Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

@patricia1213 Can you get the other potential family visitor on board and both bail on her?

I'd remind her that she should leave a credit card with the dogs for veterinary or cleaning emergencies because they're going to be unattended so long.
@allbutnone I offered to pay for boarding and she’s excluded me from the planning now. She said she’s found someone else. The person she’s got in lieu of me and my girlfriend doesn’t think it’s right either so they’re going to be boarded either way. I’m going to make sure of it, whether she likes it or not. Idc if I have to pay
@patricia1213 Just wanted to say u are a trooper for caring enough for a strange animal to actively help out! Most people would just go ‘not my dog not my problem’ or be too worried about the niece getting angry to do anything. U are a great person and i want to thank u in the dogs’s name for saving those poor animals from 3 days of hell that could very well end up in trauma, injury or even worse. I am also sorry u have to to through sth this stressful and that your niece is an a-hole. Bravo and Good luck OP!
@allbutnone And then use the credit card to board her dogs or hire a dog sitter. In Texas that type of confinement would be felony animal cruelty. You might want to check in your state.
@patricia1213 Completely not okay. She needs to find someone they can stay with or pay for them to go to a kennel.

They're still going to need at least two walks a day, 4 -- more like 7 for the young one -- bathroom breaks a day, meals, cuddles, mental activities, and play. And to not be confined to a box where they can't move about for literally three days straight.

She could wind up with a mess of pee or feces, anxious pups, or worse injured pups if someone freaks out.

The young one should only be crated for like 4-5 hours TOPS.
@patricia1213 A pet sitter that doesn’t leave them alone for more than 4-6 hours at a time other than overnight would be ideal. A dog over 18 months can be left for about 6 hours. I know many people have to leave their dog to go to work for 8-9 hours per day…but that isn’t good for them…

There are plenty of hotels for dogs if that isn’t possible. We left our pup at one. He didn’t like us leaving him there, but he ate well and had fun none the less.

This is 100% cruelty to animals

Can you imagine only getting to walk around, eat, drink, pee, etc at like 7am and 7pm each day? Other than that you’re confined to your bed, not out of illness or injury?

Edit: misread 7 months as 7 years. She should have them checked in on every 4 hours at minimum