dog owners

  1. W

    Update to My Poodle and Tibetan Mastiff Mix being destructive

    Hey everyone, I really appreciated this sub as it helped me a lot! I didn’t get a lot of advice on my post that helped me, but other posts definitely did. I just wanted to share what worked for us if it can help anyone else! Disclaimer: This works for us because we have 2 bedrooms. We were...
  2. M

    ISO: beginner breed recommendations & tips

    Hi! This is my first post in this sub. I absolutely love all dogs and I’m getting overwhelmed trying to pick a breed that will work best with my lifestyle! For some background: I’m a 24 yo female and will be living alone at the time I plan on getting a dog (about 6 months from now). I don’t...
  3. B

    My dog is misbehaving now that I’m gone

    I just deployed and my dog started acting out and misbehaving terribly for my wife now that I’m gone, just wondering if this is normal and looking for advice!
  4. I

    My dog is getting increasingly aggresive towards other dogs

    I am the proud owner of a mixed race dog. He is about 6-7 years now. I adopted him 5 years ago and since day one he was the most social and well-behaved dog that I have ever seen before to the point of being uncanny: he only barks when he hears someone is inside our property, never destroys...
  5. H

    Dog Blog w/ useful info
  6. T

    Is this normal storm anxiety?

    My 7 month old puppy has been acting really strangely since storms started about 6 hours ago. She acted normal all day. Did not get into anything that I am aware of. Some thunder / hail storms started while I was cooking dinner and she started hanging out right at my feet. I figured it was just...
  7. S

    Help with dog reactivity

    I got a foster dog a couple months ago and in the past couple weeks I officially adopted her. In case it’s relevant, she’s a 4 year-old chihuahua x dachshund mix. The organization we got her from is a non-profit group that rescues dogs from kill shelters, so its possible she has a bad past with...
  8. H

    My buddy never relaxes on car rides

    Hi all, I have a good little dude that never relaxes in the car. He doesn’t whine a lot but he hovers to the point that his legs are shaking. I’ve tried several things; a throne-like high sided dog bed, a thunder shirt, blankets, toys, treats, harnessing him in a little, having a human in the...
  9. B

    I have 3 Dogos I am now responsible for

    One of the has CPTSD and/or an allergy. Their dad is away so essentially they’re mine now for all intents and purposes. I can’t let anything happen to them but not exactly overflowing with resources to care for them as well as I want. Only had one dog before and he didn’t have any issues so I’ve...
  10. P

    How often do you confront dog owners of unleashed dogs?

    For me its about 30% of the time lately. Even called animal control recently for a dog who's owners left him out in the cold for about 3 hours. But I still feel like maybe I should be doing more, i.e. calling out every person I see who isn't leashing their dogs. I'm usually pretty polite about...
  11. E

    Calling Large Dog Owners in SF w/ No Car

    Hi! I have been seriously considering adopting a gorgeous sweet German Shepherd however not owning a car is really holding me back from applying. I’m curious to know if any pet owners of large dogs without a car in SF has had any troubles transporting your pet around or if you can give me any...
  12. W

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome?? What to do

    TLDR: dog is frequently vomiting yellow mucus with blood specs accompanied by diarrhea, lethargy, and reduced eating/drinking. Vet does not have an answer after X-rays, blood work, specific tests, and diet changes have not worked in the past. My wife and I are looking for help with our 8 year...
  13. K

    Sudden rehoming of neighbor's dog... into my home

    Set flair for questions on general care but also contains happy news and big life updates for mine and this dog's life. Some history: I've lived in my current apartment complex for six months. My next door neighbors have had a collie/husky (they think) puppy with whom I've interacted...
  14. A

    Advice for how to get over anxiety about getting first dog

    I am looking to adopt a dog and train it as a psychiatric service animal. I have a trainer and training program on board for when I do adopt the dog, the letter from my psychiatrist, and anything else I need for the dog. The only issue: I have anxiety when I'm with the dog and have to make the...
  15. L


    So hey. I Have googled and tried everything. so i decided to see if i can get help here. This is alot but i’m begging for help. please read. background info. My dog is 8 months. He is a red nose and blue nose pitbull mix. He was raised very loving and was never hit or beaten on. He spends...
  16. L

    My dog is peeing in my spaces

    My English cocker Spaniel is 5, her name is Naboo. She is a very nervous doggo and we are used to her emptying her bladder when she is nervous. She has gotten so much better over the years. But this week I left for 3 days with a friend. My partner stayed home. So she wasn’t with a stranger or...
  17. P

    Chihuahua allergie

    Hi so I recently was given a 2 year old short hair chihuahua from someone who couldn’t take care of her. I have dog allergies but I didn’t feel anything for the first few days, but now am starting to get a bit of a reaction. Nothing bad but enough that it is a bit uncomfortable. I’m keeping her...
  18. S

    Dog won’t eat for 30-45 minutes

    Hey yall! I’m new to owning a dog and I’ve noticed a few things. Is it normal that when I feed him (we feed him at specific times) he will refuse to eat for 30 minutes to an hour. He used to just start chowing down immediately. Secondly what are some of the best non kibble foods to give to him...
  19. G

    Dog Communication - Research opportunity

    Hello everyone, We are a group of students doing research on dog-human communication for an interaction science module. We would like to get a better understanding of dog owners thoughts and needs and would therefore really appreciate it if you took the time to answer our survey. It takes...
  20. P

    Crazy, dog-hating neighbors

    I seriously just wanted to vent a little. Has anyone dealt with neighbors in their apartment communities that absolutely hate dogs and act like complete children when simply passing by or being in the elevator with one? I live in a huge complex that literally states it is a dog friendly...