
  1. D

    I’m starting to resent my puppy

    I feel bad writing this and worse feeling this way, but I’m at a loss. My almost 5 month old puppy has been increasingly fearful of EVERYTHING the whole time I’ve had her (2 months). She is noise sensitive, and I live in a big city so going outside for anything is a painful experience. She was...
  2. M

    [VENT] 1 y/o puppy not snuggly :(

    My 1 year old golden retriever puppy is just not snuggly and it makes me SAD. I know he loves me. He follows me everywhere including the bathroom and is depressed when I leave (according to my partner). But because it’s not MY love language, the relationship just doesn’t always feel fulfilling...
  3. I

    10 Reasons Why My Puppy Is An A-Hole

    Said puppy is estimated to be about 8 months old, she was found with her litter on the side of the road and we kept her. She looks like a dachshund x bodybuilder and behaves like if a jack russell terrier x demon chugged 5 redbulls. A condensed list of reasons why she is a complete A-Hole: She...
  4. J

    Oh, my G-d…Stop Humping!

    My Labradoodle is six months old. He has a very special relationship with two of his stuffed animals. They must be humped every two minutes. This I can acknowledge as typical behaviour, and more-or-less live with. But why for the love of all that is holy, must these stuffies be brought to my...
  5. J

    It’s over, i’m not the favorite

    i’ve posted about this before and some people made mean comments if you’re thinking about doing it, please don’t context: i’ve been dealing poorly with depression, ADHD, anxiety and insomnia for a few months my husband is the best person in earth, just a ray of sunshine and the best person i...
  6. K

    I wanna change my dogs food what brand do u recommend for a picky eater

    He has weeks where he eats no problem but then weeks he just like tired of it and won’t eat at all. Think maybe he needs a change
  7. X

    Incident at dog park - feeling awful

    Our 15 week old Jack Russell (female) got too close to an apple that another dog (~2 yo, berner senner-like but don’t know) was chewing on, and got told of. She got a little scared of course, but didn’t seem terrified, said hello to another dog that came afterwards and didn’t even seem too...
  8. U

    not sure what I'm gonna do

    Just need to vent for a second. I have a 5mo Bernese mountain mix and I currently live in Alaska. He LOVES being outside in the snow and we've had about a foot of it so far, but today was the first day it got down to 0°F. He's constantly wanting to go outside cause he wants to eat snow and dig...
  9. J

    Family member’s ‘really tolerant’ dog has bitten their toddler

    We went through the upset of rehoming our gorgeous, but reactive, working line BC a couple of months ago. He is an excellent dog and we worked very hard with him for years and did lots of training/enrichment, but recently we’d had a few warning incidents where he’d lunged at our kids, and was...
  10. D

    First time adopting from a rescue, and she’s really reactive

    We got a plot hound mix two years ago. I was begging my mom to adopt from a shelter because she always adopted from breeders before. But what we didn’t know, is how difficult of a life she had before, how it continues to effect her, and how it would effect our family. I love this dog to death...
  11. M

    My neighbour keeps making snide comments about my pup and I just want to tell him to f*** off

    I was caring my 6mo pup from the car to my doorstep in my arms today when my neighbour saw me and said - “oh is he too lazy to walk?” I told him the reason I am carrying him is because he had an operation on his paw removing a broken nail. I would just ignore this comment but this is not the...
  12. B

    Petsmart classes raising my blood pressure

    We got our 5 month old Goldendoodle into puppy class and tonight was our fourth week. Every week I leave that store sweaty, aggravated and stressed out. My dog is great, she’s smart, sweet, silly, (too) friendly...but holy hell she’s so obnoxious in class. She L O V E S other dogs and people...
  13. T

    F**k the general public :)

    Okay, so the last few days I've been getting super annoyed at strangers. Yes, I know I have a cute puppy. I get it. But, I'm also trying to train her to not lunge at every person that passes us. You're not complaining now, but you sure will be when she's over a third of your body weight. Last...
  14. D

    Adolescence can go f*** itself!

    Man does this suck! I just came back from a walk with my almost 8 months old labrador and I'm about to lose it. He was pulling, picking up everything, wanted to jump into a tractor that passed us, almost knocked me over twice and didn't listen to one word I said. No attention whatsoever on me. I...
  15. W

    This post is a big F U to the person who dropped their chicken bones all over the park

    That’s it, that’s the post! I’ve pried about four different bones from his mouth during our walk. It’s gross. And they’re everywhere.
  16. P

    Adolescent Regression

    Hey all. Just wanted to come here to vent a bit maybe get some recommendations or even just some reassurance that what I'm doing is the right way to be doing things. My wife and I brought in a puppy we found about 8-9 months ago on the side of a road with his litter. He's a mixed breed, not...
  17. C

    I think I’m giving my puppy separation anxiety and idt I can do this anymore

    I’ve had my 8 week puppy with us for 5 days now and I am worried I am giving him separation anxiety. He is a mini dachshund and when he came home with us, he was really scared and sad because we had just basically kidnapped him. We held him and cuddled him and never left his sight… and have kept...
  18. L

    Is anyone else’s puppy an angel from 11:00am-4:00pm but a certified member of Al-Qaeda outside of those hours?

    She could probably pass the STAR puppy exam during the angel hours but she makes me want to die in the mornings and evenings.
  19. T

    Surrendering our 5 month old puppy after 2 months

    Tomorrow we are surrendering the puppy we adopted from a rescue two months ago, and it is devastating. We have always been dog people and I never thought I would ever be in this position. In fact, I’ve always had strong opinions about people who give up on puppies. We adopted this “lab mix”...
  20. B

    I am not the puppy owner I thought I’d be

    So…I will probably delete this because I am so ashamed of myself…I have the sweetest little pup and I am totally losing momentum. I’m crawling out of a significant depressive episode and the love from my girl has helped immensely, but now that she is fully vaccinated, I’m not doing the things I...