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    Question about getting a dog as an adult

    @adrainsmith Yeah, I wasn’t saying that rabbits don’t need time, attention, money, and love. It’s just that if they have a rabbit friend or two, they are okay being left while their person is at work but a dog might not be. I’m the last person to say that small animals are low maintenance pets...
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    Question about getting a dog as an adult

    @anojinzouningen Have you considered other animals? Through volunteering at the shelter, I’ve recently become a rabbit fan. They are so opinionated and oftentimes strong willed that it’s impossible not to love them. And then there’s my personal favorite small animal - rats. I have 5 currently...
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    @lenkin Sounds like a high arousal dog. First step for management - keep a drag line on him and straight arm him (hold leash out in a way he cannot land a bite, you can look up how-to online) so he cannot land a bite. This shouldn’t be punishment, don’t hurt him or try to jerk the leash/scare...
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    First time adopter

    @neco It really depends on the dog and what their personality and history is. Shelter life is super stressful, so remember to give the dog plenty of time to decompress in their new home! The first few weeks should be super calm. Let the dog figure out their new routine and settle in before doing...
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    9 year old Lhasa Apso with forelimb bend

    @bchamp Why do you think a group of random redditors can give a better answer than multiple trained vets? Why don’t you believe their diagnosis?
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    My dog hates me, help please.

    @unknown404 She needs time but it may also be a good idea to talk to a vet about long term anxiety meds
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    Where do you leave your dog? E.g doggy daycare or at home

    @dougra2000 At home but not for more than four or so hours at a time. He likes dogs but would HATE daycare
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    Getting a dog with a full time job?

    @kim2116 You can do it, though I suggest getting a dog walker so they can get out during the day. Definitely don’t get a puppy, they cannot be left for 8 hours a day
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    Bad Dog Owner? Or Overprotective Dad?

    @glove If someone did that to my dog I’d be furious. It’s abusive and wrong to put a dog in a headlock or hit them. The most I’ve done to my dog (when he tried to bite my bird’s tail feathers or step on her for fun) is shake is scruff, tell him no, and put him outside. If it were anything that...