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    How to introduce a leash-reactive dog to new dogs?

    @cblevs05 Oh, that makes it a little more of a challenge! May I suggest that when you see a dog(s) and he doesn't react treat him and praise him lavishly with some high value treats. Every single time he doesn't react, give him a party! Teach him that seeing another dog is a really good thing...
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    I found my dog’s hidden stash today

    @zakknight We underestimate the intelligence of dogs to a huge degree. There is so much they can learn from us, and even more that they can teach us. There are multiple videos of dogs using the toilet. This dog has a great aim and impeccable manners. Teach your dog to use the toilet. Teach...
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    How to introduce a leash-reactive dog to new dogs?

    @cblevs05 There is never a guarantee any technique will work, but parallel walking is one of the safest methods to introduce two, or more, dogs. It is the safest method to introduce dogs. When meeting a new dog it is advised you hold the meeting in a neutral area large enough to keep the dogs...
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    Y’all are amazing

    @porcelainheartx Thank you so much for acknowledging what those of us with reactive dogs go through each day. Would that the world be perfect for our reactive pups, it would be filled with caring, compassionate and understanding people like you! It would make our days and work so much easier...
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    I found my dog’s hidden stash today

    @washedcleannyc Humiliation is being outsmarted by your dog. Humanity is being secretly proud of their smarts! 🤣
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    Struggling to find a muzzle that allows my dog to pant and drink

    @exitworldwide Choosing and fitting a muzzle. Muzzle reviews. Teaching a dog to wear a muzzle.
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    Bonded littermate has started attacking her sister at 5 y/o

    @roovis Selkie should have a thorough nose-to-tail evaluation, including blood tests. The vet should check hormone levels (blood tests), vision, hearing, skeletal and range of motion issues and general pain, an oral examination, and neurological testing. Puca could have an undiagnosed illness...
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    Has anyone used a backpack (e.g. K9 Sport Sack) for a large reactive dog?

    @onefootinheavenoneinhell There's the trick and where situation awareness comes in! You need to start distracting him before he goes over threshold. When you are out walking you always need a plan in order to escape, hide, cross the street or retreat the way you came. You can use bushes, fences...
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    A trainer showing a reactive dog walk

    @monk58 The videos this trainer puts out are so helpful, I recommend them often. They also have a website with a lot of really good information as well at Instinct Dog Behavior & Training. They offer free and low-cost training options and work with a behaviorist.
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    Has anyone used a backpack (e.g. K9 Sport Sack) for a large reactive dog?

    @onefootinheavenoneinhell I hear you and sympathize. My guy is 80 pounds of pure muscle and prey drive and I trained him using only positive reinforcement, a ton of treats and military ops-level situational awareness! I am on the smaller side and am also older. We had a very unpleasant...
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    Reactive dog training on your own? (w/o a trainer)

    @calso There are several very good positive reinforcement trainers on YouTube that deal with reactivity. Instinct Dog Behavior and Training. They also offer no-cost online training classes. Kikopup is a great trainer and very well respected in the training community. Simpawtico has some...
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    Has anyone used a backpack (e.g. K9 Sport Sack) for a large reactive dog?

    @onefootinheavenoneinhell Let him see the backpack and get used to the idea of it. You could even wear it when around him to reassure him it is nothing evil! Work slowly and gently and don't force him into it. You could try draping it across his back to let him acclimate. If you frequently carry...
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    Thoughts on upstate academy method?

    @muin496 You or your partner may wish to read the position statement on the humane training of dogs put out by the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior. Aversive training methods and tools such as choke, prong and shock collars force the dog to obey out of fear of pain or punishment...
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    situational meds for thunder & fireworks?

    @asker There are a number of things you can try with your pup. Calming products such as a weighted blanket, vest or cuddle toy. Finding a safe space for her such as a bathroom or closet and listening to calming music for dogs. There is even calming music for dogs specific to fireworks. I so...
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    Horrible start to the year

    @cluper93 Any one of these horrific tragedies would be enough to send anyone into a deep depression. Experiencing all three losses on the same night is unfathomable. Words of sympathy and empathy feel inadequate, but it is all any of us have to offer. Be kind to yourselves, take all the time...
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    @cowgirlup727 There is no greater 'expert' on your dog than someone who does not live with your dog 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! They know even more if they have never had a dog, particularly one like your dog. If they have never had a reactive dog, and are giving you training tips, well my...