Need tips on how to take the pack out and about


New member
Hello! First post in this group and I’m needing some advice. I have two dogs, a 7 year old male Australian cattle dog and a 7 year old female German shepherd, husky mix. We’ve had the heeler for 5 years and the husky for a year and a half. The thing I’m struggling with is that each dog on a leash out and about does pretty well (minus the pulling on the husky but I get it) INDIVIDUALLY. The issue is that they’re a nightmare together. Snarling at other dogs, pulling like crazy, barking. I know this is most likely pack mentality but I would love to be able to take them out together. Idk if anyone else has struggled with this but I’d love some advice. Thank you in advance!
@attardk maybe spend a couple of sessions with a trainer that can help you manage the dogs together as a pack and get them focused on you as their handler. it would be worthwhile expenditure of $ and time. and better your relationship with them overall. I wouldn't take them out together without that kind of help bc you need to be in control of them.
@3rdeye This is a good idea to look into. I hadn’t really thought of a trainer to do stuff together with. I know of a friend who had her single dog trained and he’s great on the leash and everything but hadn’t thought about the two together. I know my anxiety level is higher too when I’m out with them because they’re animals and you never know what can happen so I need to be better about keeping calm and such. Thank you for your advice!!
@attardk Blue heeler/Australian cattle dog owner here
I would bring a second person with you to start out with. Someone STRONG and slowly introducing them to it, but if one of them or both of them have weakness for squirrels,( my blue used to go crazy coco-bananananananas over those tree-rats!), you may just have to end up taking them individually 🤷‍♀️
@iaras lol my heeler is psycho for those tree rats 😂😂 my fiancé has gone once with me but I think he’s very uncomfortable with walking them so I’m sure they sensed his anxiety. It’s like they want to attack every human and dog that’s in sight when they’re together. I’m assuming it’s a protection thing but it’s annoying. I even have to let them out in the backyard separately because they’ll rip up my fence to attack the neighbors dogs. I’ll try to get my fiancé comfortable with walking them with me in the neighborhood and then hopefully we can go out places.
@attardk Lol crazy muthah-fluffers! I'm sorry I wish I had better advice, but the thing with your sweetheart has me 🤣🤣🤣🤣, I don't mean that in a mean way. It's ok, some folks are just skittish when it comes to dogs. I wish you the best of luck though and I can't wait to hear the progress or lack of progress on these outdoor adventures with your fluffy bundles of joy!
(*blues/aussies are just so cocoa-bananananananas when it comes to sharing mama! Clover, my blue, still growls at the cats if they try to get close to me when she's being babied on my lap. As like this is my mama! Go away! Lol)
@iaras This is my heeler exactly 😂😂 he’s just not confident with dogs. He grew up with cats so it’s a lifestyle change for sure. Thank you for the best wishes. Maybe I’ll have an update in the future!

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