reactive dogs

  1. W

    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    My boy (3y/o, border collie) has been getting better and better as he gets older, but he still does NOT do well with new people in his space. Well, for Christmas we had 11 people. He knows nine of them, so while he was wary, he was fine with them once he recognized them all. Well, two were...
  2. D

    My dog killed a dog today - absolutely devastated

    UPDATE (MORNING AFTER INCIDENT) I just talked to the vet that initially treated the Border Collie and she said she 100% does NOT believe my dog was involved in the dog attack at all and that the dog sitter was trying to use my dog to cover up what actually happened yesterday. The vet said upon...
  3. P

    Tried to schedule a behavior vet appointment…they said it’d be $900 for 1 office visit

    $900 for 1 visit. Additionally $125 extra for a virtual 60 minute medical assistant appointment prior to the vet visit so that the vet has our history. Off the bat, almost $1K. Any follow ups are additional. If we want to train with one their behaviorists, $375 an hour. Who can afford this?! And...
  4. D

    Please just be honest with me

    Is it even possible to rehome my reactive dog. I just need someone to be brutally honest because I’ve been trying for over 8 months and I just feel like theres no hope, The rescue I got her from cannot take her back even though it says it in our contract, they’re full with dogs and only have 2...
  5. M

    YoUr DoGs aRe OnLy NeUroTic BeCauSe YoU aRe

    Oh thanks dad, my dogs are fixed. I just need to calm down and let them run loose around a party full of dogs, toddlers, and babies. Nothing bad could happen with four 80 lb pit bulls running around as I calmly watch on. He says this all the time, and it pisses me off every time. Especially...
  6. A

    Super senior shelter dog bit my parent's dog. Please help

    Hello everyone, My wife and I just adopted an 11 year old dog from the shelter. I'm not sure what breed he is so I'll include a photo of him instead: Brian I'll answer some of the questions I saw in the questionnaire for the sub: - We just got him a week ago, which I know is not a long...
  7. P

    Is BE the only option?

    He’s a 2 year old Australian cattle dog mix. He’s bitten 2 people. He’s always been reactive/fearful since I adopted him at 15 weeks. The first bite I didn’t think he would actually ever bite someone. The second one was a mistake on my boy friends moms part (she opened the door for a nieghbor -...
  8. B

    Feeling like a failure - reactive doggo

    Repost from r/dogs - was told my a fellow redditor to come to you guys! So here we go: Hey Reddit Family! I ask that you guys approach my post with kindness as I’m feeling very frustrated, sad, and helpless. I have 2 dogs 11M and 6F. Both are adopted. The 11 year old male gives me no problems...
  9. D

    Reactive Dog w/ New Baby

    Hi - I am looking for some advice. We adopted our 3y/o daschund-mix (unsure what he is mixed with) at 4 months old and we have battled with his aggression every day. He has a bite history - has bitten 3 times - once to a solicitor, once to a family member and once to my partner. He is so afraid...
  10. B

    German spitz with aggressive bark towards random dogs/people while walking

    Hi there, I've been directed here from the r/Dogtraining subreddit. I have a 1.5yr old German Spitz which we had since he was about 9 weeks old. I would say it's a smart dog which effectively learns things extremely quick, he stopped peeing in the house with 2 or 3 times showing him he has to...
  11. I

    So very frustrated with destruction of my house

    My dog, he’s about 4-5 the shelter was unsure of his age exactly, was moved shelter from shelter plus survived parvo & Lyme. Which means he had to be isolated for at least 3 weeks in the shelter for the parvo, I gave him antibiotics for the Lyme due to the shelter “missing it.” So basically when...
  12. T

    Wanting to rehome my dog but feeling extreme guilt and sadness

    About two years ago, my wife and I bought an 8 week old Australian Shepherd, which after a while I realize may have come from a puppy mill. We knew from the get go that this dog was neuroligally not ok. Marley was very reactive towards other dogs on walks and was a very frustrated greeter and...
  13. K

    non-agressive dog is becoming more leash reactive

    I see this sub get referred to in r/dogtraining often so I figured I would just start here. I really hope y'all can help. All the training I have done is from the CGC guidelines, obedience, and training used from working with therapy dogs for 2 years in college. My dachshund mix pup, Stewart...
  14. A

    Increased barking inside and in the yard

    Hey all. My 18 m/o boy has ramped up his barking inside the house and in the yard. He rarely barks away from home (although he is frustrated greeter on-leash around other dogs, but that’s another issue). He’s been treated for anxiety with a non-sedating dose of Trazodone for about 6 months which...
  15. J

    I don't know what else to do, I'm sad, disappointed, I feel like a failure

    We recently took in stray, about 1 year old, let's call him P. Originally I was going to keep it until someone adopted him but my 5 year old dog, "K", really liked him, K really didn't play with other dogs but with P it's like he's a puppy again, they are together all the time, share toys. P...
  16. G

    Another success! 5th one in less than 2 weeks after 7 months of hell.

    Well, this was our first happy visit and it has left me speechless. My sweet Artemis was finally able to be sweet with 2 total strangers for the first time ever. They filled her up with cheese and turkey treats! It got to the point that she stopped taking the treats. They even had me remove her...
  17. E

    Most embarrassing moments? (funny)

    Today i heard a dog coming near the path we were on so I kinda yelled out stop to my dog. I forget how loud I can be. Unfortunately the other dog owner’s heard and stopped as well. They thought I was talking to them… they looked a little surprised and maybe irritated that some tiny girl (I look...
  18. M

    Safe to add a front D-ring to a harness that doesn’t have one?

    Hi all, first post here. I have a reactive maltipoo who is a nightmare to walk. She pulls constantly and ends up choking herself frequently. I recently got the Ruffwear webmaster harness because she’s also an escape artist but was sad to discover she can still choke herself with it. Would it be...
  19. D

    Dog randomly stops on walks

    I did a post on here a few weeks ago about switching my dog from balanced training techniques (more on the aversive side I was uncomfortable with) to checking out all the amazing recommendations (e-books, YouTube series, trainers, behavior mod recommendations, etc) that this group helped me SO...
  20. H

    Suddenly reactive 2 y/o Aussie

    Hi Everyone, I am looking for some advice regarding my 2 year old Australian shepherd. About 1.5-2 months ago, we noticed that he was becoming a bit reactive. He would lunge at cyclists, bark at things that scared him, and had a few incidents at the dog park where he snapped at dogs that...