dog training

  1. S

    First night w 9 week old puppy and she’s crying in the crate

    dog tax Update: We put her in a travel carrier she was sleeping in before we got her and she calmed way down and was able to sleep in a few hour intervals. So I guess we’ll use that and then work on transitioning her from it to the crate. Do I take her out every time she cries? And then just...
  2. A

    9 yr pitbull mix loves 6-7 yr Chihuahua mix, but sometimes sudden fights break out

    Hi! We've had Dog A (9yr Pittie mix female spayed) for 8 years of her life. She's a cute and loving dog, we got Dog B (then 2, now 6-7 Chihuahua mix also female spayed) and they've loved each other for such a long. The problem is that they occasionally get into scuffles that can be a bit scary...
  3. B

    Seeking advice on separation anxiety

    Hi! I'm seeking some advice on helping train my dog who has developed really bad separation anxiety. He has always had some trouble, barking and whining when we leave, but would eventually settle down after a few minutes. That was before the pandemic, then both of us moved to permanent...
  4. F

    Keeping a Rescue Dog Comfortable in a New Space

    Hello! Created an account for this because I'm not entirely sure what to do. I live in a house with two roommates, G and M. M has an Aussie and I've been living with her for over a year. G moved in about a month ago and brought her dog with her. I work from home full time and am alone with the...
  5. P

    Help! 1 y/o Foster Dog W/ odd bathroom habits

    We've had our 1-year-old foster dog (Terrier / Border Collie mix we think) for just over a week. We were told she was house-trained when we got her. However, that's proven to not be true. Her bathroom habits are baffling us--she will hold her pee for upwards of 12 hours a day. The first day we...
  6. C

    9 month Aussie Help

    I have a 9 month mini Aussie that is super smart - she learns very quickly. I've been having issues with walking her on a leash when she sees other dogs or people because she's very reactive. I took her into Lowe's the other day, and she did very well until the end when she wanted to launch at a...
  7. K

    Has anyone else noticed this?

    I’m not intending on bashing anyone or any group. Something i’ve noticed since becoming more active in dog training spheres is the rudeness towards aversive tool users in ff and pos-r only groups. Is this a trend with all training communities? It’s frustrating when it prevents me from being able...
  8. C

    Super Reactive in House, getting worse

    9 month old Malinois, who gets regular exercise. He is becoming increasingly more and more reactive inside the house. ANY vehicle that drives by (especially loud trucks/motorcycles), any kind of "not normal" noise (for instance: a truck beeping in reverse), ANYTHING is setting him in to barking...
  9. R

    My 1 1/2 yr old cattle dog is getting spayed at the end of the month. How do I keep her activity restricted for 7-10 days?

    She’s not a working dog, but I don’t think she knows how to be still. She is used to a solid 6 hours of physical activity a day, and has never gone more than 24 hours without some heavy physical exertion. Short of a medically induced coma, how do you keep these dogs from injuring themselves...
  10. Z

    Adult Rescue Potty Training - Marking Outside, Still Going Inside

    I just adopted a 4yo M Australian Shepherd. He’s a puppy mill rescue so being a pet is completely foreign for him - he’s new to almost everything. He is well behaved, mostly because he’s so nervous and apprehensive. He doesn’t respond to treats (occasionally freeze dried liver - but...
  11. L

    2 year old 110 lbs jumping 6’ privacy fence!!

    My partner adopted a very sweet VERY large male mutt at the beginning of the year. He has pretty intense separation anxiety and does the typical overactive behavior that she has been working on training out of him when she leaves. Recently, though, he figured out how to jump her 6’ privacy...
  12. P

    Constant biting

    Hello!! Currently have a 3mo old pit/lab mix. (if i’m being honest i’m not even sure if she is that mix but i’m more convinced that she has pittie in her rather than lab). She’s the sweetest girl ever, loves people and loves to play. That being said she also loves to bite. Hard. I’ve worked...
  13. M

    2 Q's- Entertaining a puppy & getting her focused

    Hiya! I rescued a 6-month old FMD puppy earlier this month, and so far she's been adapting really well. She is SUPER smart and picks up on commands quickly, but it's extremely hard to get her attention if we are anywhere other than indoors or in the backyard. I take her on a walk every morning...
  14. A

    Treating your dog BEFORE or AFTER the bark?

    Our 7.5 month old goldendoodle (F) started alert barking around 4 months. It got really bad, but has improved a little since then. I've noticed a few things: The barking is worse when it's dark out There is no specific sound that triggers her, so it is hard to recreate them for training She is...
  15. M

    I feel like my recall is rapidly declining

    Hi there! I have a younger dog, a female Jack Russell terrier who’s 7 months old. The first thing I started doing with her was teaching her to come to a command and everytime I reward her bountifully. She gets praise and some form of treat 95% of the time. She’s been doing wonderfully and has...
  16. A

    Ankle biting and lunging

    My 3 month old puppy is a huge biter. He will go from 0 to 100 in seconds and bites on me, my 9 year old, clothes (especially drawstrings). It starts first thing in the morning and goes for almost an hour until his first nap. Spraying bitter apple on my legs and shoes helps, but I cannot figure...
  17. E

    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    My vet is referring my dog and I to a veterinary behaviorist for some issues and my vet is recommending we discuss various training programs we’re looking into with her. Her name is Dr. Amanda Florsheim. I read the info on her site, and I’m seeing words like force free and fear free. I went to...
  18. M

    “No Bark”

    Funny story, we realized that our dog H would bark when something caught him off guard outside (like a person approaching). Fair enough, makes sense. We started saying “no bark” when we’d see someone coming to 1. Make him aware of the approaching person and 2. Ask him not to bark. It works...
  19. A

    How to stop a dog stealing things?

    My dog is about 8-9 months old now and he’s been stealing objects. He’s grabbing anything in his reach and bolting. He’s done this since he could reach the table and countertops. We’ve got down “drop it” and are getting the hang of “leave it” and he’s regretfully complying to “down” but...
  20. R

    What would you do?

    It’s long, I’ll put a TL;DR at the end Backstory: adopted a now 4yr old Blue Heeler back in January 2022. We are his 6th home in his 4 years of life. We are experienced dog owners with two other cattle dogs and large acreage. We also have two kids (4.5 and 8months). This dog, Sarge, had done...