all things dog!

  1. O

    [Photo Friday] People only want one thing and it starts with a D and ends with an S

    D O G . P I C T U R E S HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Upload one or more pictures to an external image-hosting site and share the URL(s) in a comment. You can format a link so it appears like this by typing: [your text here](URL here) If you're not sure where to upload a picture, try Imgur or imgbb...
  2. A

    [Fluff] I finally gave my dog the best week of his life

    I have a golden lab husky mix that was born in January 2020. He is extremely social. He love dogs and people. Sadly, because of Covid, he dont get lots of play time with other people/dogs. Me and my GF are playing with him daily, but its not enough. Since Friday i have been off work just as...
  3. J

    Taking in a "rehomed", older dog and potential issues

    All, My wife and I are looking for a new addition to our home. We've owned dogs before and they are very much our babies. We are both retired, therefore, older (60's). I want to adopt a dog that is being rehomed, any age from 3 months to 2 years old. Due to the economics of owning a dog...
  4. R

    Any recommendations on a backpack for all my dogs' stuff?

    Hello r/dog friends! I have two dogs (3 y/o GSD and 6 m/o Shep/Kelpie) that I'm trying to find a good backpack for toting around their accessories for when we go on trips, to the park, etc. I have 3 leashes each (of varying lengths - one pair being a long training slip lead, the others being...
  5. S

    Cherry eye in 8 y/o pug mix

    I have an 8 year old chug (chihuahua pug) and he’s very happy and healthy except for having a cherry eye. I’ve had him since he was a puppy and he has had a cherry eye since he was about 2 or 3 years old. I have two sides of people throughout the years saying don’t do the surgery and other...
  6. F

    Crying at work bc I miss my dog

    I’m fed up of life, my life isn’t advancing, career, money, love life, and the one thing that I had, my dog, died traumatically almost 2 months ago and a couple thousand dollars in dept while trying to save him. I am in limbo with my life, don’t know what I want to do, etc, and ended up crying...
  7. S

    [Discussion] Consent and R+ 2.0 in K9 Sports/Training

    Really loved the new Fenzi podcast on the future of R+, what can be improved (lookin' at you sanctimoniousness) and, most of all, in learning how to ask for consent from the dog in certain situations. This is not to be confused with permissiveness (asking means honouring the 'no' so you have a...
  8. M

    [Discussion] Bark - the app which let you avoid dangerous situations with your dog

    Hi, It's my first post on reddit. I wanted to show you something that I've worked hard for. Since I had an accident with my dog called Indi (Australian Cattle Dog), I decided to create an iOS App which let dog owners to avoid danger dogs or let another dog owners know that our dog isn't...
  9. J

    [RIP] Goodbye my sunshine <3 [x-post r/dachshund]

    Yesterday at 5am Chopper started throwing up blood, shaking, and breathing very shallow. My boyfriend and I have been out of town with our 2 dogs for the last week, staying with his mom since his died passed from a heart attack on Sunday. We rushed him to the closest vet but had to leave him...
  10. B

    Single young professional thinking about getting a dog - help me decide if I should!

    I am a single young professional in my late 20s. I live alone in an apartment building that has a large dog run/park area and the neighborhood where I live is also very dog friendly. I have been thinking about getting a dog for a while and finally decided I am ready. I want to adopt an...
  11. C

    My dog just won’t run out of energy

    Have a golden retriever-he is the sweetest couch potato who will walk happily beside you on walks. Bought another golden retriever-absolute suck that needs 100 percent of your attention and love 24/7 or gets upset and just doesn’t run out of energy and seems to never gain any weight on him. I...
  12. T

    Had to give away our 1 y/o husky mix. Feel awful:(

    My family decided to foster a gorgeous 1 y/o husky mix in early October. She had a ton of behavior problems at the time, and since I've been completely free I spent almost all my time with her either training her, playing with her, taking her to the dog park, taking her on walks, or just hanging...
  13. D

    Need advice on potty stuff

    I'm frustrated with this one dog that ain't mine. She's a grown mid life dog, size of my 11 women foot. I let her out at 12 am and got up this morning at about 8 and I woke up to poo. Meanwhile my 7 month old medium dog hasn't had an accident in forever. I don't do anything, but let her out and...
  14. A

    Dog GPS collars? (Link v Whistle v Gibi v Fi v Tractive)

    My recently retired hunting hound slipped out this morning and ran a merry chase at least a half mile into the woods behind our house, but I had no idea what direction he went and didn't want to go looking in the woods in case he ran into the road. Luckily he went into the woods and came up to...
  15. S

    Dogs giving the NYPD the run around

  16. L

    Advice needed please

    Hi guys, I am new to Reddit and would like some advice and a rant. (Sorry if this is the wrong community) I am in India (Delhi) and the rules about dogs here are relaxed and no one seems to care about the street dogs. Lately, a stray dog let's call her D has been having issues with her legs...
  17. P

    A question for his final day

    This isn't what you probably think, today is my 10 year old German Shepherd's last day. I sit here writing this with red eyes after I've just taken him out to do his morning business for the last time. Tonight, a Vet from a local home euthanasia service will be putting Loki to sleep after we...
  18. S

    Hills science diet adults 1-6 dog breed??

    Does anyone know what breed of dog that is because he looks just like my buddy and ive been looking for years for what breed he is and cant find anything
  19. S

    Getting my dog to leave housemates alone?

    Hi all, My husband & I just moved into a house share, where previously we lived in an apartment alone with our dog. Our dog is a 5 month old poodle mix, and she L O V E S people -- she wants to say hello to everyone. However, one of our new housemates is afraid of dogs, and doesn't enjoy when...
  20. H

    Dog with CHF, follow up Echo?

    Hi, So I have a 16 y/o daschund with well controlled CHF. He's currently on the same four meds he's been on for 2.5 years. Coughing is well controlled. I do not see the need to pay $900 for his yearly echo if he's stable. Can I just have the regular vet continue the scripts and follow up with...