advice needed

  1. M

    Don’t know what to do about my (?) reactive dog. I’m so over it

    ETA: I’m not going to put her down. I should have used my words better, I’m just overwhelmed and stressed. Thanks for all of your feedback but the main thing is I don’t really want to keep her. I was never going to and do not have the capacity. I do love her but this isn’t feasible. I’ve...
  2. F

    1yo corgi reactive around his housemates

    hi reddit my dog timmy (1yo corgi) lately has been worse then he has ever been. him and one of my other dogs, harry (3yo corgi) got into a fight (not the first fight they’ve had) and when trying to separate them, timmy bit my mom hard enough to draw blood. we got timmy when he was around 8-9...
  3. L

    I need to get rid of my dog

    He’s a un fixed male German shepherd. Not papered but purebred and he turns 4 in April. It’s not a good story. I need help and he deserves better. I was married when we got him. She left and could not take him. I ended up keeping him in a small apartment for the next 3 years (still in same...
  4. S

    I don’t know what to do at this point

    This is messy and not well written im just really sad over how my last walk went and I don’t know what to do anymore. I have a 6 month GSD and it’s been confirmed by 2 trainers through the use of first a fake dog and then demo dogs that her reactivity is not fear based and it’s not aggression...
  5. S

    I need help with my almost 4 month old puppy

    I just got this Black German Shepherd puppy and the guy I got him from told me he was trying to train him in order to protect his garden or something. Anyway that basically means no socializing and most likely beating. So the first 3 days my puppy was very scared, tail between his legs and...
  6. E

    My 5 year old Husky girl has a new trigger.

    Our 5 year old Husky girl has recently developed a strong reactivity to certain dogs very sporadically at the dog park she has played in for years now. The trigger seems to be if a new dog comes into the dog park and in passing growls at her. Sometimes she growls first too— and this is new. She...
  7. C

    What’s this subs take on this video?

    I have a reactive Shepard, Lab, Mastiff mix. He is an amazing dog and I love him to bits. He’s just reactive to small animals and on leash with other dogs. He’s big so although I can handle him when walking, it’s embarrassing and prevents my wife and older parents from walking him. I’ve...
  8. B

    My dog bit my neighbor and I don’t know what to do

    Copying and pasting my post from r/petadvice I adopted my dog November 11, 2021 after I lost my previous dog at the end of May a week before he turned 12. My new dog is a hound mix of some sort and was about a year old when I adopted him and was able to be socialized fairly well during the...
  9. R

    Golden retriever (3 y Male) has become reactive since the pandemic

    Hi everyone , apologize for the long post but needed some advice. As the title says we have a golden retriever Simba that’s about to turn 3. He is the friendliest and calmest dog for the most part. He loves to meet new people and dogs and is extremely friendly towards them. About a year back...
  10. A

    My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

    TW: description of injury / child injury Throwaway. Okay, so, I’m sorry for the way this is written - I’m on mobile and I’m extremely upset right now and very emotional. Please bear with me; I’ll try and be brief. So, I, 30F have been friends with Sarah 28F, for 10~ years. About 4 years ago...
  11. H

    Aggressive puppy advice

    H is a male puppy, approximately 6-8 months old but big. I’m not sure on his breed, but he’s sort of medium sized, not small like a chihuahua or big like a husky, but in between, about the size of a lab. He is the size of an adult medium sized dog. He came from a neglect situation and although...