all things dog!

  1. M

    Rescue 6 1/2 month old won’t go outside

    I got 6 and a half month old puppy from a “breeder” “giving them away because she is terminally sick and can’t care for them anymore” there are quite a few red flags in this post. She sent me pictures that were taken when they were still very little puppies. Didn’t tell me the female I got (my...
  2. A

    guilty about not treating my dog right

    my dog is about 10 now. i’m pretty sure he’s healthy (he’s getting a check up soon) so he should still have a few more years with us. i got him when i was pretty young (about 7-8) and i was young so i couldn’t walk him by myself or anything. nowadays i try to walk him more but then i get worried...
  3. V

    is it ok for dogs / Cats to drink cold water in winter?

    Actually, our pets are far more stronger than we thought. Healthy dogs and cats can drink water at normal temperature in winter without any problems. In contrast, diets with abnormal temperature will stimulate their stomachs and cause discomfort. Except for dogs and cats who are in the ill...
  4. G

    [discussion] Are puppies genetically closer related to their littermates than to other non-littermate siblings from the same mom and dad?

    In other words, let's say Xena and Stevie have litter #1 consisting of puppies A, B, C, D, and E. Xena and Stevie reproduce with each other again, and out pops litter #2 consisting of puppies F, G, H, I, and J. Is puppy A genetically closer related to puppy B than she is to puppy F? Is...
  5. E

    Recruiting beta testers for Bero!

    We are currently recruiting beta testers for Bero! Your participation and feedback are vital to our app's development and improvement. Bero is a unique dog walking app designed to make walks healthier, happier, and more enjoyable for dogs and their owners. As a Beta Tester, you will get early...
  6. C

    Will my dogs die from Ivermectin Agmectin 0.3%?

    Our dogs, a Border Collie mix and a Shiba-Corgi mix aged 3 and 1 respectively, has ticks in their body. I remove the big ones when I see, but the small ones are just impossible to remove. I asked my parents to buy these dogs a shampoo for their ticks, and I myself plan to get them those...
  7. O

    Unexpectedly lost my 2.5 year old dog, I feel so empty

    My 2.5 year old dog went from happy and healthy to completely deteriorated in 48 hours and no one knows why. We decided to euthanize her because she was in so much pain and the vets didn't know what the cause was/pain management wasn't helping. We moved into a huge home for her a few months ago...
  8. A

    Chloe mine. Ollie grandmas. I live with grandparents but plan to move in 3 years

    Weekdays Work 2-5pm Home 7pm sleep 4am so that's 9hrs alone time with chloe. Chloe with ollie and grandma 7hrs. Weekends 11-3 grandmas Date 3-7 Grandmas 7-9 Home 9 sleep 4 Alone time with chloe 7hrs. Chloe with ollie and grandma 10hrs. Chloe with me per week 59hrs Chloe with ollie and grandma...
  9. P

    My dogs might need an MRI

    Hello Reddit. I am writing here to ask for some advise/guidance. My dog is limping from back right leg for months. It started back on 2022 limping, took her to the vet and only prescribed pain meds and is a temporary fix but eventual would go away. Last November started limping again and have...
  10. C

    My Doggy's NFT - which do you prefer?

    I created 2 NFTs for my dog, Teddy. One is a sunset theme, the other is a darker, mystic theme. Which do you prefer? Pict A- Dark, mystic Pict B: Sunset
  11. S

    MIL Keeps Dog Caged All Day

    My MIL can be incredibly selfish, a prime example being her family dog. “K” is a 90 lbs, 4 year old long-haired german shepherd. My MIL doesn’t want dog hair all over her house, so she keeps K in a wire cage in their living room. The cage is big enough for him to turn around in, and contains...
  12. A

    Q&A form filled out

    Introduction 1) Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs? No, little bit as i adopted an elder and he was already trained 2) Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a reputable breeder? i prefer no breeder 3) Describe...
  13. M

    Great Video on a Day in the Life of a Puppy

  14. W

    [RIP] [Discussion] D. O. G., German Shep/Chow mix, 16 Years

    A few hours ago, my mother and I just had to make the hardest decision of our life - we went from walking our two canines to having to choose to humanely euthanize our older of our pair. Nearing the end of our walk, we noticed that he had a little blood on his back legs - and when we looked...
  15. N

    Is this snack healthy to dog?

    Hi Folks, I bought some snacks in pet store, one of them is bone (which is not bone, but some kind of hard to chew snack) and since my dog likes it I wonder if the indigriends are beneficial for him or not. Can someone advise? Corn starch - 59.71% Black rice flour - 7.50% Chicken -...
  16. C

    Thoughts on Farmina N&D grain free? (need advice)

    Hey everyone! Since Victor is off the shelves right now due to the recall, I made the switch to N&D. I did accidentally buy the grain free option (chicken and pomegranate). I know there’s a bunch of controversy with grain free diets lately. Fortunately, this brand was not on the list. I know...
  17. C

    Help put moe to rest Donate I want to be able to put moe down with his dignity.He has been the best dog I could have every wished for in 2007. I found Moe on his last day in the pound the pound was overfilled with pets needing homes so a woman was walking him.i...
  18. M

    I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

    I’ve got a harness to keep him safe and strapped in, and he’ll have his bed, favorite toys, and blanket the whole time. I bought some collapsible food and water bowls the other day, and of course I’ll have all normal items like food, leashes and poop bags. He’s never been in the car with me...
  19. T

    Woof I Love You

    Woof I Love You Volume 1:
  20. H

    [RIP] Evee, Beagle, 8

    Today, we said goodbye way too soon... I got my baby in 2012, near my last year of high school, and she accompanied me throughout all my years in college. You see, Evee was always such a weird beagle. Beagles are energy balls, and pretty big. While she was small, and such a... couch potato. She...