reactive dogs

  1. C

    I’m scared to let my 3 big dogs out

    Hi, so I have 3 Australian Shepherds and every time I try to be responsible and let them out, 2 of the lunge at the door and it’s always scaring me and making me anxious. My body always starts to shake when I try to let them out and I’m always very hesitant to let them out. My parents always...
  2. W

    I found my dog’s hidden stash today

    Just a small rant for some laughs for some. We have a dog who is on daily medication. Twice a day, every day, and has been for just about 10 months straight now. This dog has learned to take his medication without treat or any sort of additional support, we can just give it to him and he...
  3. R

    Why does my dog come to the backdoor as often as he does?

    This is a low-stakes question, but one I've been curious about for months without finding a satisfactory answer. Please delete if not allowed! We have two male 6-year-old 90lb dogs (B was adopted as a puppy, loves people, and has terrible leash manners, and the other C was adopted as a rescue...
  4. M

    Training suggestions for working with my partner’s leash-reactive dog?

    Hey folks! My partner has a 6 y/o Boxer girl who is a bit leash-reactive toward other dogs/humans and has no history of bites or attacks. She’s generally cool with people and is very socialized with other dogs (my partner used to work at a doggy daycare, so she’s met every kind of dog and...
  5. S

    F the B that gave me and my dog a dirty look

    Just a rant. I know people experience way worse than dirty looks, but my dog did such a good job (well, for her) redirecting and coming across the street with me when the dog and her owner suddenly appeared. Yes. My 10lb loon toon got out a few viscous sounding barks. Yes. She got on her back...
  6. H

    Solo visit to Petsmart made me feel so much better

    I went without my dog, for obvious reasons. I saw 7 or 8 dogs while I was there. All were either going nuts or visibly very uncomfortable. Only one was truly relaxed and happy. A true unicorn pup. It made me realize that most dogs are, in fact, reactive under enough stress. For any number...
  7. B

    Dog becoming increasingly more reactive, I’m lost as to how to help him and worried about the direction he’s going in

    Hey everyone. I’ve read a bunch of posts about other peoples’ reactive dogs, but my situation has a couple of specifics I haven’t seen addressed elsewhere that I’d like advice on. I have a 4 year old Shih Tzu that I got 2.5 years ago. The previous family had gotten him from a breeder as a...
  8. L

    Too many bites - what do we do now

    TL;DR We are feeling stuck on what to do about our 6 yo, 20 lb herding dog mix with now 6 level 3 bites. Rehoming isn’t an option, we could possibly keep her for up to another year but that no longer feels safe or manageable either, is BE the route? Please be kind, we already feel like we...
  9. 4

    Any positive experiences with reactive dogs off their meds?

    I posted here about six months ago because my 8 y/o dog began randomly having a lot of reactivity/mild aggression toward my partner though she’d known and loved him for over a year. We’ve done a lot of reading, researching, training and things have become very manageable. Though she still gets...
  10. J

    BAT 2.0 for Friendly Frustration?

    Hi all! I am just starting to learn about BAT 2.0 and it seems very promising. However, launching into the book it seems mostly framed around the natural reward / desired behavior being moving away from the trigger—ie, the dog is afraid. My puppy is in no way afraid of other dogs—she's so...
  11. J

    How long to see results on fluoxetine/prozac

    Hi everyone, I have a 1.5 year old gsd/basset hound/who knows mix who has separation anxiety, is people reactive, dog reactive, leash reactive, everything reactive. We have worked with a trainer for 8 months with no real traction on his reactivity because his baseline anxiety is too high. Our...
  12. C

    Advice About Adding a Second Potentially Reactive Dog to Our Home?

    Hi all, I currently have a 9 year old shepherd mix, who is generally a v good girl. When I first got her, she had really bad separation anxiety and we worked on that a lot, so now she's chill most of the time. She loves all people (though scared of children and the elderly lol), and due to the...
  13. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    Hey all, I'm looking for some more guidance regarding my 16 month old male Stabyhoun+Australian shepherd mix. What I'm working on a lot right now, is trying to make him react/feel different about things. He used to get worked up (staring, sometimes lunging, pulling) at things like...
  14. G

    Reactive/food aggressive chihuahua now growling and air snapping at toddler

    Doobie was a rescue so age is pretty vague, but we’ve had him for about 6/7 years. He used to be a decent lap dog, but as we got busier and he started peeing all the time, he ended up getting ignored a lot. He was fed, walked, taken outside, but not really “loved”. There were two incidents of...
  15. W

    Dog pinned 1 year old

    We have a 5 year old doodle - something. My husband got him at a shelter after he spent the first year in his life there due to a court case causing him to be unadoptable. This dog is very very sweet, sensitive, anxious and reactive. When I got pregnant I started to lose trust in him after...
  16. L

    My dog lunged at a jogger - What could I have done differently?

    This happened yesterday evening and it’s been playing on my mind all night. I have a 3.5 year old rescue GSD called Loki. She’s very anxious, reactive, and startles easily. To deal with this I’ve been walking her at 4am to avoid most people and dogs. I’m spending a lot of money and time on...
  17. J

    I hate when…

    People and their dogs just stand in one spot and stare at you while your dog is reacting and you’re trying to get away. Like, GO AWAY. Or even worse, they try to follow you. Had a surprise run-in with a person and 2 dogs coming out of their apartment (at 5:30am, which I thought was safe for us...
  18. J

    Reactive 3 y/o Pit makes me anxious to go on walks

    Hi! So, I had adopted my dog about 3 years ago in a different country (Central America) with my best friend. Since then, we’ve been co-parenting (spending 6 months here in this country then switching so the other can go to their home country). Let me start by saying, we LOVE our dog. He can be...
  19. L

    Reactive service dog at a convention

    I’m not one to mess with or be anything less than respectful of people with SD since they cost SO much to train and are absolutely necessary for some individuals. However I’m at comic con, there’s thousands of people here and there are security k9 dogs all over. I sat down to take a break and a...
  20. W

    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    My boy (3y/o, border collie) has been getting better and better as he gets older, but he still does NOT do well with new people in his space. Well, for Christmas we had 11 people. He knows nine of them, so while he was wary, he was fine with them once he recognized them all. Well, two were...