australian cattle dogs

  1. F

    What dog gets along best with ACD?

    We have a 2 y/r female blue heeler/border collie mix, and we are considering getting a second dog. Any suggestions on what kind of dogs get along best with ACD’s? Do you stick a female with a female or go male with a female? I’m a little worried how territorial she might be…
  2. L

    I told Dall-e AI to created an oil painting of a cattle dog belly dancing
  3. J

    Adolescent ACD - When do they “Mature”?

    I adopted a 6 month old cattle dog. He is now about 8 months. I walk him 3 times a day (20-30 minute walks morning, lunch and night) and exercise him with a longer 4 mile run, 5 mile bike ride, or hour of fetch when I get home from work. He is still constantly go-go-go and he hardly EVER takes a...
  4. R

    Anyone Seen This Pup?

    Idk...maybe you guys can find her? Or have seen her? I know this is weird but, I bought 2 Heeler/Schnauzer mixes back in June of 2016 from a lady on Craigslist...she was giving away a mistaken litter and I wanted a puppy so bad as a kid (15) I asked my mother to drive me out to Conroe Texas...
  5. S

    What flea and tick treatment do y’all use?

    We had a medicine regiment that worked well and we’ve used for a long while. Chewable tablets to kill adult fleas, bath to remove eggs, leave-in spray to prevent new fleas from moving in. This works for about 6 months, we just spray them down every once in a while and it works. In March my buddy...
  6. A

    Winter Is Coming! Are doggie treadmills recommended for C.D.'s?

    Hi again! Thanks for all the upvotes on our very first pic posted here yesterday. :-) Anyway, we're in Canada. As winter is on its way, we were wondering if Sherlock the Blue Heeler would benefit from a good doggy treadmill (like the ones seen on Amazon) for those wintry days where walking far...
  7. R

    Acts like a velociraptor same time every night

    So I’ve had dogs before, but this is my first heeler. She’s just over three months, have had her just under three weeks and she has done absolutely amazing with her training. But, it seems like every night from around 7:30 to 8:30 she turns into a little velociraptor. Here’s a condensed bullet...
  8. L

    New diet advice

    Hey y’all! I am v new to Reddit, but thought coming here would help. I’m looking to change both of my cattle dogs (1 and 3 year old males, 35 and 50 lbs) from Fromm’s kibble to a more “natural” diet. I’m wondering for those who do this: is it more cost effective (kibble is $45 a bag every two...
  9. B

    I lost my best friend today

    This is Banjo he was the best dog I've ever had the honor of having as part of my family.
  10. A

    Puppy ears?

    Hello! We adopted an ACD mix puppy about a month and a half ago. He is 5 months right now and teething a little bit. My question is, when we got him at 4 months-ish, his ears stood up perfectly. Almost as soon as we brought him home, they started drooping. Now they are consistently pretty...
  11. J

    want a Australian cattle dog

    But it will be alone for 6 or 8 h a day excluding weekends and I know that they don’t like that at all so can you give me another dog breed that will be good for me thats similar like body face and it needs to medium size and less energy
  12. B

    How much exercise does an ACD actually need? How do you know if they need more?

    Hey guys. Sorry for all the posts; like I've mentioned, I'm a new owner of a 2-year-old ACD and I'm still learning all the ropes. It was a surprise adoption due to tragic circumstances with her previous family, so we got kind of thrown in the deep end, lol. My girl has been home for a little...
  13. S

    2 month old puppy help!

    Here’s my story, I could use some advice/opinion from you :) My partner’s father decided to adopt a 7.5-8 weeks old australian cattle dog puppy. My partner’s mother had just been diagnosed with a breast tumor and is scheduled to go on surgery sometime around mid-december. So my partner and I...
  14. S

    Raptor got into TomCat forbidden green blocks…

    My advice after this whole event: ask vet extra questions and have plan of action. Before you read: My boy will survive. He’s okay. 90% the same as always just tired from ordeal and annoyed. 24hr update: still bit achy from vomit ordeal but same ol cuddle ball. ————————————————————————— When I...
  15. S

    Need advice. Possibly losing my girls front leg

    Yesterday, in a freak accident that I am having a hard time not blaming myself for, my 6 year old female blue heeler ran into the edge of a cars exposed front bumper beam. She was chasing a frisbee that I threw and hit my project car that was sitting in my neighbors driveway. Imagine a metal...
  16. B

    Our Dot - I always thought of her as one of a kind

    This is our Dot. She was so smart and difficult. She passed away in December of 2018 but we still haven't recovered. She was such a presence in our family. Some of her quirks: *She herd us to bed every night! It was bedtime when Dot decided it was time. She'd bark at us and demand we go to...