dog training

  1. R

    Babysitting a 5 month old puppy with 0 toilet training. Any and all advice welcome!

    I'm not even sure if this is the place to post, it's a bit of a stab in the dark! My husband and I are babysitting my BIL's 5 month old kelpie x staffy. The little thing has absolutely NO toilet training- it's to the point where it's like he can't control when he pees, it just happens. He also...
  2. D

    Can I train my dog to use bells if I can’t hear them sometimes?

    Hello everyone! I’d like to start teaching my almost 6 y/o dog to use bells for when he’d like to go potty. He currently will whine and kinda stand by the door but with changing my medications recently I fear I’ll sleep through those signals. He also only does it if it’s a RIGHT NOW kinda thing...
  3. E

    Rottweiler Barking Training

    Hey yall. I have a 6 month old puppy. He follows commands such as Here, Sit, Down, Stay, Go, and NO very well. But I CAN NOT get a bark out...ever! He spoke a few times back when he was 2-3 months out of excitement. but now he's just not interested in making a sound besides wining...quietly too...
  4. M

    Two younger F dogs occasionally fighting - help

    Hi! My roommate and I have dogs. I have a 5 y/o male Pyrenees/BC mix 75lbs and a 1 y/o F aussie 30lbs. My roommate has a 10 month old Mal mix, 55 lbs. My boy is the top dog no one messes with him and he’s really relaxed and doesn’t really want to play with the girls and if he does he generally...
  5. A

    Problems with my boyfriend’s dog

    When my boyfriend and I started dating, he got a German Shepherd puppy from the pound. His name is Hercules and he’s almost 4 years old. We now live together in his parents’s house with several other dogs (all other dogs are below 30 pounds). My boyfriend has not been a great dog owner thus...
  6. R

    Rescue dog won’t sleep in crate overnight

    I’m at my wits end. I adopted a rescue dog, golden retriever with guarding issues, 3 months ago and since I had him he was sleeping in the crate every night. Now he has shifted to whining in the crate and barking non-stop all night. I started taking him out the crate and letting him sleep in my...
  7. B

    How can I get my dog to stop eating poop

    We have a 9 month old American Bully. We adopted her at 5 months old, and she showed no interest in ever eating feces until we left her with a sitter for a week in December. Since we’ve returned, she is absolutely obsessed with finding any and all poop and eating it. It’s all she does when she’s...
  8. R

    my friend’s dog thinks i’m a puppy

    mira is my favorite dog in the world and we always play together. when i’m watching her for my friend, we sprint through the streets on walks and the energy stays high. when i walk in the door, she takes a full 5 minutes to calm down. she runs circles around me, loses her feet from under her...
  9. N

    LonG story short, am I messing up the training

    am I messing up my puppy. I let him sleep in bed when we had the super cold freeze, can’t move the kennel much in a travel trailer.I kennel during the day, he has a Rover that comes over and lets him out. But he’s a screamer. 5 months old. My camera tells me he’s screaming. How do I fix this...
  10. G

    I have a 2 y/o GSD who chucks tantrums if she doesn't get her way particularly digging

    Just for context i have a german Shepard and a pom X and we've had torrential rain for the last 5 days and havent been able to to take them out for the 5-10kms a day(they run behind the ute) so the big girl is restless and I get it but she's dug a couple of not small holes which I wouldn't have...
  11. J

    Puppy will not settle

    Hi, I have a 6 month old miniature poodle, intact male (he’s not old enough to get fixed yet not sure if this matters) but I’m struggling with his energy level. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here I’ve searched countless threads and I can’t seem to find anyone encountering my specific...
  12. S

    Recently developed issue with mounting/humping

    Dog is 4 y/o mix (suspected boxer/pit ish), he was altered at 8 months old. When he was first adopted, he attended daycare fairly regularly and did boarding at the same facility a couple times per year. He always received good feedback, socialized well and was polite enough (he loves wrestling...
  13. I

    how do i socialize my dog to my new puppy

    i have a gsd mix (f\9), and a pomeranian (f\8). we recently rescued a husky/gsd mix puppy (f\8 weeks). my gsd is doing well with her, they play and sleep together and if the puppy gets too rowdy she corrects her with a quick bark and that’s it. however, my pomeranian seems unsure about her...
  14. F

    Brainstorming Ideas for Low Stamina/High Energy Dog

    Hi everyone! I am the owner of a 9 y/o Brittany, an understandably high energy dog, but his health doesn’t allow for our usual activities. He has a lot of fatty tumors, probably some of which are sarcomas, and they impede his front shoulder as well as his respiration. He still bombs around like...
  15. J

    Not able to gain dogs trust after 1.5 years

    I adopted my dog from a rescue in Texas. She was kept in a hoarding situation with 200+ dogs, and was mainly kept in a crate for six years (since she was born). She also has lots of scars and both ears are torn, so I don’t know if she was hurt by humans or other dogs. She’s very mellow and...
  16. G

    Alternative to BANG

    I have a 3 1/2 month old puppy, that I am teaching new tricks, which he picks up pretty quickly. I am in the process of teaching him how to lay on his back with his paws in his face commonly known as the BANG/ G U N/ play dead. I’m curious if others have an alternative phrase/name/trick with the...
  17. G

    help please with my student dog

    my dog hazel is a great listener except when she's aroused/ rly excited. she has been mounting my other dog and growling recently. but today she tried to pick her up and wouldn't let go of her neck and was shaking her around. my other dog barely fought back besides some snapping. i'm in dog...
  18. K

    Demand barking, send help (again)

    Demand barking. I need serious help. I’ve posted about this here before but I’ve hit a wall. My nearly 3 year old rescue has demand barked/grumbled since the day we brought him home, exactly 13 months ago. I thought it would be an easy fix, I was wrong. The majority of the times that he is not...
  19. T

    Did I traumatize my dog with an e-collar?

    I got an e-collar to assist with recall training. It came in the mail 4 days ago and while trying to find her level her reaction went from nothing to loud yelp from one setting to the next. I put it away and have not used it since. Anyway, since that day she has seemed lethargic and skittish...
  20. B

    Aspiring dog trainer: where to learn more?

    I’m an aspiring dog trainer. I’m in 4-H with my dogs, a green IGP handler (with a very green dog, lol), and working on a couple other sports. Along with being an owner of reactive dogs. Dogs are my passion and it’s my dream to own/start a dog training and boarding kennel when I graduate HS. I...