dog owners

  1. P

    How to tell my dog his toy is not alive?

    Hi all! My dog got a new squeaky toy today and he seems to thinks it’s sentient? The moment he bite it and realize it makes noises, he starts whining, wagging his tail and bring the toy to me to hold. I was working at the time and thought he’d just excited so I pet him and put the toy back on...
  2. M

    We have two dogs. Just found out our daughter is super allergic

    So we have two dogs, a pit (7) and shih tzu (5), since they were a few months old. My daughter has really bad eczema and had a blood allergy test done and it came back that her value to dogs is 100 KU/L. Unfortunately, we have decided that it would be best for all three of them if we gave our...
  3. A

    Question about getting a dog as an adult

    As a kid, I got very lucky I was able to own a dog and love him. When I turned 13, he passed away from old age and I desperately wanted to get a new dog. I never could get a new one because my parents would let me. Now I’m an adult and want to get a dog again, but my partner says it isn’t the...
  4. D

    Potty Training 8 week old puppy. Is it possible?

    We adopted an eight week old puppy on Wednesday and immediately started working on potty training. So far he hasn’t pooped in the house, but he pees A LOT. We take him outside ever 20-30 minutes, but sometimes we don’t catch it in time. He also doesn’t like to go outside. He looks scared and I...
  5. S

    New Dog Owner Advice

    My wife and I just inherited my MIL’s new pup(Luffy, a 9 months old chihuahua). We love him and already have his toys and food and bed and everything to make him happy. My job offers discounts on pet insurance, but I’ve seen mentions that it’s unnecessary unless the dog has an illness. Luffy...
  6. K

    Planning to adopt a dog and I have some questions

    My main question and concern is my work schedule. I work 2-3 12h shifts a week (7am-7pm). However, my husband is usually off at 3-4pm (but he travels occasionally). Even tho I’m planning to adopt an adult dog and I don’t mind to consider daycare when my husband is traveling I’m really worried...
  7. J

    Paid Interview $30/30 min, take Dog Training Survey to apply

    Hi! I need dog owners for a short dog training interview (for dog owners only!). It pays $30 Venmo or Zelle for 30 minutes. If you're interested, please fill out my survey and I will get back with you to schedule. thank you!!!
  8. C

    Shiba inu puppy biting at rear and crying!

    I need help. My 6 month old Shiba puppy has been having problems with his rear for about 4 weeks now. I've managed to capture some examples in the video attached (can't attach videos in this sub soz :( ) to this post. Sometimes it gets so bad that he will run away crying and hide under the bed...
  9. E

    Dog acting different after vacation

    I got my dog (terrier mix, around 6 years old, male) just 7 months ago from a kennel. He was a stray and had been roaming the streets for a couple years at least. My girlfriend and I decided to foster him, and he and I became so bonded that I adopted him after just two weeks. He stays with us...
  10. B

    Owners that went from 1 dog to 2 dogs, what were the pros and cons?

    Hi all We have a smallish dog (cocker, jack russell cross) who is very portable, happy, confident and well behaved. He comes to most places with us. We have a number of friends who will look after him when we go away but can't take him with us (4-5 few times a year). We are seriously...
  11. H

    I don’t like our dog but trying to change

    My wife adopted a mini labradoodle puppy a year ago. I’ve never had a dog that lives indoors so potty training and obedience school are all new to me. Growing up we had a sweet black lab for 15 years that lived outside in a doghouse and did whatever he wanted in our backyard. It has been...
  12. A

    Thinking about adopting and had some questions

    So to start off I’m 18F, and I know what your probably thinking already but hear me out. At the moment I’m working 4 days a week during December (definitely) to feb (not a hundred percent sure yet) I will be working 5 days a week, when I hit March I’ll be back to working 4 days a week. At the...
  13. B

    Puppy at home while I work, suggestions?

    I’m getting a mini Aussie pup in a couple of weeks, and I would like some insight on what to do when I’m away at the office for 8 hours. I am buying a puppy play pen as well as toys, but is there anything else I do to make my pup comfy and less destructive while I am away at work? Note: she...
  14. G

    Recs fo brain teaser toys for an older dog?

    For background, I adopted my 9 y/o mutt named Chance last summer when I was living with my parents in the suburbs for a year. He isn't really into toys but loves to play fetch with a rawhide in the yard. He also just loves laying out in the yard and sniffing around. I have since moved to an...
  15. P

    Seeing my dog for only one week every 3 months

    I’ve recently been assigned a position abroad, and I’m away for 2-3 months at a time. I also recently ended a relationship with my long time partner - we have a dog. The dog will live with my ex while I’m away for work. On my next days off, I’ll only be home for one week, and friend recently...
  16. S

    Am I bad owner?

    I have been feeding my dog Purina Beyond for the longest time, I don’t give her any outside treats except for beef liver sprinkles on top of the dry food, and dentastix, and she gets bones from time to time. She’s a borador, she gets tons of exercises in warmer months but in Toronto during...
  17. D

    Pet Insurance?

    How do you feel about pet insurance? Worth it? Not? We are picking up our pup in a few days and getting prepped for him. Curious to know what y’all think about insurance. Good/bad experiences? Certain companies you like/to avoid? Is it worth getting at all? Thanks for your help!
  18. D

    Do I ask my dog’s previous owner about my dog’s past?

    I got my dog from a rehoming group on Facebook when she was 10 months old. She is now 2. I used to be in contact with her previous owner on FB messenger, but have not contacted her in a while. I asked her before if she had pictures of my dog as a puppy, but she said she did not have any. I only...
  19. C

    Things to consider before adopting a husky?

    I’m considering adopting 5-year-old husky. He is 6”5 all white, brown eyes and about 60-70 lbs . My boyfriend’s friend is in the military and going active duty, so he is unable to give him adequate attention, which I’ve read is very important with this breed. We have a black lab who I adore and...
  20. P

    TW: Dear dog owners with senior pets, more than two dogs, and fosters

    Do you ever end up terrified that every day with your dog could be their last with you? Whether there’s a medical reason or just anxiety from past dogs passing away unexpectedly, do you guys ever just get stuck in that feeling? It really sucks. I just feel alone and stupidly emotional and...