3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

@crystalplant Another vote for fluoxetine. 45 lb pup takes 40mg. Started noticing improvement after about 4-6 weeks. She’s so much more manageable and easy going despite being a high energy heeler mix. Everyone’s anxiety has improved!
@crystalplant My boy is 55lbs, takes 30mg and has completely stopped herding people. He would nip every available ankle before. We had a bbq this summer and he was happy to have company and didn’t exhibit any herding behavior.
@crystalplant I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this thread. I am starting my 25lb toy aussie on 10mg this week and I have been very skeptical to start. This sub has eased my anxiety lol! thanks again.
@ilikechocolateandstuff It's going well. We are about 3 months in on 10mgs, and I have seen some improvement in his demeanor. The first 8 weeks were a little rough—his anxiety was a bit heightened, but not intolerable. Using the medication with a mix of behavioral training has been helping as well. We still have a long way to go, but so far, I am happy with the improvements that I have seen! Good luck!!
@crystalplant My dog has a traumatic past too (two shelters, two homes before 1yr) and is reactive in the house to passerby, outside noises, cars etc. I think fluoxetine could help her but worried it would make her drowsy or lethargic, or change her behavior too much... Idk when to make the call. We work with her a lot with training and positive reinforcement. how did you decide it was time to try it?
@ajestrella Not OP but our dog’s behaviors sound a lot like yours. We decided to try it bc my trainer and I felt he had reached a weird plateau in his training where we couldn’t effectively work on behavior therapy bc he was so on edge. Inside he was great, super obedient and relaxed but when we tried going outside he was hyper vigilant.

Fluoxetine has been amazing for us! With fluoxetine + training he’s literally a changed dog. My only regret is not starting medication sooner.

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