Venting & Advice Needed


New member
(I’m currently a little worked up bc just got back from our walk where we encountered a rude & uneducated dog owner with their dog.)
I walk my dog at least once a day, everyday around my neighborhood. Typically I avoid other dogs because I don’t agree with random dogs meeting on leash when I don’t know the dog or the owner. And most of the dog walkers I repeated see, do the same. But now the weather is getting nicer and I feel like randos are out walking their dogs and not thinking twice about: “should I let me dog approach this unknown dog/person?” I’ve multiple dogs run up to us off-leash (one owner acted like the whole thing was my fault, even though my dog was leashed while their’s had just bolted out of their car while putting it in park), lunge at us, & bark like crazy, which excites my guy no matter how much distraction/training I do. I feel like there’s some common sense etiquette that should be followed but because some people don’t seem to know or follow those rules, I want to know: what can I say to fellow dog walkers to let me know I’m not interested in our dogs meeting?
@princev79 My only sure fire way of dealing with this was decades ago when I had a St Bernard and I'd tell people his name was Cujo. They didn't need to know he'd just lick them to death.

I usually move mine slightly off the street and make them sit until the other dog passes. This usually clues the other person in that we are not up for being social. When that doesn't work I just call out that mine are not friendly. Do I get a dirty look? Yep. Don't care.

When all else fails I yell at the person to come and get their dog. I have kicked a dog before who was trying to bite mine.
@princev79 tell them it appears they have not had the opportunity to take any obedience classes yet, and you'd be happy to make a recommendation. you're certain it would make their life easier. in the spirit of venting... I was thinking the same thing yesterday as I walked my dog. I do not understand how people don't know what side of the street to walk on or that their dog is supposed to walk on their left. or why people think it's ok to let their kids just follow us and try to pet my dog. he's a chihuahua, and they generally don't like to be approached and touched by a bunch of randos. teach your kids proper manners so no one gets hurt.