) Am I right to step in here, or is it a case of "if it was bothering her, she would stop him herself"?

3.) If Shiloh does correct him, do I praise Shiloh for sticking up for herself, or just ignore?
@chelseacrps Some dogs don't correct puppies and it really is your responsibility to help your older dog when you see she's no longer enjoying herself, or the puppy is just being plain obnoxious. hah

Some puppies need help learning to read dog's signals and what is appropriate play. I personally lean towards intervening before the adult dog has to snark, as it's putting that dog in a difficult spot (there are usually tons of mico-signals - head turn, lip lick, etc - before a snark) and I wouldn't want them to feel like they have to go over the top when they're really fed up. :)

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