reactive dogs

  1. E

    So many dogs in the shelters

    They are literally bursting at the seams and begging for fosters. If we didn’t have a reactive dog, we could help out a lot more. Do y’all ever grieve that or feel some typa way even towards the dog? I don’t punish him in any way of course, it’s just puppy season in the south and I’m in my feelings.
  2. H

    where in my room should I put my anxious, reactive dog’s crate?

    my lil yorkie is easily scared / anxious and he’s reactive to strangers, some men, and smaller kids. bc of this, I have a baby gate in my bedroom doorway. he’s already made tons of progress in the 4 months he’s been with my family, but I still want to make sure I’m setting him up for success to...
  3. A

    BE: Thank you

    This morning we put our 5yo cattle dog mix to rest. Without going too deep into it, I just wanted to thank everyone who posts and comments on here. We’ve had him for 4 years and we’re frequent lurkers of the sub. Think I or my wife may have posted a couple of times in the past, but not quite...
  4. J

    Car reactive

    When we adopted our dog last year we were told she was great in cars but she’s found her voice in the last few months has become very reactive in the car, barking incessantly and running from window to window or trying to hop up and see out the front windshield. We’re starting car focused...
  5. A

    Help needed again- My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

    Hi again, Reddit. Just under a week ago I posted hereto ask for advice on what to do with my friend Sarah (28F) and her dog Jennie (6F). TL;DR of that post is that Sarah’s son, Zachariah (1M) was given a level 4 bite on his forearm after he stepped on Jennie’s tail accidentally. Sarah has...
  6. K

    successfully had 8 (!!) people over to our apartment

    wanted to share a success story! my bf and i hosted mother's day at our apartment which involved having some people my dog has never "met" before and she killed it! she barked when the first people showed up which is expected, but i gave her marrow bone i filled + froze the day before to keep...
  7. T

    Found out tons of dogs from our breeder have severe dog reactivity

    We got our 8 m/o Mini American Shepherd (AKC mini aussie name) from a breeder who has been breeding for 20+ years. We did a ton of research on genetic testing, AKC certification, socialization, etc. beforehand but didn't request to meet the parents due to COVID when she was born in Nov 2020. To...
  8. E

    Muzzle training and reactivity conditioning together..

    Background: we just adopted a senior pair (~10 yrs old, male: K, 70 lb lab-looking, and female: G, 60 lb shepherd-looking) 4 months ago. K has been a pretty chill dude at home, a total oaf, super people friendly. But within a few weeks of adoption he was showing signs of dog reactivity. I tried...
  9. A

    Muh F@cking Lawsuit

    I need a place to vent this evening, and also curious if anyone here has faced a similar issue and their outcome. Sorry it's a long one... Background: My dog is not reactive in the way I see many of the fine dogs on this sub are. He is actually very obedient, wont immediately react if...
  10. M

    Looking for advice

    We currently have 4 dogs in our home 13 y/o lab (M) 3.5 y/o pit bull mix (F) 1 y/o boxer mix (M) 13 week old German shepherd (M) All our dogs have been rescues- 13 y/o - owner could no longer care for him 3.5 y/o (F) - was bounced around among homes until her foster family gave her to us 1...
  11. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    My dog is a 3 1/2 year old Labradoodle. We adopted him off a friend who could no longer have him. He's gentle, listens to sits/stay, doesn't bother my cat at all and IMO a really good lad. We took him on his first walk (local park, no one there 5pm>) and he went fine! The next day we took him...
  12. L

    1 year 7 month old update

    So Pepper is a 1 year and 7 months old. We got her at 10 weeks and she has always been reactive. We tried everything to manage her reactivity. Her threshold was pretty bad, would just lose it if she saw someone or another dog at 50 feet. She would constantly bark at EVERY car, even parked cars...
  13. M

    To the owner of a fellow reactive GSD owner who uses my dog to train theirs…

    Look, I get it. Walking your dog by my dog, who is continually posted up in our front window and will bark at yours seems like the perfect training opportunity. I see your treat pouch and prong collar. I know you’re just trying your best. But damn. Maybe we can keep it to once a day? I’d prefer...
  14. P

    Y’all are amazing

    I’ve been a long time lurker here. My pup isn’t reactive, but I’ve wanted to learn more about reactivity and how to work with it for numerous reasons, including just out of curiosity. The biggest thing I’ve taken away is how devoted you all are. I can’t begin to comprehend the stress...
  15. D

    Fluoxetine: when does appetite come back to somewhat normal?

    Just hit 6 weeks on 40mg for my 70lb dog and I’m wondering when your dogs appetite starting coming back at bit? (If it came back at all lol). I actually titrated the medication if that makes a difference. 10mg first week, 20 the next, so technically he’s only been on his prescribed dose for 3...
  16. M

    Best vet explanation of how medication like prozac works

    OK this is a very tough video to watch and involves abused sun bears (don't watch if you would prefer not to) However the vet is absolutely fabulous on learned helplessness, stress hormones and how it interferes with the ability of the bear to learn (about 4 minutes in) The story of a broken...
  17. M

    Meet JJ (and some advice needed!)

    Hi! I just referred here after posting about my reactive dog on r/dogs, I'm excited that this subreddit is getting started! My dog is a one and a halfish year old chocolate lab named JJ. Off leash and with people and dogs she knows, JJ is a sweet and goofy food-obsessed girl. On leash, she's a...
  18. N

    Separation anxiety support

    I have an approx 2.5 y/o border collie mix (rescued from a shelter but per Embark, she is mixed with cattle dog and Aussie) who has severe separation anxiety (SA). Before us, it seems like she was on the streets for a while (potentially a bred farm/working dog that ran away or got lost?) as she...
  19. P

    New puppy next door

    Not sure if this should be the correct channel to ask for advice, I apologise in advance if it isn’t! So my neighbours brought a new puppy home last night, and my dog (7 y.o, male Westie) has just gotten its scent and heard puppy squeals and is getting too excited wanting to meet the new kid...
  20. C

    Used the “he’s not friendly!” line for the first time

    My dog isn’t un-friendly. He’s dog reactive but love love loves to play once introduced. So I’ve avoided using that line to stop other owners from approaching for 3 reasons: - I’m 100% focused on managing him - It’s not true but there’s no succinct way to accurately describe his behavior, so...