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  1. 3

    Venting & Advice Needed

    @princev79 tell them it appears they have not had the opportunity to take any obedience classes yet, and you'd be happy to make a recommendation. you're certain it would make their life easier. in the spirit of venting... I was thinking the same thing yesterday as I walked my dog. I do not...
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    Thoughts on older dog’s behavioral changes

    @jdoe aussies can chew when bored or not exercised enough. but your dog has never done it, so it's an odd thing. maybe just pay attention and see if she starts doing it more with other things. if it continues, maybe a vet visit to check her teeth. maybe she's having an oral issue. or the vet...
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    My puppy won't stop eating poop, it's ruining my relationship with my fiancé

    @givemeareason don't let her near the poop. take her on a walk and have her poop on the road. not shared green areas. and teach her the leave it command. bring treats with you or fav squeaky toy to distract her and reward her. walk at a quick pace until you're away from the shared green spaces...
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    Dog Park Fear

    @barbaraomalley I went once. I was disgusted. came home and showered and bathed the dog. he had never humped anything until he spent 5 min in a dog park being humped by every other dog. now he wants to hump other dogs. Idk how to make him stop. thankfully, he's not able to get that close to...
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    Pet Insurance?

    @dashestoashes I dont have it and have been super fortunate with the health of my dog. he's now 14 and it doesn't make sense. however, 3 of my neighbors have it and their dogs all has serious, long health problems. pet insurance saved them thousands of $. my moms dog developed heart problems...
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    Chihuahua allergie

    @ptrk air purifiers, change furnace filters regularly and get ones for allergens, vacuum and dust all the time. get ducts cleaned and sanitized if you have a home. wash blankets, bedding, etc...and I don't know about your living situation, but if at all possible, no carpets and have leather...
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    meds for car ride?

    @victoryj my mom uses trazadone for her dog from the vet. I don't recommend benadryl bc it can have the opposite effect.
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    Am I being unreasonable

    @prilzorsley it's awful. my neighbors dog did it everyday all the time it was outside. for years. and she barked monotonously. same pitch same interval. they never did anything about it. after years of it, my husband occasionally even pressed the car alarm button for a few seconds every time the...
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    @luke50 some pet stores and even the tractor supply store offer free pet clinics once a month. you might get some help there. but you might try a care credit card that allows you to pay up front and pay it off no interest for a period of time. if you weren't using heartguard regularly, please...
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    Prospective dog parent essential considerations?

    @bababenny you always have to think about what happens if my rescue isn't good with other people? especially a chihuahua. I have a 14 yr old rescue. I've had him since he was 3. I can't leave him anywhere but home and he won't allow anyone else to care for him except my mom and husband. he's...
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    Can I get a dog as a 24hr shift worker?

    @johnnywong most definitely not ok. the first month's with your dog are important for bonding. also, animals should not be left alone like that. it's unfair and cruel to them. they need tons of exercise, stimulation, training etc... think of pets like children. please wait.
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    Need tips on how to take the pack out and about

    @attardk maybe spend a couple of sessions with a trainer that can help you manage the dogs together as a pack and get them focused on you as their handler. it would be worthwhile expenditure of $ and time. and better your relationship with them overall. I wouldn't take them out together without...
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    My dog isn’t safe around my baby. Is it time for BE?

    @mjm13 agreed. best of luck!
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    My dogs keep chewing my niece's underwear

    @babylee I'm hoping you get some good answers on this bc my son's dog does the same thing. for 4 years. eats all of their dirty socks and crotches of underwear. he's an aussie, so I figured it's bc he's anxious and bored and not well cared for or exercised and kept in an apartment. I encouraged...
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    My dog isn’t safe around my baby. Is it time for BE?

    @mjm13 I know you have to get there on your own, but...unfortunately, no one will take a dog with a history of aggression. and think about this... if they do, you wouldn't want your dog with them bc they're likely not going to treat him well and possibly make him more aggressive. and if someone...
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    My Dog Won’t Eat

    @jhm59 maybe? I'd def ask the vet to check his mouth to make sure and tell them about his no interest in eating his food. you'd think that if a dog gets hungry enough, he'll eat, which is what they say about kids, but I find that's not always true. some people and pets are picky. maybe he's...
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    My dog isn’t safe around my baby. Is it time for BE?

    @mjm13 I had a similar situation. had my shepherd trained by the same guy that trained dogs for the state troopers. but then we had a baby. I was a little concerned bc she didn't seem to love kids. but everyone said she'd be fine with ours. she was great in many ways but ended up biting our...
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    My Dog Won’t Eat

    @jhm59 maybe add a little broth to the food or try the wet food. maybe the dogs teeth hurt? could be an issue with the mouth.
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    Should I adopt?

    @tinytaytay i never recommend that people get w dog that are regularly gone 12 hrs a day. I think it's very unfair. so, if you do it anyway, please do careful research on breed. rescues might need more time and attention and training. I don't advocate getting a dog on a weekend and then leaving...
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    My wife and I are getting a puppy this summer. Come, bring me your wisdom

    @nayte research dogs that are good for running. labs and some other breeds have tendencies towards acl tears and hip issues. also, look at dogs that are good for your overall lifestyle. puppies are like infants. 24 hr a day needs. house training, chewing, crying. so think about your work...