Am I being unreasonable


New member
Hello everyone,

We own two dogs, and we have a new neighbor who has a dog that, every time she hears our dog, goes running toward our fence and barks, which I completely understand. However, I have started to notice a pattern. I’m noticing that even when our dogs aren’t outside, when the dog goes outside, I guess she expects our dogs to ALWAYS be outside, so she goes running against our fence every single day and barks. This is a tall fence, so she doesn’t know if my dogs are there. It seems to bother me when she goes outside at 6:30 in the morning every weekday. I also know she’s not barking at something else because I am able to see the yard from my bedroom window, and I see her barking toward our fence. The owners aren’t out there with her or trying to tell her to go potty. She just barks non-stop for 10-15 minutes. Would you let it be or maybe have a talk with the owner?
@ben_simon21438 It's a dog. Doing dog things, wanting the attention from another dog. You're upset over 10 minutes of barking,. While it's outside during the day..yikes.
@304 Sure, it’s a dog doing dog things. But this is a trainable behaviour. And 630 in the morning is likely before noise bylaws end.

The owners of that dog should be more aware that the dog is causing a noise that is disturbing the peace at a time of day when there is likely a noise bylaw. They then have two options:
  1. Don’t let the dog out until later.
  2. Train the behaviour out of the dog.
OP is not being unreasonable.
@304 I am a great neighbour. I am quiet and respect noise bylaws.

See how much you like getting woken up at 630 in the morning everyday if you don’t have to be awake.
@maitaisonnd Right? As a beagle and corgi owner I have always been keenly aware of how much and how often my dogs bark and have always tried my hardest to make sure they aren’t disturbing the neighbourhood.

Who knows who else is being disturbed by this dog’s constant barking. It’s wild that anyone thinks this is okay and this is the type of thing that gives dog owners a bad name.

“It’s normal dog behaviour” translates to “I’m too lazy to train my dog.”
@prilzorsley it's awful. my neighbors dog did it everyday all the time it was outside. for years. and she barked monotonously. same pitch same interval. they never did anything about it. after years of it, my husband occasionally even pressed the car alarm button for a few seconds every time the dog barked until they brought her in (in the late afternoon). the other neighbors were appreciative and not annoyed we did that. it was an awful thing to be woken up by every day at 630. ruff. ruff. ruff. ruff....🤯 you might want to speak to them and just ask if there's anything they can do about it. unless they have to go to work and the dog has to go out at that time. maybe just in the morning, they can bring the dog out on a leash for a few min.
@prilzorsley You sure can tell who lives in the real world and who expects everyone in life to conform to their selfish standards.

Dogs bark. Lots of people are awake at 630 or before anyways. Grow up.
@dally Conform to the selfish standards of checks notes being polite and considerate?

So you are the type of person that people are talking about when they say all dog owners are entitled and selfish jerks.
@304 So you’re a bad neighbor and a bad dog owner. Got it.

No. Dogs do not and should not bark for 10 minutes nonstop like ever. What an odd thing to think is acceptable.
@304 Why is one persons dogs loneliness a completely different persons’ problem?

Why is this country and this website filled with horrible dog owners.
@304 I agree with you. I do think the OP is being unreasonable. OP has two dogs, so surely can understand normal dog behavior which it sounds like her neighbors dog is doing. Also, 630am is not that early in my opinion.

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