advice needed

  1. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    My dog is a 3 1/2 year old Labradoodle. We adopted him off a friend who could no longer have him. He's gentle, listens to sits/stay, doesn't bother my cat at all and IMO a really good lad. We took him on his first walk (local park, no one there 5pm>) and he went fine! The next day we took him...
  2. D

    Fluoxetine: when does appetite come back to somewhat normal?

    Just hit 6 weeks on 40mg for my 70lb dog and I’m wondering when your dogs appetite starting coming back at bit? (If it came back at all lol). I actually titrated the medication if that makes a difference. 10mg first week, 20 the next, so technically he’s only been on his prescribed dose for 3...
  3. C

    I’m scared to let my 3 big dogs out

    Hi, so I have 3 Australian Shepherds and every time I try to be responsible and let them out, 2 of the lunge at the door and it’s always scaring me and making me anxious. My body always starts to shake when I try to let them out and I’m always very hesitant to let them out. My parents always...
  4. M

    Training suggestions for working with my partner’s leash-reactive dog?

    Hey folks! My partner has a 6 y/o Boxer girl who is a bit leash-reactive toward other dogs/humans and has no history of bites or attacks. She’s generally cool with people and is very socialized with other dogs (my partner used to work at a doggy daycare, so she’s met every kind of dog and...
  5. B

    Dog becoming increasingly more reactive, I’m lost as to how to help him and worried about the direction he’s going in

    Hey everyone. I’ve read a bunch of posts about other peoples’ reactive dogs, but my situation has a couple of specifics I haven’t seen addressed elsewhere that I’d like advice on. I have a 4 year old Shih Tzu that I got 2.5 years ago. The previous family had gotten him from a breeder as a...
  6. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    Hey all, I'm looking for some more guidance regarding my 16 month old male Stabyhoun+Australian shepherd mix. What I'm working on a lot right now, is trying to make him react/feel different about things. He used to get worked up (staring, sometimes lunging, pulling) at things like...
  7. G

    Reactive/food aggressive chihuahua now growling and air snapping at toddler

    Doobie was a rescue so age is pretty vague, but we’ve had him for about 6/7 years. He used to be a decent lap dog, but as we got busier and he started peeing all the time, he ended up getting ignored a lot. He was fed, walked, taken outside, but not really “loved”. There were two incidents of...
  8. D

    Please just be honest with me

    Is it even possible to rehome my reactive dog. I just need someone to be brutally honest because I’ve been trying for over 8 months and I just feel like theres no hope, The rescue I got her from cannot take her back even though it says it in our contract, they’re full with dogs and only have 2...
  9. P

    Is BE the only option?

    He’s a 2 year old Australian cattle dog mix. He’s bitten 2 people. He’s always been reactive/fearful since I adopted him at 15 weeks. The first bite I didn’t think he would actually ever bite someone. The second one was a mistake on my boy friends moms part (she opened the door for a nieghbor -...
  10. D

    Reactive Dog w/ New Baby

    Hi - I am looking for some advice. We adopted our 3y/o daschund-mix (unsure what he is mixed with) at 4 months old and we have battled with his aggression every day. He has a bite history - has bitten 3 times - once to a solicitor, once to a family member and once to my partner. He is so afraid...
  11. A

    Increased barking inside and in the yard

    Hey all. My 18 m/o boy has ramped up his barking inside the house and in the yard. He rarely barks away from home (although he is frustrated greeter on-leash around other dogs, but that’s another issue). He’s been treated for anxiety with a non-sedating dose of Trazodone for about 6 months which...
  12. H

    Suddenly reactive 2 y/o Aussie

    Hi Everyone, I am looking for some advice regarding my 2 year old Australian shepherd. About 1.5-2 months ago, we noticed that he was becoming a bit reactive. He would lunge at cyclists, bark at things that scared him, and had a few incidents at the dog park where he snapped at dogs that...
  13. D

    Different kind of vehicle reactivity. Could use y’all’s help working up a training plan

    Hey, awesome regulars of r/reactivedogs. I’ve been on this sub for over two years, and it’s always heartwarming to see the support y’all provide those of us with reactive puppers. It was this sub that made me realize that my beloved (now 3-yo) female ACD doesn’t necessarily have a screw loose...
  14. E


    So my pup (15 months) is very reactive to other dogs and humans on walks in the sense that she wants to meet and play (not aggressive). Does anyone have any suggestions for whether an E-collar would be effective and/or how to properly use it? Also, any high-value treat suggestions would be...
  15. N

    Urgent advice please! Staying with family and my dog gets triggered by hyper child

    Hello! We’re on a trip atm (See last post for context) and my dog (1.5 year old Dachshund rescue) has been doing spectacularly so far! We stayed at the first house with the other dog and he was so well-behaved - around both the other dog and the child living there. Now, we’re staying at the...
  16. C

    My chi-poo is aggressive with other dogs

    I’ve had my 4 year old (F) chihuahua poodle mix since she was 8 weeks old, so her aggression isn’t related to any previous trauma. She’s grown up with our family dog, 11 year old (F) shihtzu. They can be perfectly fine, and out of no where, my chipoo snaps. I’ve noticed it happen when eating...
  17. G

    Secluded Dog

    I have a 5yr (M) German Shepard that has been stuck in a separate room and yard from the rest the household and the other dogs due to a dog fight within the first year of living with them and while j was away serving. I recently got out of the Army and have begun working with his obedience...
  18. T

    Reactive, anxious 6 month old Border Collie x 1/4 Cattle Dog starting Fluoxetine. How long does it take for it to work?

    I just realised that this is quite long and I hope it makes sense. Sirius is my 6 month old Border Collie x 1/4 Cattle Dog. Named after Sirius Black from Harry Potter and also the constellation. We lost our 12 year old Cattle Dog X Luna in May. Luna was abandoned underneath my SIL car in 2011...
  19. M

    Tips for helping my male reactive dog feel more comfortable around my father

    Golden retriever mix, neutered male, 4 years old. 5 months ago I rescued my boy, C, from an abusive home situation. His family was all too eager to get rid of him, and he’s such a sweet boy, that I grabbed him up. I knew that he had been being abused by one of the children, but after bringing...
  20. M

    10 y/o dog broke her humerus- struggling with what to do

    10 year old mixed shepherd-I left my girl with our dog sitter Thursday, we flew to the states Friday…Thursday she jumped a fence (as she does) for a squirrel, Landed, yelped and stopped weight bearing. Sitter got her into the vet and she snapped her humerus. Options are surgery or euthenasia…she...