advice needed

  1. J

    Our rescue dog has become horrifyingly aggressive towards first dog

    Hello everyone. This is a long one so sorry in advance. Not even sure if this is the right sub but I really need help. My husband and I got a second dog 6 weeks ago. He (Ricky) is an abused rescue, unsure of the age, they said 3-4 but I think he’s more like 1-2 with how he acts. They said...
  2. H

    Had a really stressful day with dogs suddenly fighting

    Warning: I am sorry this is so long but I'm still terrified and horrified about what happened today so I'm just going to write it all out and try to edit it at the end. I have a 3yoM fixed Pit Bull / Corgi mix (B), and a 9moM unfixed Pit Bull / Chi mix (K). They are both rescues. I was trying...
  3. L

    Advice for reactive small dog?

    Hi everyone, I have a Yorkie who is about 7 years old. I got him 2 years ago from relatives who had him for the first 5 or so years of his life. They never trained him (including potty training), socialized him, or walked him. I’m pretty sure he was never exposed to other dogs or the outside...
  4. S

    Dog suddenly is protective of me. Is that common or "aggression."

    My dog is a rescue. He's a 5 year old coton/maltese mix We've had for about 4 months now. He has a lot of reactivity but we've never considered it aggressive. More... whiny and fearful? Particularly towards men and other dogs. He was abused for almost his whole life. We've been patient in...
  5. S

    Dog suddenly aggressive @ 3.5 yrs

    Posted in another training page here too. Looking for advice or help with my 3.5yr old Great Pyrenees mix. He is about 75 lbs. He does take 100mg of cyclosporine for anal fixtures - we have been on meds about 4 months. Over the last few weeks he has gotten significantly more aggressive. It has...
  6. D

    Methods on showing your dog you’re standing up for them

    Hey, guys! I’m in an almost year long reactive dog raising, and one of things my dog trainer has said - it’s very important to let know your dog you’re taking charge of situation dog feels uncomfortable, scared, reactive. I’ll ask my dog trainer about my concerns, but I’m looking for support...
  7. A

    Bitey, poopy, barky, stressed-y

    Hi all, I have a 1.5 year old shih tzu mix who we rescued when he was 9 months old. He was born with a cleft lip and palate to a backyard breeder. He has a brother with behavioral issues in a shelter. His DNA test said he's extremely inbred. I'm giving this as context because I'm not sure if he...
  8. W

    Training bite inhibition when none exists

    We have what we think is 1.5-2 years old shelter dog who resource guards (getting better, but prone to relapses) and has zero bite inhibition except when he wanted to ‘mouth’ when in cuddle mode after sleeping or eating. I stop cuddle mode when he does this, and he hasn’t really mouthed in...
  9. A

    Dogs not getting along

    In March of this year, I adopted my dog at 2 months old. She was rescued from a dog hoarding situation and had some health issues when she was first seized. She is reactive on leash but does really well playing with dogs at her daycare. I visit my parents almost every weekend and they have a...
  10. C

    Excited Reactive Dog Help

    So I adopted my now 1 yearish old dog in January from a shelter in the city. They’d picked him up off the street and had no idea what his background was. When I adopted him his forms said 3 years old, but when I picked him up after neutering they said he was 7-9 months old. I thought I was...
  11. H

    Torn on BE for my reactive puppy

    Hi all - my partner and I have had our Doberman mix puppy since she was 8 weeks and from day 1, something wasn’t quite right. She never liked being pet, growled at us when we’d touch her, try to pick her up (a must for unvaccinated puppies) or go near her stuff. The aggression has also been...
  12. 1

    Loose leash walking with reactivity?

    Hello! Using a throwaway because I'm quite embarrassed and frustrated with my dog (F, 5 y/o, GSD/Lab mix). Besides her chronic fearful reactivity, we struggle a lot with loose leash walking because she pulls like a truck and loves to rush to the end of the leash to choke herself (she wears a...
  13. J

    Car reactive

    When we adopted our dog last year we were told she was great in cars but she’s found her voice in the last few months has become very reactive in the car, barking incessantly and running from window to window or trying to hop up and see out the front windshield. We’re starting car focused...
  14. A

    Help needed again- My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

    Hi again, Reddit. Just under a week ago I posted hereto ask for advice on what to do with my friend Sarah (28F) and her dog Jennie (6F). TL;DR of that post is that Sarah’s son, Zachariah (1M) was given a level 4 bite on his forearm after he stepped on Jennie’s tail accidentally. Sarah has...
  15. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    My dog is a 3 1/2 year old Labradoodle. We adopted him off a friend who could no longer have him. He's gentle, listens to sits/stay, doesn't bother my cat at all and IMO a really good lad. We took him on his first walk (local park, no one there 5pm>) and he went fine! The next day we took him...
  16. D

    Fluoxetine: when does appetite come back to somewhat normal?

    Just hit 6 weeks on 40mg for my 70lb dog and I’m wondering when your dogs appetite starting coming back at bit? (If it came back at all lol). I actually titrated the medication if that makes a difference. 10mg first week, 20 the next, so technically he’s only been on his prescribed dose for 3...
  17. C

    I’m scared to let my 3 big dogs out

    Hi, so I have 3 Australian Shepherds and every time I try to be responsible and let them out, 2 of the lunge at the door and it’s always scaring me and making me anxious. My body always starts to shake when I try to let them out and I’m always very hesitant to let them out. My parents always...
  18. M

    Training suggestions for working with my partner’s leash-reactive dog?

    Hey folks! My partner has a 6 y/o Boxer girl who is a bit leash-reactive toward other dogs/humans and has no history of bites or attacks. She’s generally cool with people and is very socialized with other dogs (my partner used to work at a doggy daycare, so she’s met every kind of dog and...
  19. B

    Dog becoming increasingly more reactive, I’m lost as to how to help him and worried about the direction he’s going in

    Hey everyone. I’ve read a bunch of posts about other peoples’ reactive dogs, but my situation has a couple of specifics I haven’t seen addressed elsewhere that I’d like advice on. I have a 4 year old Shih Tzu that I got 2.5 years ago. The previous family had gotten him from a breeder as a...
  20. J

    Am I doing counter-conditioning/desensitization the right way?

    Hey all, I'm looking for some more guidance regarding my 16 month old male Stabyhoun+Australian shepherd mix. What I'm working on a lot right now, is trying to make him react/feel different about things. He used to get worked up (staring, sometimes lunging, pulling) at things like...