dog training

  1. N

    Dog started pooping in the house! Please help I’m going nuts!

    My dogs and I moved into a new house at the end of March, I’ve had my younger dog for roughly 4 years and he is very well potty trained and we haven’t had an incident in a long time. Suddenly, about 3 weeks after we moved he started pooping in the house whenever I’m not home for 2 hours or more...
  2. J

    New Rescue - From S.K Dog Meat Farm

    Hey all!!! Figured I would ask a few questions on here to ensure I'm on the right path with my new rescue. Yu-Jin came into my life 1-month ago, and he's made MASSIVE strides in this amount of time. TLDR story on him: He was brought to Canada at 4-months old and was with a rescue/foster...
  3. L

    Why does my dog attack my other dog when he cries?

    Hello! I’m at a bit of a loss here and wondering if someone else can help. Whenever B (yorkie/chihuahua mix, 2 y/o male) cries or makes any high pitched noise, T (yorkie, 4 y/o male) attacks him. T gets super vicious, growls at him, and tries biting him. T will also attack B if T gets too...
  4. S

    Best collar to stop barking?

    I need suggestions on a collar that can stay on all the time and stops a dog from barking all the time. Beep, vibrate, shock, it doesn’t matter. I’d love to hear from those who’ve had success with them. Before anyone attacks me, you should probably understand the situation. We have an outside...
  5. M

    Tips for anxious dog

    Looking for any tips on helping a dog with anxiety. Have a 3.5 year old corgi and a year or so ago she started becoming very anxious of outside noises to the point she hides in bathroom all day and refuses to go outside in our fenced in backyard while I work remotely. Once 4/5 pm hits she...
  6. T

    Dog won’t stop barking at my roommate, started being more aggressive

    My roommate “Claire” (22nb) and I (21f) live in a house with four other roommates (27-40 of various genders). Claire and I adopted a dog two weeks ago, a 7 year old female shiba inu. We’ve both owned dogs with our families, but this is the first time we’ve had our own dog in this house. Claire...
  7. T

    I just found out that e-collars will be banned in the UK from February 2024

    Why has the Kennel Club got involved in this non issue. If they had actual proof that this was an issue I’d say fair enough but they don’t. They have a University which uses a scientific setup to see if e-collars are effective??? That’s not a real world scenario! Anyway to do what we can we...
  8. H

    Please stop sending your puppies to doggie daycare w/ the expectation that they’re going to receive training while there

    Speaking as a manager at a doggie daycare; there is nothing more frustrating to me than dog owners who give us shit for not “training” their puppies to their satisfaction- when we have never; and will never; advertise ourselves as a training facility. For whatever reason this seems to be a super...
  9. J

    My yellow lab [4 1/2 y/o M] keeps jumping on everyone

    Sorry if this was asked already but i am new and couldn't find it. I have a yellow lab named Tank who is very friendly and lovable. He also LOVES attention. Whenever anyone comes in the door he jumps on them. A 75lb dog jumping on you after a long day of work can be a bit much. We tried to...
  10. Z

    Thoughts on snuffle mats? Enrichment toys. 🐶

    I’d like to give my dog something to provide him with enrichment while I’m at work. The ones I’ve seen thus far are so silly looking and I feel like my dog could sniff the treats out in no time. What does everyone think about these? And what other enrichment toys would y’all recommend? Thanks!
  11. C

    My dog drinks excessive amounts of water and then proceeds to relieve herself constantly. How do I get her to learn self control?

    So I have a 11/ almost 12 week old puppy, she’s mixed between A Black Lab/Pit-bull/ and an Aussie blue healer. Me and my fiancé have been training her regularly, since we got her. (Examples being, sit, stay, lay down, we’ve also crate trained her) My problem is when we have the gravity water...
  12. E

    Older puppy (3 months F) would not stop following younger (1.5-2 months M) puppy, humping him, and biting him

    So, i have two puppies, one chow-husky mix and the other one a pure husky (the younger one), yesterday when we introduced them to each other, the older dog would not stop following the younger one around, trying to get on top of him, biting him constantly, etc. I decided to separate them for a...
  13. M

    Need help with our dog on walks (x-post r/dogtraining)

    This is Gobbles. Gobbles is a 2 year old mixed that we rescued at the end of April this year. He's loving, friendly, smart, playful, extremely cuddly, and just an overall big doofus. He's also extremely hyper and ADHD to the point of making my ADHD look sedated. The fosters told us that he was a...
  14. J

    Thoughts on the dog care training collar

    I’m a dog trainer in training and I have experience with conditioning ecollar on dogs and have only really worked with the mini educator and the dogtra collars. A client came in today for a board and train and their dog uses the dog care training collar. I’ve never used this collar and...
  15. J

    Struggling with adjusting to new dog after severe separation anxiety in previous dog leading to B.E

    Hello. This is long and rambling and nobody is obligated to read it. I posted this also in /reactivedogs but I posted this here too because although I may get hate, I haven’t really heard many stories like mine, and maybe this will lead to compassion for people who are forced to make these...
  16. C

    Help with a 7 y/o setter with intense separation anxiety?

    My partner and I live in an apartment with one dog and two cats. He's been with us for a year and he's usually very sweet! Really a great guy. We've recently been having issues with his separation anxiety, though. I'm looking for tips to reduce his separation anxiety so he won't be so worked up...
  17. L

    Help - my 2.5 y/o dog feeds off of my 9 m/o puppy's aggression towards other dogs

    I looked for other posts regarding this particular topic, but couldn't really find any, so I'm going to see if anyone can help in this specific situation. Adopted older male dog over 1.5 years ago, he was pretty classically timid, slow to warm up to people, but just very sweet. Was initially...
  18. C

    New Trainer - Need advice on how to train anxious, overstimulated, separation-anxiety-prone pup (whose sister-pup is in another room!)

    New trainer here! Need any and all advice. :) I'm an assistant trainer, and have just been assigned one of my first one-on-one cases with an 8- 9 m/o pup. (So I don't want to mess it up!) She should have received training earlier - but was in and out of foster homes. She now needs basic puppy...
  19. T

    "Place" command for time in bed wuth boyfriend and me?

    Hello all, This is a condensed version of a post I recently deleted due to length and lack of response. In January 2023, I adopted a (then 6 y.o., now 7 y 2 m) beagle/coonhound mix named Larry. In November 2023, I started dating my current boyfriend, "J," and when he spends the night, he...
  20. P

    My (22,F) very aggressive dog (1.5 y.o. Labrador mix, M) has bitten me several times and it breaks my heart

    My (22,F) dog (1.5 years old Lab mix, M) has always been an aggressive dog, and has bitten me and my (his) family members several times. Our vet suggested us to get him sterilized, to lower his aggressiveness, and we did as asked. My dog is especially aggressive towards me, and I've read that...