
  1. J

    Leaving 13 week old pup alone

    I have a 13 week old pup that hasnt been alone for more than 2 hours. When I did that I left him in a playpen and when j got back he was covered in pee. He has a crate but does not like going in there at all. I got called into office today and my wife comes back early so the most time hes going...
  2. J

    Help me find this dog toy or something similar

    Was gifted this awesome dog toy a few years ago and can't find a replacement. Maybe from t.j maxx.??
  3. M

    Introducing puppy to adult dogs

    Hi! Any advice on introducing the new puppy to my other dogs? One is a 3 y/o lab mix, sweet as can be but (seemingly randomly) aggressive to adult dogs. The other is a 10 y/o ole biddie, I mean, dachshund/yorkie mix who barks at everything that moves for 5 mins then will ignore like her life...
  4. H

    Does your pup have their own life you don’t know much about?

    Recently we started hiring a regular dog walker because we needed a dog sitter for a trip - and figured regular walks with her first would help him be more comfortable for the week we’d be gone. He likes her so much we’ve been keeping it up. Today I let him choose where to go on a walk and he...
  5. C

    What everyday item has your dog elected as their favorite toy?

    After months of trial an error with all sorts of toys, cheap and expensive - plushies, tuggies, wheezies, Kongs, you name it - my pup stumbled upon an empty pizza box (from pineapple pizza, no less) and decided that it's the best thing in the history of things. He was so cutely excited. Now...
  6. T

    When did you get a second dog?

    Please share your stories! I have a 9 month old Golden and recently moved out of a house that had another dog. Noodle is extremely social and I can tell he misses having someone to lay in bed with while we are away. I have read multiple different times that you should wait until your puppy is 18...
  7. J

    [Discussion] Picking Studs

    Hey all o/ A few of you have probably seen me around. This is a topic I've been idly thinking about; it's not something I'm in particular need of, mind you. (It'll be 2-4 years before I need to actually find a stud myself, and my breeder intends on assisting.) But I'm curious, so... if you're...
  8. P

    Fellow GSD owner tips??

    Hello I’ve got a 2 year old female American showline GSD. We’ve had her for about 6-7 months so far. She’s a rescue and is very leash reactive, she used to pull like a mother trucker but now only does it if she sees another dog or realllllly has to go the bathroom. When I got her she knew...
  9. L

    Pregnant and wanting a puppy?

    I have had Shepherds my whole life. The longest time I've not owned one was 6 months between buying and moving into my first home. In October, we went from a 3 dog house hold, to just 2. My sweet German Shepherd passed, and it has been heartbreaking enough, pregnancy hormones aside. My other 2...