he antagonized and then called her dangerous

@mcpugh Dog bites are serious, owners of reactive dogs especially need to take caution.

I very strongly believe all dog owners need to understand and learn and study dogs body language throughly, before taking them out into the public. Simply because all dogs can bite, and will bite under the correct circumstances.

Things can go south really fast, but if your able to pick up on those cues, Being able to understand even a little on how that dog is feeling at the present moment can literally save lives.
Not even just for your own pup.

Super irresponsible on his part.
@mcpugh Same here. And usually it’s men doing the approaching. I’ve had men walk out in our path to try to “say hi” to my two reactive dogs. I told him my dogs don’t really like meeting strangers and for training we really try not to stop. He said “they don’t dislike strangers” - lol oh really? Try again and one of them will likely lunge. He wouldn’t budge and kept informing me that my dogs did actually like strangers. And then they both started barking crazily and lunging which finally got him out of our way (but also put them at a ten for anxiety for the rest of the walk). When my dad walks my dogs, he has no issues. I’m 40 but look fairly young for my age.
@nikolina I struggle with children and their mothers. I have a extremely people and dog reactive dog, I was able to train her to hide behind me and I run interference. But I always get the little kind running up and get the dreaded "can I pet your dog?" I try to always be polite and thank them for asking but explain that she gets scared of new people and always tell them that they can pet my other two as they adore children. You'd think I used every curse word possible. "My child asked to pet your dog. So let her pet your dog."
@mcpugh YES same!! My dog is people-reactive and we do our best to keep a large distance, but sometimes in a city you get surprised. Three times now when she’s barked at men who get too close I’ve been told “wow lucky you have her to protect you!!” or something to this effect. Nobody has ever felt the need to say anything like that to my husband when he walks her.
@bandarbo thank you for saying this. After the interaction, I thought the same thing. Sometimes it helps having a Chow since people already form an opinion about them, keeps the creeps away 😏