
  1. Z

    Am I Doing Something Wrong?

    I have a wonderful partial ACD boy (see post history for dog tax) who is my absolute world. He and I get to spend almost 24/7 together. He goes with me to the office everyday. However, I am worried that I am not giving him enough activity. From what I have read on the sub from other ACD...
  2. A

    Crate Recommendations for Tall Dog

    Hello - I've searched around a bit, but haven't found anything in this Sub. My dog is 33"Length and 30.0" Height. He is fully grown, but not fully trained. Standard crates I see online are: >> 42.0"L x 28.0"W x 31.0"H (Large) >> 36.0"L x 23.0"W x 25.0"H (Medium) I live in a small space...
  3. J

    I’m so perplexed 🤔

    I have a 5 month old puppy and literally takes up all of my free time. I work 9-5 M-F and I literally leave work and go straight home to her. My family member watches her during the day and then we kind of trade off when I get home. So someone is pretty much always there with her. She can be...
  4. M

    Post your little wins this week

    or big. a win is a win is a win. i saw this post and wanted to hear from more owners! puppies are a handful and we sometimes expect too much of ourselves while discounting the little things. did your pup decide to not go for your slipper for the first time? win. did they bite just a little...
  5. A

    What’s your WfH set up with puppy?

    Just curious how those who work from home manage puppy. Do you work in the same room or crate and work elsewhere? Currently work in the same room but puppy wants my attention 100% of the time and sulks in her open crate when I don’t engage. I give in sometimes but sometimes have to ignore...
  6. R

    Will my life suit a cattle dog?

    At the shelter I met a very well mannered, calm and happy (maybe half trained) ACD mystery mix, 1.5 year old male and we hit it off. (see my other post for pics, white with brown eye patch). Of course I would love to bring him into my life and I am doing all the readings, but I would love some...
  7. A

    Leaving your puppy for the first time Q’s

    Hi all! I was curious if anyone has experience with leaving their puppy to go on a trip for a couple of days. If so how old was your puppy and did you board them use rover or drop them off with a friend? I have a 5 month old so was just curious!
  8. H

    Reasons why I’m the asshole in my adolescent dog’s eyes today

    I only walked her for 3 1/2 km this morning when she would have loved to do 3 more I didn’t let her crawl under a stranger’s car I didn’t let her crawl through the bushes into a stranger’s garden I had to audacity to stop playing with her after 30 minutes of noon-playtime I didn’t let her eat...
  9. R

    What’s the most difficult time period of a puppy? Puppyhood? (1-5months) or Adolescence (6-8months+)?

    Currently have a 3 month old with some insane biting and jumping and chewing andddd lack of regard for any commands i issue out :/
  10. M

    ACDs and hair

    I’ve had dogs as part of my household for the last 60ish years. Goldens, terriers, American Eskimo, Labs, mutts, chihuahuas, and now the second of two consecutive ACDs. IMO, the breed is generally the smartest, most adaptable, loyal, and most individual and original in personality of any of...
  11. S

    MIL Keeps Dog Caged All Day

    My MIL can be incredibly selfish, a prime example being her family dog. “K” is a 90 lbs, 4 year old long-haired german shepherd. My MIL doesn’t want dog hair all over her house, so she keeps K in a wire cage in their living room. The cage is big enough for him to turn around in, and contains...
  12. D

    Hi I’d love to hear others feedback - I normally just trust my gut for duration of summer time walks

    I walk a jack russell terrier( Tessa,3) and a bulldog rottie mix (Frankie, 11months). Frankie has zero heat tolerance so we just do front yard in the morning and afternoon when it’s hottest - currently 25°C feels like 35°. Tessa has no awareness of how hot she gets so normally when we go for...
  13. A

    What’s everyone’s bedtime routine w/ your pup?

    Hey everyone! My bf and I just brought home our 7-week golden doodle one week ago today. We have been establishing a bedtime routine with her: Playtime Outside to go to the bathroom Puzzle toy inside of pen Snuggles inside of pen Bedtime in crate with a small treat She also has a white noise...
  14. M

    I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

    I’ve got a harness to keep him safe and strapped in, and he’ll have his bed, favorite toys, and blanket the whole time. I bought some collapsible food and water bowls the other day, and of course I’ll have all normal items like food, leashes and poop bags. He’s never been in the car with me...
  15. V

    Q&A I wish I had read when I was struggling with puppy blues

    - from a former puppy blues sufferer - Edit: formatting is hard
  16. K

    I messed up leash training, how do I fix it?

    Basically my dog is almost 2 years now and he’s decent on the leash 80% of the time, good U-shape and slack, all that stuff. But when he gets excited he pulls and he thinks it’s okay to keep pulling. He’ll take one step back to get the slack back on the leash, as I was told to stop moving if...
  17. L

    Puppy raising x 9-5

    Everyone is saying getting a puppy while working a 9-5 is selfish. Obviously there’s lots of nuance. But how did owners get puppies before covid & wfh jobs? I’m talking 8 week old puppies. People did it forever and I’m curious how? Were the puppies crated all day? Did only people who could...
  18. Y

    2 year old lab; joint issues - Any advice?

    I have a 2 year old female labrador retriever. She is such a sweetheart. We noticed that she would start limping after strenuous exercise (e.g. off-leash play w/ another dog in backyard, zoomies in our basement). The limping would completely go away after a day or so. During limping periods...
  19. B

    7.5 months and protected me from an intruder 🥺

    Not sure this is the right sub, but I am really proud of my pup and feel the need to share. I live alone in a big city, and got a corgi for many reasons but one of those reasons was their reputation for being fiercely protective of their owners. My lil guy is a sweetie with people, kids and...
  20. D

    How many TOTAL hours a day do you spend DIRECTLY interacting with your pup?

    A). 1-3 B). 4-6 C) 6-8 D) 8+ Edit: Direct meaning full attention, not sleeping/cuddling or when they’re just in the same room as you.