all things dog!

  1. F

    Customer discovery survey

    Hello! I am a college student working on developing a dog enrichment toy for a technology engineering class. I would really appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to complete this survey! Completing the survey enters you into drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card...
  2. T

    [Discussion] Virbac C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews; Did they stop making these?

    They are currently listed for $95.00 on and can't seem to find them anywhere else online...anyone have an idea? Thanks
  3. A

    Adopted Puppy Behavior Q

    I have a 6 yr old goldendoodle and we just adopted a new puppy goldendoodle that is almost 1. Both are males. When the dogs lay down, the new puppy puts his mouth on the older dogs side. Doesn't bite hard, just grabs some fur in his mouth and stays there. What does this mean? Should the...
  4. D

    Mini Poodle vs Havanese x Shih tzu?

    I (26F) and my fiance (26m) are looking at adopting an older puppy. There are two available that we're interested in and will be meeting, but we can't decide which breed(s) would be best for us. Both dogs are male and 7 months old and are being rehomed. As far as we are aware they are both...
  5. M

    [Help] Suffered my 2nd dog bite of today ..

    TL;DR No damage but this dog's behavior issues are beyond belief. I was loading my gf's dishwasher. Her poodle / lab mix didn't like that I reached for the utensil basket (she likes to lick the utensils and there were dirty utensils in there.) She's a 7 lb dog. She launched herself from about...
  6. P

    Common feeding concerns?

    Dog owners, what concerns you about feeding your dog? (don't freak out over the photos, dalle-2 generated these images) Dog breaks into food containers when they aren't supposed to 2. Dog has ripped open bag of dog food 3. Dog makes a mess with kibble 4. Feeding dishes are disgusting, and...
  7. P

    [Discussion] Is it time to put my dog down? M[8]

    My dog has a large tumour in his rectum, which means that sometimes when he poos there'll be blood and screaming. Doesn't happen every day, but 2 to 3 times a week he'll have a horrible eposide of non-stop bleeding and straining to defecate, which leads to more bleeding and pain. These episode...
  8. C

    How to manage 2 dogs in 1 house? 3yo F & 4month M

    For those that have 2 dogs in the 1 household, how do you manage boundaries and training? I currently have a 4 month male pup and a 3 years old desexed female. We've had the younger pup for about a month now and for the most part, they get along. The older pup has full reign of the house...
  9. E

    PSA: If you’re on the fence of taking your dog to the vet, just do it. Don’t listen to the internet

    Over the past year I’ve had several instances where I took my dogs to the vet for things that I initially felt I was overreacting about. Out of the many times, only one I was and it still did the right thing. Today solidified my feelings that if I feel like I need to just to it. I have a 12...
  10. E

    Rescuing a dog. Need advice!!!

    Good Morning All! I (27m) am in the process of rescuing my second dog with my significant other. (27m) We have deliberated for over a year and agreed that we want to get a second dog since we have the financial stability (200k salary), history (both come from families with dogs), and time...
  11. R

    Any ideas would be amazing

    Hello dog lovers, I have a 9 y/o border collie named Spock. Or Mr. Spock, as I call him. Spock is a good boy. The goodest boy in all the land. Always loves playing with the kiddos and absolutely loves his ball. He's my best friend. Unfortunately, one day he was walking funny. By the end of that...
  12. 3

    3 Diabetic Dog Treats Recipes

    Chicken dog bone treat Ingredients • 1 cup chicken broth • Quarter cup olive oil • 1½ cup flour (whole wheat) • 1½ teaspoon dry yeast • 1½ cup whole wheat flour • 1½ cup white flour (unbleached) • Quarter cup oat bran or oat bran cereal • 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon • 1 cup chopped and cooked...
  13. S

    current thoughts on pet ins…

    not sure if this is the place to ask, so please don’t roast me if it’s not…I know there is a megathread (I’m so lost reading through it) but I’m wondering your recommendations or recent experiences that you’d be willing to share…or, is it even worth it? F 8 w/o English Bulldog coming home next...
  14. J

    Advice for concerned owner. Vet doesn’t know what this is! Looking for advice

    I had an original post regarding my dog here and an update on the situation here The vet sent us home with antibiotics due to a fever but didn’t comment on anything else. She said she doesn’t have an idea on what this could be. We are waiting on blood work results. We are super worried. Vet...
  15. I

    Is my dog suffering? Are we doing right by euthanizing him tomorrow?

    Sorry if this doesn't belong here. I'm not sure so I'm posting this in multiple places, as this is a matter of hours. Our dog is going to be put down tomorrow. He is a shetland sheepdog and would be turning 10 next week. About half a year ago he had an epileptic seizure, about 1-2 minutes or...
  16. W

    This post is a big F U to the person who dropped their chicken bones all over the park

    That’s it, that’s the post! I’ve pried about four different bones from his mouth during our walk. It’s gross. And they’re everywhere.
  17. K

    Need help with diet dog food recommendation for 9 y/o yellow lab

    Hey everyone, I have a yellow lab that is 8 years old named Houston. He is my best friend, but he has a issue with food and I have a mother and family that loves to give it to him. Unfortunately my big yellow fluff is over weight, has seen 5 different vets about a interdigital cyst between his...
  18. N

    Boarding 11 m.o. puppy

    I'm boarding my lab/retriever for the first time. I'm going to visit a couple boarders tomorrow. I'm a little worried since he's never been away from me for more than 6 or 7 hours. My concern is that since I brought him home 8 months ago, he's slept on my bed (he's a little spoiled). He's still...
  19. E

    UPDATE: I found 3 stray dogs yesterday and I don’t know what to do [help]

    Original post: First of all, thanks to all of the people that told me what to do. Pawboost is a great way to find the owners of the dog! :) Its been 17 days since I found the dogs, took them to check for microchips but none had it, I also reported them to the police, put post on Facebook...
  20. B

    [OC] My 2 Year Old Corgi passed away suddenly today

    2023 Halloween Leeroy as a puppy Leeroy and his brother, our 8 year old maltese, Winston. To be honest, I'm still in a bit of shock about it. His back has been in a lot of pain these past few weeks, we assumed he tweaked it as he was usually very hyper and loved to jump everywhere, all the...