
  1. E

    Help training a beagle/lab mix

    My fiancé "F" and I adopted a then 11 week old beagle/lab mix whom we named "N". F and I already have a 6 year old golden retriever, "L", whom I purchased from a breeder and subsequently raised to the age of three before F moved in. I assumed, having been through puppyhood with L, that I was...
  2. T

    Dog has no chill

    Hi all, My partner and I adopted a 1 y/o feist 1.5 months ago and love having him. He bonded very easily to us and is super cute, especially when he’s tired and calm. Unfortunately, he is very rarely calm and can go from 0-100 in a few seconds. He has a lot of energy. We live in a city and...
  3. T

    Am I being unrealistic? (ACD in Apartment)

    I am looking to get an Australian Cattle Dog, ideally rescue/adopt a 1-2 year old. I am an active 30yo Male, who's grown up with dogs my whole life but this will be the 1st dog that is "mine". I have submitted two applications so far that have both been rejected - because I don't have a...
  4. C

    3 m/o F Rottweiler puppy won’t listen to us but will listen to our other dog (2 y/o F Pitt mix)

    Hey everybody. I’m in need of help. We just adopted a Rottweiler puppy at 3 months. She’s on the timid side. Our problem is that she is more concerned with getting our Pitt’s approval than ours. We’ve tried separating the two of them and doing basic obedience training so Rotti can focus, but...
  5. M

    I work at a dog friendly office, but my dog isn’t well behaved :(

    I used work a 100% work from home job. So I got to watch my dog all the time. But I recently started a new in-person job with a dog friendly office. Today was the first day I brought him in. I thought he would love sitting by my desk. But instead, he starts barking every time someone walks by...
  6. E

    My dog 1.5y/o (M) pees when excited or nervous

    He has had this since he was 6 months, I’ve tried to do things like bend at the knee and pet under his chin instead of on top of his head. But it doesn’t matter if he’s excited enough to see me he pees. It gets on my shoes or clothes sometimes, and he does it to my friends too. It’s become a...
  7. L

    13 w/o puppy getting increasingly fussy in crate, but can’t have bedding or soft toys inside or she will pee on them

    EDIT: turns out this really was just a “ride it out” situation. My puppy is now nearly six months old and hasn’t had any problem being in her crate for the last couple of months. The first few weeks of puppyhood are really hard and it’s hard to see that things will get better, but it really...
  8. K

    What do you guys think about this device?

    Okay! So I came across this Facebook ads about this dog training device and I was wondering if this will work or not? If any of you have bought it or a similar device, please let me know your experience. This is what I am talking about -...
  9. A

    Considering getting a blue heeler, but I’m not sure if we’d be a good fit

    We have been wanting to get a dog for a while and both my partner and I have experience with dogs of different breeds. We rent a house, with close neighbors and have another loving dog that would benefit from a friend. The dog we get next would be mine so I want to make the right decision. My...
  10. M

    Puppy sick, reassurance please?

    Hi guys! My girl is a 5-month-old blue heeler and this morning she woke up throwing up. She was fine yesterday and now she is not. She is lethargic. She will not touch food, she will not touch water. There is nothing in her throw up and I can just tell she is not feeling well. I know this is not...
  11. C

    Will my dogs die from Ivermectin Agmectin 0.3%?

    Our dogs, a Border Collie mix and a Shiba-Corgi mix aged 3 and 1 respectively, has ticks in their body. I remove the big ones when I see, but the small ones are just impossible to remove. I asked my parents to buy these dogs a shampoo for their ticks, and I myself plan to get them those...
  12. D

    [ADVICE NEEDED] Socialising 9 week Samoyed puppy with 9 month German Shepherd puppy

    Hi guys, would like some advice on my current situation. I am introducing my 9 week old Samoyed puppy to my 9 month old German Shepherd puppy. Though I am reasonably experienced with owning a dog (2nd German Shepherd) I have never had any experience with introducing a new dog to the same...
  13. A

    acd puppy in an apartment?

    i’m looking to get a acd in january, she will be 8 weeks old at the time. my boyfriend and i live in a 1000 sq foot condo… will this be enough for her? i know that they require a lot of mental/physical stimulation, and we are ready to take that task on. does anyone have any experience/tips...
  14. M

    Daycare owner implied that I’m mistreating my puppy

    Context: I have a 13 week old, 20 lb GSD/Husky puppy whom I love dearly. Since I know he’s going to be 60 lb or so grown up (half my bodyweight,) I’ve spent literally thousands of dollars and countless hours socializing, training, and taking him around the city since he was 8 weeks old. We do...
  15. N

    I have a 10Y/o Boston terrier

    How will an ACD do with him if they are together since a puppy
  16. T

    Don’t know if euthanasia is the option here

    I have a 12 year old husky, I’ve had him since he was 9 months old. We took him to training and he listened for the most part in his early years. Fast forward I went off to college for 4 years and my parents had him. My parents let him do whatever he wanted. After college, I brought him to my...
  17. N

    New 9 week old Aussie pump and 1 yo dachshund aren’t getting along

    My wife and I decided to get a new dog in the spur of the moment and brought home an 8 week Australian shepherd (both dogs are female). When introducing them to each other, our dachshund didn’t seem to like the idea of another dog in our house while the Aussie just wanted to play. They sniffed...
  18. L

    Help me recalibrate my brain: what are R+ actions/thoughts I should use where classic P+ responses are ingrained?

    A follow-up to my other thread about introducing our new 11-month old pit bull rescue to cats, more generally I am concerned about developing a consistent training methodology. For the dogs I grew up with in my parents' house, where none of us had any knowledge whatsoever about training, there...
  19. C

    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    We recently adopted a six month old puppy (husky/cattle dog mix, have had her about two months). Over the last few weeks she has become increasingly OBSESSED with our resident cat (9 years old, have had for 9 years). Any time she sees her (the cat) she goes crazy and chases her endlessly trying...
  20. W

    Dog granny of 4 and I’m losing it … HELP !

    I have 2 poms , male and female and of course mom eventually ends up pregnant and births 4 little fluffs . I love these babes soooo much but I don’t have the time , resources or finances to keep any of them so I am raising them to be rehomed . But here is the problem : they are currently 6...