dog owners

  1. U

    My dog hates me, help please.

    Hi all, In November of last year my wife and I rescued a dog from a high kill shelter. This came a month after our 18 year old cat passed away. For context, we have 2 other cats still alive(18,16). When we brought her home, she immediately seemed refuge in the crate we got for her which...
  2. C

    Balcony turf training

    Hello, so my dog grew up using a huge yard without a leash in New England. I moved to Dallas with him (moved in w my sister and her dog) and I bought turf for the balcony immediately but he won’t use it. I want him to start using it during the day when no one is home bc I don’t want him to hold...
  3. S

    Introducing reactive dog to new pet sitter

    What is the proper way to introduce a reactive dog to a new pet sitter? We have two dogs (3 y.o. - cattle dog, pit, Australian shepherd and small percentages of other mixes and ~5 y.o. - pit mix) and have used the same pet sitter for 3 years. Her availability is becoming limited due to being...
  4. K

    Tears of joy regarding poop

    My 5 nearly 6 month old guy has had stomach problems for as long as we have had him, and we had many many vets trips and lots of stress trying to get to the bottom of what is wrong. The vet put him on a special food this week and yesterday we had a solid poop. I have never been so happy to see...
  5. G

    Problems with public dog park visits

    Hi dog owners!! Would you be willing to take my survey? I'm currently trying to understand which of the identified problems with dog park visits should have a higher priority to get addressed. The data collected through this survey will be used to determine...
  6. H

    I need recommendations

    I have an 8 month old golden doodle but he looks just like a golden retriever. He sheds like one. My house is 90% carpet and he gets bathes regularly. I cannot for the life of me get dirty dog smell out of my home. I wash any plush toys he has, I have numerous wall plug ins, I’ve tried air...
  7. M

    Rainy day

    How do you entertain your dog on rainy days? I’ve had Dirk for 4-5 weeks. 14 month old 65 pound mutt. Most days I can walk him/play with him in the back yard for long stretches that somewhat tires him out. On rainy days we can’t really do that because the cleanup is crazy. Then he gets a...
  8. A

    Planning on getting a dog at the end of July. Any Advice?

    Hello y’all!! I’m planning on getting my first dog around the end of July and was wondering if there’s any advice y’all could give me?? I’m planning to get one around the size of a Maltese.
  9. L

    Trimming your Dog's Nails

    So I've had my beagle mix for about 4 months now. He gets excited and will sometimes scratch us. I thought his nails were fine but after doing some further research I realized that his nails are longer then they should be. I read that a dog's nails should be trimmed to where they don't touch...
  10. B

    How do you balance being a good dog parent and taking care of yourself?

    I want to start going to the gym, but I’m not sure how since I have a dog. I know that may sound like a lame excuse to not workout but, I own an energetic Jack Russell and I work your 8:30-4:30 shift, so getting his physical needs met come first. However, I really need to start hitting the gym...
  11. K

    Request to participate in study

    Hello all, I am undertaking MS computing science at the university of Glasgow and as part of my thesis I am undertaking this semester, I created a mobile app for dog owners who visit dog parks and I am evaluating the same. Please help me by filling out a 15 minute questionnaire. The app is all...
  12. P

    8mo Old Golden developed massive separation anxiety overnight?

    So we have been dog owners for years, and we have two goldens. One is 8 months old and was extremely chill, until earlier this week. She has suddenly started freaking out, seems to be massive separation anxiety. We’ve been working from home during the pandemic but we come and go, and have gone...
  13. T

    How much should I walk my dog really?

    I walk my sweet 4 year old cattle dog about 5 times a day. I worked from home throughout the pandemic and just sort of took her out when I needed a walk. Now I am 7 months pregnant and am having a much harder time getting around. How much do I have to walk her really? Could she get by with two...
  14. B

    New aggressive behaviour

    I own a 2.5 year old male mixed dog (best guess is: GSD, husky/malamute, collie). He was a rescue at about 3-4 months old, and has been raised by us except for a couple weeks in foster care. He is a teddy bear, and has always had such a nice temper, but about a year ago, he started showing...
  15. N

    Tell us about your dog! Do they like walks?

    To all the awesome dog owners, we'd love to get to know you and your dog's lifestyle habits with this quick survey for research on our project with UCLA Creative Labs!
  16. C

    Pet sitters/ day care advice

    So I just graduated nursing school (yay!) and I got a full time position at the hospital on a day shift that’ll be from 7am-7:30pm 3 days a week maybe 4 if I wanna pick up. The only problem is I’m single and I have a dog (Scout, 3 y/o heeler/ Eskimo mix) I have a place I board him when needed...
  17. M

    Senior Dog Suddenly Barking- Update

    I made a post a while ago about a complaint posted on my apartment door about my dog suddenly barking all day when I left home. I got some great suggestions about getting a Blink camera, so I did that. Turns out… it’s not my dog. We recently changed the layout of our apartment. There is a...
  18. V

    guard dog advice?

    i’m wondering if anyone on this thread has any advice about honing your dog’s guarding instincts without making them overly aggressive or protective? i have a 7 month old boxer/lab mix who weighs over 50 pounds already, and i’m very excited at the prospect of eventually having Big Dog...
  19. P

    Is a crate necessary?

    Ok so I’m going to be getting my first puppy in a few weeks and I’m trying to get everything I need now. One thing I’ve gotten is a nice playpen so I can keep an eye on him while I work atleast until he’s trained a bit. Would that work as a crate? I would have a bed and water bowl as well as a...
  20. K

    Getting a dog with a full time job?

    Myself and fiancé would like to get a dog one day. We both work full time and have no children (that part is unlikely to change). I mostly work from home and work weekdays only. I attend the office 1-2 x weekly. When I do attend, these can be long days (leave at 5am, sometimes can return by 4...