australian cattle dogs

  1. C

    Name ideas for male heeler

    Hello, I’m currently living without a dog as I just finished up my second college degree and am finally ready to start my life! Of course than means a dog which will obviously be an ACD as that’s what I’ve had my entire life and I want a hiking buddy which they are great for. Anyways I’m looking...
  2. C

    1 y/o female all of a sudden showing signs of aggression and skittishness

    My sweet 1y/o girl all of a sudden in the last few days has had some minor behavior changes. She’s barking more often. She’s running away from people. My mom went to take her on a walk and she was growling at her and absolutely refused to go. She was in someone’s room today and she was growling...
  3. P

    Any tips for recall off leash for my deaf acd?

    Hey everyone! I’ve posted here before but I wanted to get a little insight if I can. My boy Cody is deaf, and has a really hard time with leashing. He’s great about putting on his gear (we have a deaf dog labeled harness back clipped to a collar for safety when on walks). But as soon as you...
  4. H

    9 month Female ACD

    My partner and I got Miss Pickles in the beginning of February and I have just been doing the most research I possibly can but with so many mixed reviews I really want some peer discussion. I will take any recommendations you would like to give! Training, gear, food, treats anything you wanna...
  5. R

    Considering an ACD

    So we currently have a standard collie (10) and a border collie (1). I have been considering a friend for the BC- he really wants to play more than the collie can keep up with. We obviously are fine with some wildness, lol. But I’d like something a little bolder- the BC is delightful, but he’s...
  6. H

    My should I get my 9 y/o ACD’s fur cut?

    I’ve never cut my dog’s fur before because I had read that their fur helps them manage their body heat. However, this summer is proving to be a bit much for her. She can barely stand to be outside during the day (90F highs recently) for more than a few minutes and is laying on the AC vent...
  7. J

    ACD is somewhat lame in her back leg - ideas to burn her energy but keep her quiet?

    My ACD mix was favouring her back right leg after a nap last night, I thought it just fell asleep (she started walking in it in a few minutes) but she limped again this morning. So we’ve decided to keep her off it as much as possible for a while to see what happens. She will be three in January...
  8. N

    I have a 10Y/o Boston terrier

    How will an ACD do with him if they are together since a puppy
  9. K

    I messed up leash training, how do I fix it?

    Basically my dog is almost 2 years now and he’s decent on the leash 80% of the time, good U-shape and slack, all that stuff. But when he gets excited he pulls and he thinks it’s okay to keep pulling. He’ll take one step back to get the slack back on the leash, as I was told to stop moving if...
  10. T

    Taking our puppy to the lake for the first time..

    Any advice for safety of the dog? She's 6 months old and we've had her 2 months. She's not fantastic on her recall yet so she's almost always leashed even in the backyard. We're taking her up to a lake house this weekend. Is it wise to keep her on a leash as she goes into the water or let her...
  11. R

    Total Opposites

    We have 2 ACD mixes, one from the humane society. He had heartworms when we fostered him, but 10 years later he’s doing great and as you can see is very food motivated. The second one is very aloof. She came from a rescue in western kentucky. She’s been with us a little over 3 years. My...
  12. J

    Cattle Dog needs a home Tucson Arizona
  13. C

    Advice for cat teasing my ACD?

    I have a 6 month old heeler who we’ve had since 8 weeks. Recently my siblings’ s.o. moved in with her cat. This happened while we were on vacation for 2 weeks with my pup, so when we returned the cat had been at home for a while. My pup hadn’t really been exposed to cats before this, so we’ve...
  14. W

    When did your pup stop eating everything?

    When my other pup who is only 20% cattle dog was a puppy, he couldn’t be left alone and trusted not to chew on furniture, molding, books, etc until he was about 1.5- 2 years old. Now I have a pup who is 50/50 cattle dog and jagdterrier and she’s 8 months old and is similarly mouthy and loves to...
  15. F

    Customer Discovery Survey

    Hello, I am a college student working on developing a dog enrichment toy for a technology entrepreneurship class. I was inspired my own red heeler. I would really appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to complete this survey! Completing the survey enters you into a drawing for a $50 gift...
  16. N

    Do Yours like seafood? If so, what's their favourite?

    My 14 y.o. F bluey x beagle loves squid (as well as all seafood she's tried). Lucky her, she's having a fresh squid smoothy for dinner tonight. With ink on the side. Thank you Cockburn Sound.
  17. J

    Neutering Cattle dogs

    I was wondering y’all’s thoughts on neutering these dogs and if you guys have done it and at what age. I have 2 male cattle dogs and 99% of the time they are chill with each other but every so often they can get pretty aggressive with each other. One pees in the house sometimes and the other...
  18. I

    Help a new acd owner

    Hello, Sorry for all the errors and bad use of phrasing, English is my second language. my partner and I got a acd puppy (9 weeks old). She is great but a handful. We wanted to ask for advice regarding her and our behavior. She bites a lot and It’s hard to know if she need sleep or is bored...
  19. I

    What brand dog food do you use?

    Curious as to what brands are better for dog food. I have a 9 month old ACD and a six year old Boarder Collie / Australian Shepard mix. Grain free food - I have heard it’s important years ago to give your dogs grain free food, then read about it causing seizures in dogs online, and actually a...
  20. T

    Help with training for constant barking at people walking by

    I have a 4 year old ACD that I’ve had since he was 8 weeks old and I’m not sure what to do about the barking. We have a fenced in yard that he’s allowed free rein of but you can see through the fence (we rent so I can’t put a different fence up). We live in a moderately busy neighborhood. People...