" Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

@imagebeastmarkbeast 💯!!!

I've had to do a 180 to get my dog out of dodge SO many times because of clueless owners. One was this hyper lab off leash and walking WAY ahead of the owner (we were NOT in an off-leash park, in fact not even in a park at all!) and then he started RUNNING towards us when it saw my (very big) dog. I tried to get out of there as soon as I saw this and yelled at the lady to call off and leash her dog. She called the dog but - surprise surprise, ZERO recall - and then yelled at me, chastizeling me for "over reacting" because her dog is "friendly". My dog gets stressed at dogs running at him because he was attacked (at a dog park) when he was a puppy. So now he wants to pull at the threat to pin/neutralize it. Thankfully, I managed to tug him away and get out before the dog reached us, while also yelling at her dog to back off. SUCH an enraging and unnecessarily stressful situation!

Just last weekend I had him off leash (AT an off leash park), for the first time since knee surgery that he had a couppe months ago (he's an old boy). I decided to leave when I saw another dog there. My boy came as called and we left quickly, no issue. 10 mins later I'm walking down a side street and come across the same guy, his dog now leashed but on those goddamn extendable leashes. Which, are actually against our city bylaws, BTW! I cross the street to avoid them. He is now on the other side of the street but dog is closer to me than his owner! The guy makes some dumb comment about how dogs behave better when not at home or something. I say "well, actually, he's recently had surgery so isn't friendly to anyone right now".

That shut him up and he finally got the hint to reel in his dog. Just because your dog is a floppy careless bundle of fur doesn't mean he deserves to meet every creature he passes. Also, if you can see that I'm intentionally avoiding you, WHY CAN'T YOU GET THE HINT AND BACK OFF?!? Fuck some people, seriously.
@that1starfish Them: Your dog is reactive because you don't let her play with other dogs.

Me: Do you know of a truly dog social dog who is energetic and physical enough to handle her natural play style while still being calm enough not to overstimulate her? Because that dog is not it.
@that1starfish TBF you can see this happening in real time if you walk the same routes.

People with tiny dogs pick them up every time a normal sized dog goes past. Eventually, the tiny dog leans from this that the normal dogs are 'scary'. Then they bark and bite at the larger dogs.

I am definitely not saying every reactive dog is a result of this. But if I wanted to make my dog scared/reactive, this is exactly how I'd go about it.

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