australian cattle dogs

  1. N

    anyone have any luck w anxiety meds lessening reactivity?

    my dog’s extremely reactive to dogs/cats/squirrels, lunges towards them, barks like a mad woman, yelps, whines, it’s super stressful. i’ve been doing my best at keeping my distance from these stressors, but we live in a city so it’s almost every day at least one occurrence happens. aside from...
  2. G

    Extremely loud Howl-Bark / barking issues

    I’m hoping this subreddit is kinder than the Facebook pages. People are so annoying on there because they feel like every cattle dog is the same 🙄 my dog is truly a “lazy” heeler. I’ve talked to several other heeler owners who say they have a “lazy” Heeler. My pup is 9, he’s still plenty hyper...
  3. S

    12 week old puppy

    does my boy look small or underdeveloped to y’all for 12 weeks? he’s 8.5 lbs
  4. L

    Aggression/dominance towards children, suggestions?

    My ACD Charlie is about 2.5 years old, has always been very nice with no food aggression or problems with other people or dogs. Hes also been so submissive he rolls over to show his belly at me, and almost constantly pees if I say something in the wrong tone or try to long to get him to do a...
  5. B

    1.5 years old now, and he’s been a terror lately. thought it was supposed to get better around now?

    We’ve had our boy since 8 weeks old. I love him to pieces but he is just the tasmanian devil lately. I don’t mind the high energy, we play (fetch non stop he’s an addict and I wish we wouldn’t have allowed this fetch obsession), we do our own little training sessions at home, he gets kongs...
  6. R

    ACD puppy horrible around children

    Hello! Our ACD is about 5 months old and he is HORRIBLE around children. I don't mean horrible in an aggressive way, there's no barking or growling, but the incessant jumping and nipping is driving us absolutely crazy. We have a 7 year old and a 1 year old. He actually seems to instinctually...
  7. A

    Crating guilt

    I’ll preface this by saying I’ve been working part time at a job where I’d start about 3am and would be home about 9ish and my boyfriend usually leaves the house about 7:30am so my dog is crated 2 hours MAX. The rest of the day, we hike and play and I’ve loved the time with him but things...
  8. T

    Advice/encouragement on adopting senior ACD

    My partner and I are planning to adopt a dog this year and while it wasn't our pan originally to adopt a senior, my heart has been stolen by a sweet 9 y/o ACD named Aspen. She's been rehomed once and then surrendered another time due to circumstances that had absolutely nothing to do with...
  9. A

    Question about development of ACD puppy.

    I got my ACD from a non-breeder who said they had an accidental litter with their 2 Heelers, 1 red 1 blue. When I went to go pick up the puppies there were 2 white and 5 red. She said that was normal because the red coats develop faster then the blue. The puppy I got was said to be 8 weeks, but...
  10. Z

    Am I Doing Something Wrong?

    I have a wonderful partial ACD boy (see post history for dog tax) who is my absolute world. He and I get to spend almost 24/7 together. He goes with me to the office everyday. However, I am worried that I am not giving him enough activity. From what I have read on the sub from other ACD...
  11. A

    Tips for correcting tantrums and barking/biting for attention?

    It seems like none of the typical advice works with my dog. She’s an acd/pit mix,
  12. G

    Question about right time to neuter puppy

    Our ACD pup is 8-9 months old and weight gain is decelerating. He's now 29.5 lbs and gaining maybe .5 lbs per week at best (in the beginning he was gaining close to 1 lb per week, then it went down to .7 lbs per week). Is now the right time to fix him and not mess with his growth? Our vet said...
  13. A

    My dog just scared off a burglar

    My heeler is generally friendly, if she wants to meet someone new she belly crawls towards them and is super submissive. She has her “fuck off” bark that comes out when another dog interrupts her agility course or tries to hop in the puppy pool with her at the dog park. Today I just experienced...
  14. E

    Obsessive Licking

    ~2 y/o female cattle dog has always loved licking us (better than her velociraptor phase), but we recently adopted a female puppy and now she licks her when she can. The puppy is about 9 months now and we’ve had her for 6 months. Doesn’t seem to mind the licks but recently we noticed hair...
  15. T

    Moving out and downsizing, how do you help your Cattle Dog live in a small space?

    Hey y’all, so for a little context I have a 5 year old ACD/GSD Mix. We live with my parents on a 1.5 acre property but both of my parents will be moving abroad for work for at least 2 years and they’re going to rent out our house, so me and my dog are moving out. There’s absolutely no way in...
  16. G

    ACD FTWin or just different kind of win?

    My last dog, a border colli lab /borador was the sweetest most cuddly ever. I loved her. I named a f#$#ng business after her nickname, she's buried in my backyard with a 75lb gravestone I cast MYSELF. Loved that dog. But she rode in the car like an ass. Center console, leaning in me, like a jerk...
  17. N

    How to prepare my dog for me going away on vacation?

    My partner and I adopted an ACD mix one month ago. Naturally, Cass is a mama's boy/follows me everywhere and is stand offish with strangers. He's tolerated meeting friends when they don't approach him and just let him sniff around, but this only lasts for ~2hrs before he gets growly. Anyway, we...
  18. E

    Should this sub change its name to “r/AustralianCattlePeople”?

    100% of Australian cattle “dogs” I have met are more person than dog, and usually they’re more person than most humans. Should this sub change its name to acknowledge our best friends as people?
  19. R

    4 m/o Sturgill enjoying his first Fall!