advice needed

  1. B

    Help with my 7 month puppy’s sudden fear/reactivity! Night from hell

    My puppy (an Aussie) has been having issues with general reactivity since January when he was ~6 months old. That first bout of barking at dogs and people we saw on walks lasted about 3-4 weeks (with training) and then he was almost back to his old self. 3 nights ago, he started acting anxious...
  2. C

    Neighbors turned yard into Sniffspot

    It’s a combo of annoying, funny & a bit ironic, I got an email this morning from sniffspots about new spots in our area and recognized our Nextdoor neighbors yard… Our reactive dog used to be an avid sniffspot visitor when we lived an apartment. I love the site and think it’s doing a ton of...
  3. S

    Vet has recommended neutering to reduce aggression

    I have a 5 year old dog (he is a mixed breed and I had adopted him when he was a stray). He was reactive to other dogs right from the start, when I consulted with an animal behaviourist, she had suggested that neutering could go either ways - it could help reduce his aggression or could make it...
  4. E

    No reactive dog thing but I do need advice please

    So my ex roommate (j) now lives below me with a new roommate (A), and I A has a dog. Now I normally don't tend to interfere with people but when it comes to animals I have the urge to interfere. So A decided a few months back to get another dog yr and a half old border collie (after not taking...
  5. A

    1.5 year old border/aussie only reactive when I’m with her

    When I was at the vet she tried twice to bite the veterinarian. She had to be muzzled because of it. When I left the room the vet and her assistant said she was perfectly fine and they were able to take off the muzzle with no issues. When I’m home with her if she hears the slightest noise in...
  6. H

    flack for muzzle training.

    do people really not know the benefits of muzzle training and think it should only be breed specific? am I looking at this the wrong way? I’m getting shat on in the r/goldenretriever sub for saying I want to muzzle train our puppy… basically that goldens should NEVER require muzzles and we’ll...
  7. A

    Leash training + reactivity

    I've recently rescued a now 8 month old GSD and my fiancé and I quickly realized he is reactive to dogs and sometimes people (if they come too close). After researching what kind of training is best for a dog like him, we found u-turn loose leash training. We've been told that once we master...
  8. J

    Desperate Need for Pittsburgh Area Trainer for newly adopted dog

    I very recently adopted a new dog who has become increasingly territorial within the home, not with people, but with the other dog. New dog, L, is 8 and had a tough life. Resident dog, P, is 4. They’re both females. P doesn’t engage with the new dog, if anything tries to avoid her. L also...
  9. I

    Reactive 4 y/o German Shepard

    I have a 4 year old German Shepard I got from the animal shelter. He is a sweet dog and loves humans. He also likes to play with other dogs. My problem is that during walks he is reactive with other dogs. He starts with staring at the dog and when they react to him that is when he starts...
  10. I

    The Worst Happened: My Dog Bit Unprovoked

    My dog has seemed less and less like himself as of recent. He’s constantly on edge when he’s not asleep, which is actually pretty often these days. He went from cooperating at training sessions to ignoring HIGH VALUE treats. He growls when certain people in the house pass him while he’s lying...
  11. M

    Dog food recommendations?

    I have 2 dogs a golden retriever (5.5 years old, 88 lbs) and a Potcake (4 years old, 65 lbs). I’d fed them Blue Buffalo for years, but a trainer we recently worked with informed us that it was really low quality dog food and suggested we switch to a high quality brand. She recommended Open...
  12. H

    Is it our time for professional help?

    I'm looking for advice if I should search for professional help with my pup. I will start with some background and will describe the behavioural issues and how do we work on those. My pup is 8 mo male pug. Not spayed as our vet so far doesn't see the indications for it. He didn't show any...
  13. R

    Bonded littermate has started attacking her sister at 5 y/o

    Tl;dr: Littermate has started attacking her bonded sibling at age 5. Could be littermate syndrome but could be rage syndrome. Last time I got in the middle and was bit. Is it better to rehome or keep pushing? What do we do next? At a loss for what to do. Our GSD/Collie-mix girls were adopted...
  14. O

    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    Reposting from puppy subreddit per someone’s suggestion. The folks over there have given some great advice such as a muzzle and seeking a behaviorist. I am trying to figure out what her triggers are. She goes from 0-100 and it seems to be seemingly random. She could be sniffing the ground then...
  15. B

    Humbled - training is NOT the issue or the answer

    I used to be a person who silently judged those with dogs acting crazy & uncontrollable outside. I’d think, geez, train your dog. Let me tell ya, I have been humbled. I didn’t even know “reactive dog” was a thing. I’ve always had dogs, but nothing like the one I have now. Odie has had more...
  16. Y


    My girl is a 4 yr old Carolina mutt that we rescued as a puppy(just a few months old). We admittedly didn’t do all the training we should have…sit, high five, lay down…fun things like that. To the reactive part: she has a lead in our open back yard and is very reactive to just other dogs on...
  17. L

    Resource guarding issues

    Hi all, I’m struggling with my 2 y.o. Malinois mutt’s resource guarding behavior. She doesn’t like to share water, food, or toys (although water can be negotiated). The worst though is that she would sometimes guard the space around me and be aggressive towards other dogs who want me to pet...
  18. R

    How to get stubborn S/O on board

    My partner of four years and I adopted a lovely rescue dog in September of last year. She’s incredibly sweet, smart and energetic. Overall, a really great dog and I adore her. She has extreme anxiety though and is reactive to new people and dogs (once she gets to know people/dogs, her sweetness...
  19. M

    Our deaf reactive puppy didn’t get properly trained throughout the first 6 months of his life and we’re struggling

    Rocky is our 5 nearly 6 month old puppy who is deaf. He’s been deaf since birth from what we know, but the first foster carer wasn’t aware due to presence of other dogs that he would follow around at all times. Rocky is a Bull Arab/Blue Heeler mix so he’s quite intelligent and has a lot of...
  20. J

    My dog bit me last night due to reacting to a box cutter I was using... How can I help desensitize him?

    He's 8 months old and mostly a very good boy, but he's developed a reactivity to anything we use with our hands e.g. wiping messes with paper towels, using a watering can, using a box cutter etc. He would start barking aggressively and try to bite at it. we normally try and keep things away...