
  1. A

    What’s everyone’s bedtime routine w/ your pup?

    Hey everyone! My bf and I just brought home our 7-week golden doodle one week ago today. We have been establishing a bedtime routine with her: Playtime Outside to go to the bathroom Puzzle toy inside of pen Snuggles inside of pen Bedtime in crate with a small treat She also has a white noise...
  2. M

    I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

    I’ve got a harness to keep him safe and strapped in, and he’ll have his bed, favorite toys, and blanket the whole time. I bought some collapsible food and water bowls the other day, and of course I’ll have all normal items like food, leashes and poop bags. He’s never been in the car with me...
  3. V

    Q&A I wish I had read when I was struggling with puppy blues

    - from a former puppy blues sufferer - Edit: formatting is hard
  4. K

    I messed up leash training, how do I fix it?

    Basically my dog is almost 2 years now and he’s decent on the leash 80% of the time, good U-shape and slack, all that stuff. But when he gets excited he pulls and he thinks it’s okay to keep pulling. He’ll take one step back to get the slack back on the leash, as I was told to stop moving if...
  5. L

    Puppy raising x 9-5

    Everyone is saying getting a puppy while working a 9-5 is selfish. Obviously there’s lots of nuance. But how did owners get puppies before covid & wfh jobs? I’m talking 8 week old puppies. People did it forever and I’m curious how? Were the puppies crated all day? Did only people who could...
  6. Y

    2 year old lab; joint issues - Any advice?

    I have a 2 year old female labrador retriever. She is such a sweetheart. We noticed that she would start limping after strenuous exercise (e.g. off-leash play w/ another dog in backyard, zoomies in our basement). The limping would completely go away after a day or so. During limping periods...
  7. B

    7.5 months and protected me from an intruder 🥺

    Not sure this is the right sub, but I am really proud of my pup and feel the need to share. I live alone in a big city, and got a corgi for many reasons but one of those reasons was their reputation for being fiercely protective of their owners. My lil guy is a sweetie with people, kids and...
  8. D

    How many TOTAL hours a day do you spend DIRECTLY interacting with your pup?

    A). 1-3 B). 4-6 C) 6-8 D) 8+ Edit: Direct meaning full attention, not sleeping/cuddling or when they’re just in the same room as you.
  9. S

    Anyone else have about a thousand photos of their puppies sleeping on their phone? No? Just me? K

    Update: WOW, I did not expect for my random thought of the day to end up being such a hot topic 😂 this community rocks!! Love all of the sleeping pup photos! Here ’s my 8mo sleeping, velcro pup
  10. B

    Unsure about my future career wise

    Not sure if anyone has had the same thoughts as me but I’ll shoot my shot. I’ve been living with my dog since i was 8 and she is still with me now. Things have changed and I am now the primary care taker instead of my parents (mom moved out, dad doesn’t really take care of her as well as i do)...
  11. R

    What are the top 5 skills should you teach a dog?

    Tl;Dr : I am trying to train the family dog because everyone else has given up on him, and I want to know what are the top 5 foundations of training we should work on. Backstory: I have been away from the family home for a few years. During that time the family dog that we had since childhood...
  12. I

    When will they stop pooping 5 - 7 times a day?

    Our GR is almost 15 weeks. He's been pooping 5 - 7 times a day since we got him at 8 weeks. Morning poops are nice and firm easy to pick up, evening poops somewhat mushy. Luckily he's almost 100% potty trained 😂
  13. H

    My pup is 5lb at 14 weeks old but her mom is only 4 lb and her dad is only 2.5 lb. She’s not overweight at all. Is this rare?

    I was always told that dogs don’t usually get bigger than the larger parent and at 14 weeks she’s only about halfway done to the 6mo stop-growing mark. The mom was a Chiweenie and the dad was a Yorkie. Could they have lied about the weights or is this just straight up Dachsund grandparent...
  14. J

    Puppies (1.5 and 3) and a newborn - advice needed!

    Would love some advice heading into my last month of pregnancy! I have a 3 year old pit mix (M) and a 1.5 year old lab mix (F). The 3yo is extremely skittish, although we’ve had him almost his entire life (since 10 weeks), and do our best to increase confidence. The 1.5yo is the complete...
  15. B

    I played firework noises for my dog from day 1, and I HIGHLY recommend it

    10 hour YouTube videos of firework noises, specifically. Got my pup at 2 months old. I would always accompany videos with play/treats etc. Now, he has almost zero sensitivity to the errant loud noise. Tornado sirens, planes flying over the apartment, even thunderstorms. Dog is nearly unphased by...
  16. P

    Hurtta Extreme Warmer - Will my dog be TOO warm?

    I have a long-haired ACD. Our winters get around minus 20 celcius, and she is fine without any jacket whatsoever when we go for walks. She's loves the snow/cold. But we go backcountry camping in the fall and sleep in a tent overnight. There's no electricity or heat source, and there's only so...
  17. J

    6month old doodle got into my weed gummies vet bill 3500-4500

    Basically, I should have been keeping my gummies in a higher cabinet. Little guy ended up eating somewhere between 35-70mg of thc gummies. He’s at the emergency vet now being looked after sounds like he’s going to be fine and I’ll be keeping my edibles in the fridge from now on. The bill they...
  18. B

    Anyone else’s dog not get you a Father’s Day gift?

    I don’t want to call my dog ungrateful, but he didn’t get me anything for Father’s Day…
  19. M

    Help…scared of dogs/pets in general, plis don’t judge me, I am pretty self critical as it is. (28 y/o F)

    Recently, my boyfriend’s friend came over to hang out with us, and a couple of secs later my BF announced to not get spooked since his friend also brought over his dog. This dog is a cutie, black, some kind of lab mix breed big dog which happens to be very active as well. I have been scared of...
  20. G

    r/dogs should join other major subreddit in a blackout protesting Reddit's upcoming API changes. What do you think?

    In solidarity with other major subs, r/dogs should go dark to hopefully force reddit to change course in their outrageous upcoming changes to API policy, which would shutdown your favorite third party reddit apps.