
  1. T

    Adult dog refusing to pee

    Hi all, my 2yo mini aussie has recently picked up the habit of not wanting to pee on her typical schedule. I live in an apartment and work / have hobbies outside of the house so this new habit is stressing me out. She typically gets let out morning, evening and then right before bed. We will...
  2. T

    Losing my mind

    My dog is 15 months old. He is STILL not potty training. I am at my wits end. Please if anyone has any resources please help. I literally cry every time he has an accident now because it’s so stressful. I got him when he was 3 months old, and immediately started trying to potty train. That...
  3. S

    Dog resource guarding my baby

    Need some advice. So my young male pitbull 1.5 year old has gone thru a 2 week training program utilizing a stim collar when he was about 8months old. (Shock collar). He’s good with his commands and all. But lately he’s been going crazy when other people walk past him or other dogs. Pulling on...