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  1. M

    To the owner of a fellow reactive GSD owner who uses my dog to train theirs…

    @mellowmary I wonder if you own the front bit? I am thinking a little motion sensor sprinkler... set just a little off so it triggers off the pavement.. lol Just for a few days :- No best to window film and put a white noise machine on Make your dog disappear and they will stop training
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    he antagonized and then called her dangerous

    @pipumpsseo2 I never thought about that!
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    Is BE the only option?

    @sarahtoo I don't I teach it an alternative response in different situations and condition it to do it reflexively Even stop or down has been taught with an instructional command and the dog knows what I want it to do I use body language rather than voice to add command. Old gamekeepers...
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    Positives of Rainy Days With Your Reactive Pup

    @ecowolf Hah hah You are so lucky! I have a dog who looks so reproachfully at me like it is my fault the sky os leaking and his ears are wet! Lucky you Mine is like nah... my bladder is good.. I can hold on with my legs crossed... lets just go back inside I need to be that kind of dog owner...
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    Is BE the only option?

    @sarahtoo Kids are not the same as dogs! The "balanced" crowd like to say it often enough so here it it! Children think differently and can be reasoned with differently than dogs! Shocker! You need to read up and actually learn how dogs brains work and not project human sh t onto them
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    Reactive/food aggressive chihuahua now growling and air snapping at toddler

    @gell The dog needs a new home. I would contact the local humane society and not spare the abuse side of the story. They may find him a kindly foster I am afraid I would also contact local vets even if they are not your own and local dog clubs and widely explain the history of abuse (sod the...
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    I’m scared to let my 3 big dogs out

    @christian1488 If your parents aren't around and you are in charge you can train them any way you want to. Use their dried food and mix some cheese cubes from the fridge into it Train them a place sit by the door and only release when they are seated and calm. I would initially do it with one...
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    Warning grumble or “talking” grumble?

    @wayofthepromise That is really good. I thought of you describing him as like a cat and then the permission based stuff... thought it might really help People get scratched by cats because they don't read the signals! Dogs are more tolerant but not all of them
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    Very funny take on different dog breed reactions

    Right this is only very loosely linked to reactivity but I chose the how different breed react to robbers (stranger reactivity honest) It made me chuckle and I hope it gives us reactive dog owners light relief! Sometimes we need it I love his one on how dogs run as well Please mods if I am...
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    he antagonized and then called her dangerous

    @booboo222 Gorgeous ears! What an alert hunter! I didn't know the whole taping dobermans ears though because it is simply not done where I am. It looks so strange. Dobermans have cute floppy ears and look gorgeous with them I got the keep your dog on a short lead the other day to
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    Best vet explanation of how medication like prozac works

    @failte This is such an excellent article! Thank you I have not personally reached the level of requiring medication with my pretty straightforward reactive dog (90 percent frustration) but I would not hesitate to do so at any point in his life if he required it. Yes I very much have...
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    What are your "top 3" tips?

    @breatheme For me my first hard lesson was don't assume people who work with dogs have the same level of professional training I have to have in my own field... I let my dog down badly because I trusted a dog professional knew what they were doing. I should have been a lot more picky on what...
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    Warning grumble or “talking” grumble?

    @wayofthepromise I would reach out to your vet and ask for a referral to a vet behaviourist. As a matter of urgency You don't say what methods the board and train used. It is possible they taught him to suppress warning signs and only now is he feeling comfortable enough to express his...
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    Reactive/food aggressive chihuahua now growling and air snapping at toddler

    @adrian64 Yes I agree A very experienced foster. It is just a chance but that is what OP wanted to know. I feel for OP and the dog.. I hope they can rehome this dog because I just see loss and distress in their post and they don't need the mental burden of a BE choice as well Frankly I am...
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    Training suggestions for working with my partner’s leash-reactive dog?

    @micah1 She sounds like a frustrated greeter... I replied up thread to some one about this and what I was taught to do. I will see if I can link to this so you can see THis is the link. I kind of tried to help and explain what my trainer taught me and linked to similar resources to her...
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    Reactive/food aggressive chihuahua now growling and air snapping at toddler

    @gell He does have a hope of finding a home. He has an abuse record if you lay it out properly and people will recognise that the dog has potential under its abuse
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    Best vet explanation of how medication like prozac works

    OK this is a very tough video to watch and involves abused sun bears (don't watch if you would prefer not to) However the vet is absolutely fabulous on learned helplessness, stress hormones and how it interferes with the ability of the bear to learn (about 4 minutes in) The story of a broken...
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    Rhode Island Dog Owner Beware: K9 Instincts Board-to-Train

    @jk100991 This is an astonishing sad and brave post I am so sad for the OP What is it about a certain type of person how they see and abuse dogs? What is wrong with dog training that this is flourishing in some countries? I live in the UK and while I believe these collars and board and...
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    Safe to add a front D-ring to a harness that doesn’t have one?

    @miguelblanco This is going to sound strange but a good saddler/ horse shop can do a professional sew job for you if you buy a d ring. The advice to repair a climbing rucksack strap is to find a local cobbler They have the right stuff.. strong needles and threads etc Either of these options...