
  1. J


    Hello everyone! I have a question for you regarding barking.. I am always trying to grow, find better solutions, & create a better environment as a dog momma for my 3 furbabies. I am stuck - I am well aware of how this breed is & like to think i know quite a bit about dog breeds (i have work...
  2. T

    Did I traumatize my dog with an e-collar?

    I got an e-collar to assist with recall training. It came in the mail 4 days ago and while trying to find her level her reaction went from nothing to loud yelp from one setting to the next. I put it away and have not used it since. Anyway, since that day she has seemed lethargic and skittish...
  3. S

    First night w 9 week old puppy and she’s crying in the crate

    dog tax Update: We put her in a travel carrier she was sleeping in before we got her and she calmed way down and was able to sleep in a few hour intervals. So I guess we’ll use that and then work on transitioning her from it to the crate. Do I take her out every time she cries? And then just...
  4. A

    9 yr pitbull mix loves 6-7 yr Chihuahua mix, but sometimes sudden fights break out

    Hi! We've had Dog A (9yr Pittie mix female spayed) for 8 years of her life. She's a cute and loving dog, we got Dog B (then 2, now 6-7 Chihuahua mix also female spayed) and they've loved each other for such a long. The problem is that they occasionally get into scuffles that can be a bit scary...
  5. Y

    Meet Bella - senior rescue opportunity (MI)

    Bella is a 13-year-old Australian Cattle dog. She was surrendered after her owner died. Bella is a 13-year-old Australian Cattle dog. She was surrendered after her owner died. She is very calm and likes to get in her bed and take naps. Bella is considered a ‘Golden Nugget’ senior dog and her...
  6. C

    bad dog or bad owner

    Hello all 👋 My roommates (53 M, 50 F) have a blue heeler Australian shepherd (~2 F) in our two story home that has a small, rock backyard. They never walk her, haven't done any training really, and basically just give her basic toys if they remember and expect that her running around & barking...
  7. F

    Keeping a Rescue Dog Comfortable in a New Space

    Hello! Created an account for this because I'm not entirely sure what to do. I live in a house with two roommates, G and M. M has an Aussie and I've been living with her for over a year. G moved in about a month ago and brought her dog with her. I work from home full time and am alone with the...
  8. R

    My 1 1/2 yr old cattle dog is getting spayed at the end of the month. How do I keep her activity restricted for 7-10 days?

    She’s not a working dog, but I don’t think she knows how to be still. She is used to a solid 6 hours of physical activity a day, and has never gone more than 24 hours without some heavy physical exertion. Short of a medically induced coma, how do you keep these dogs from injuring themselves...
  9. P

    Constant biting

    Hello!! Currently have a 3mo old pit/lab mix. (if i’m being honest i’m not even sure if she is that mix but i’m more convinced that she has pittie in her rather than lab). She’s the sweetest girl ever, loves people and loves to play. That being said she also loves to bite. Hard. I’ve worked...
  10. M

    2 Q's- Entertaining a puppy & getting her focused

    Hiya! I rescued a 6-month old FMD puppy earlier this month, and so far she's been adapting really well. She is SUPER smart and picks up on commands quickly, but it's extremely hard to get her attention if we are anywhere other than indoors or in the backyard. I take her on a walk every morning...
  11. A

    Treating your dog BEFORE or AFTER the bark?

    Our 7.5 month old goldendoodle (F) started alert barking around 4 months. It got really bad, but has improved a little since then. I've noticed a few things: The barking is worse when it's dark out There is no specific sound that triggers her, so it is hard to recreate them for training She is...
  12. A

    Ankle biting and lunging

    My 3 month old puppy is a huge biter. He will go from 0 to 100 in seconds and bites on me, my 9 year old, clothes (especially drawstrings). It starts first thing in the morning and goes for almost an hour until his first nap. Spraying bitter apple on my legs and shoes helps, but I cannot figure...
  13. N

    does this sound like a bad situation?

    my boyfriend and i are moving in together next month - he has a 6 y/o lab/boxer/pit mix (J) and i have a puppy poodle (S). they met at J’s house and it went okay - J was very excited/got the zoomies, but S is still shy around bigger dogs. eventually they fell asleep near each other. J has dog...
  14. D

    My dog seems to be limping and j think she strained her back leg

    Yesterday on our walk home from the park, I noticed my dog walking a little uneven. I thought maybe she stepped on something so I checked all the pads On her paws and didn’t notice anything amiss. I didn’t think much of it but today I noticed that she was limping and after observation I noticed...
  15. J

    New Rescue - From S.K Dog Meat Farm

    Hey all!!! Figured I would ask a few questions on here to ensure I'm on the right path with my new rescue. Yu-Jin came into my life 1-month ago, and he's made MASSIVE strides in this amount of time. TLDR story on him: He was brought to Canada at 4-months old and was with a rescue/foster...
  16. N

    Dog swallowing big chunks of a bully stick?

    Our 2 year old shepherd mix has been getting up to going out a lot over the past few nights, which is way more than a rare one per night. We thought it might have been an upset stomach after eating some cooked chicken over the weekend. Her stools have been mixed - some more normal and cohesive...
  17. L

    Why does my dog attack my other dog when he cries?

    Hello! I’m at a bit of a loss here and wondering if someone else can help. Whenever B (yorkie/chihuahua mix, 2 y/o male) cries or makes any high pitched noise, T (yorkie, 4 y/o male) attacks him. T gets super vicious, growls at him, and tries biting him. T will also attack B if T gets too...
  18. J

    My yellow lab [4 1/2 y/o M] keeps jumping on everyone

    Sorry if this was asked already but i am new and couldn't find it. I have a yellow lab named Tank who is very friendly and lovable. He also LOVES attention. Whenever anyone comes in the door he jumps on them. A 75lb dog jumping on you after a long day of work can be a bit much. We tried to...
  19. C

    My dog drinks excessive amounts of water and then proceeds to relieve herself constantly. How do I get her to learn self control?

    So I have a 11/ almost 12 week old puppy, she’s mixed between A Black Lab/Pit-bull/ and an Aussie blue healer. Me and my fiancé have been training her regularly, since we got her. (Examples being, sit, stay, lay down, we’ve also crate trained her) My problem is when we have the gravity water...
  20. D

    Fostering a Heeler - I’m an ACD noob

    Hi all! Fostering a 3 month old heeler puppy who was rescued from a puppy mill. Our resident dog is a 2.5 yr old little mix (about 50 lbs). It’s only been 48 hours, but had a few questions for y’all since she is very different from our resident pup!! 1) whining and squeaking: this gal is...