Horrible start to the year


New member
Today I had to surrender my dog of 6 years last night I came home from a fun new years night to my mother in laws yorkie dead and bloody on the ground we keep my dog and the yorkie separated but she somehow got through a door and two gates and killed her. I feel so bad and don’t know how I can repay my girlfriends parents I’m so sad my gf can’t help but feel guilty and can’t get the image out of her head we’re staying strong as well I got news that my sister died at 2:30AM after her bf crashed their car into a pond, the bf survived, she also has 2 kids that don’t even know yet. I miss my dog, I miss the yorkie, I miss my sister, this has been the worst day ever.
@cluper93 Gosh I'm so sorry. Life came down on you hard. Please consider seeing a professional, such as a therapist, to work through all that has happened.
@cluper93 Holy fuck. Im so sorry you are going through this. This is extremely heavy for anyone to have to deal with and I hope you and your girlfriend can support eachother in this healing process. Please take care of yourselves as much as you can , these events arent something you guys could have controlled and its no way to start the new year. Pain heals with time although it doesnt feel like it right now , things will get better.

Im really sorry for the loss of your sister 😔
@cluper93 Any one of these horrific tragedies would be enough to send anyone into a deep depression. Experiencing all three losses on the same night is unfathomable. Words of sympathy and empathy feel inadequate, but it is all any of us have to offer.

Be kind to yourselves, take all the time you need to grieve. There is no timeline announcing when grief ends. Grief is like tides from the ocean, it ebbs and flows. You all would benefit from seeing a professional to deal with these heavy losses. I truly hope you avail yourselves of the services.

My heart is breaking for you, your girlfriend, her parents, your entire family, your sister's boyfriend, and both dogs.

Sending healing thoughts and warm hugs. 💔
@stokinbusuk Thank you so much we’re both gonna start seeing therapists sooner or later feels like a bad dream but life keeps on trucking I just hope my dog will get a second chance and get rehomed
@cluper93 Omg this is absolutely horrific. I am so sorry for your tremendous losses and the heavy guilt you are carrying. My heart is broken for you. I wish I had something uplifting to say but I am at a loss for words. All I can say is that I am so incredibly sorry for everything that you are all going through.
@cluper93 I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with all of this! I truly hope you can take care of yourself and find some peace. This is a lot, all at once, and I can’t imagine what you’re all going through. If you ever need to vent, pm me. Hopefully the New Year gets so much better for you!
@cluper93 There just aren’t words adequate for what you’re going through. I’m so, so sorry. Sending a virtual hug and healing thoughts.

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