reactive dogs

  1. N

    Urgent advice please! Staying with family and my dog gets triggered by hyper child

    Hello! We’re on a trip atm (See last post for context) and my dog (1.5 year old Dachshund rescue) has been doing spectacularly so far! We stayed at the first house with the other dog and he was so well-behaved - around both the other dog and the child living there. Now, we’re staying at the...
  2. S

    BAT or engage-disengage game preference

    Hi fellow reactive dog guardians, I am curious as to what this community prefers in general, the BAT technique or doing the engage-disengage game. From my understanding, BAT is more of a 'philosophy' where you let the dog explore on their own and make the decisions. On the other hand...
  3. C

    Thoughts on people letting their 7-12 year old kid walk the family dog? It’s been disastrous as a reactive dog owner encountering this!

    I’ve now had two encounters in the last week with kids under 12 walking their dogs. I don’t blame the kids, but they end up not knowing how to handle their dog being reactive, which has, both times, sent my reactive dog into a 7/10 barking and lunging fit. I understand that some people get dogs...
  4. I

    End of the road

    This may not read well, I’m pretty upset. I’ve made the heartbreaking decision to go ahead with BE for my boy. I’ve tried my absolute hardest over the last year to do my best by him and others around us, and this final decision was made with that same aim. He started displaying reactive...
  5. J

    [x-post from r/dogs] Feeling defeated that I misjudged my dogs anxiety today

    Feeling like a failure for misjudging my dog.. Spoiler, nothing terrible happened but I am definitely feeling less confident. I had been having a ton of trouble doing CC with my dog, and because it was unstructured it actually seemed to make her anxiety around kids WORSE. She used to be totally...
  6. D

    Went to Penn Med for my reactive pup. Here are the handouts they gave us..

    Just wanted to share the PDF handouts from the behaviorist: After 3 months of following the behaviorist's protocols, learning the pup's body language and having my pup on 30mg of fluoxetine, my 65lb German shorthaired pointer...
  7. A

    How do you deal with how limited your life is b/c of your dog?

    I’m just feeling pretty bummed out about all the things that are so hard or off the table bc of my dog’s reactivity. When I got my dog I really wanted to be able to go solo camping with them and just generally get out more and have adventures. I was naive. Camping really doesn’t seem like an...
  8. R

    Neighbors’ dog attacked me

    There’s a couple living right next door to us and they have a very reactive and I guess I can say aggressive dog now. As soon as they go outside with the dog she starts howling and barking for no apparent reason. Lunges at dogs and people and her owner (a woman) can barely hold her. It’s not a...
  9. P

    Singing the praises of L.A.T

    LAT, or engage/disengage, is the best thing I ever taught my dog! We’ve been walking this way for 10 months and we can pass people (adults) on the same sidewalk within a few feet, and dogs on the other side of the street aren’t difficult to pass, provided the treats come fast and often. My dog...
  10. K

    HELP! Angry dog and new Puppy

    Background: We adopted a dog 5 years ago (L). She’s a Doberman Pinscher/ Great Dane/Rottweiler mix. She’s 29 inches tall and weighs 95 lbs. We didn’t discover until we got her home that she has MAJOR fear aggression. And she is afraid of EVERYTHING!. Toenail trimming, plastic bins, vacuum...
  11. C

    3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

    It's been around three months on Fluoxetine, and holy hell the difference is insane. Our dog is a rescue with a traumatic past, and has anxiety-based reactivity towards strangers - especially towards tall men. We've already noticed that she's more attentive, less barky, and overall way less...
  12. C

    My chi-poo is aggressive with other dogs

    I’ve had my 4 year old (F) chihuahua poodle mix since she was 8 weeks old, so her aggression isn’t related to any previous trauma. She’s grown up with our family dog, 11 year old (F) shihtzu. They can be perfectly fine, and out of no where, my chipoo snaps. I’ve noticed it happen when eating...
  13. D

    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    I think it’s an anxiety thing. He’s very persistent and won’t take no for an answer. Has anyone else experienced anxiety bathroom requests? How long does your dog go between asking to go out for the bathroom?
  14. G

    Secluded Dog

    I have a 5yr (M) German Shepard that has been stuck in a separate room and yard from the rest the household and the other dogs due to a dog fight within the first year of living with them and while j was away serving. I recently got out of the Army and have begun working with his obedience...
  15. A

    There’s light at the end of the tunnel!!

    Guys! I posted not too long ago talking about taking my reactive dog to his first obedience class. I was freaking out trying to find a way to prepare both of us, in hope we wouldn’t get kicked out in 10 min. A lot of awesome people on this forum gave me advice to reach out and discuss w the...
  16. J

    Another Dog Trainer Cautionary Tale: "North Reading dog dies at Connecticut training facility, trainer accused of scam."

    Earlier this year I saw this news story making the rounds: "Missing-dog mystery sparks police investigation" The TL;DR is that a trainer had a client's GSD for board and train, and when it came time to return the dog, she returned a different GSD (with the correct GSD's apple air tag collar...
  17. J

    B.E. for Human Aggression

    *B.E. is Behavioral Euthanasia We put down our sweet 2.5 year-old Pitbull/Rottweiler mix today after a few level three bites. We had tried everything for a year. I am eight months pregnant and we had nowhere else to turn. I remember our trainer had called him majestic, and that was what he was...
  18. A

    Is it extreme that I have lost respect for my family member because they use unkind methods to train?

    Don’t want to write the word so the post doesn’t get flagged. They use a pog collar. Go to a trainer who suggested it. Don’t think they even tried force free. Their dog has bit 3 people and tried to bite my dog. This number is likely higher!!! Now they are using this. I told my partner I don’t...
  19. H

    77% off Large puzzle feeder

    Edit: Reminder to use for .5% to be donated to a charity you designate. You can set up the Amazon app to always use smile...
  20. T

    Reactive, anxious 6 month old Border Collie x 1/4 Cattle Dog starting Fluoxetine. How long does it take for it to work?

    I just realised that this is quite long and I hope it makes sense. Sirius is my 6 month old Border Collie x 1/4 Cattle Dog. Named after Sirius Black from Harry Potter and also the constellation. We lost our 12 year old Cattle Dog X Luna in May. Luna was abandoned underneath my SIL car in 2011...