" Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

@revrude Exactly! You just need your dog to realize that YOURE the alpha in the pack. It clearly doesn’t respect your place. Try biting its ear to establish dominance
@that1starfish Omg yes. I had a lady tell me “it’s good for dogs to say hi to other dogs” as her 4 off-leash, zero recall, large dogs circled us as we we’re trying to enjoy an afternoon in a public park. The audacity of people. 😅
@tseleng This is so infuriating. Maybe we could get them to a better place if people like her weren’t constantly causing regression. My blood is boiling reading this. I’ve had the same but with only 1 dog. Can’t imagine how overwhelming it would be with 4
@oldthennew Oh I was fuming over this interaction for WEEKS after. Don’t tell me what’s good for my dog, you (the lady) don’t know her! Lol

It’s a park we frequent, because 99% of the time people mind their business and respect each other space. We’ve come such a long way with our dog and her leash reactivity, I could tell she was uncomfortable be we managed to make it out without a reaction. She got a much needed treat and praise immediately after.
@donovb1975 Seriously, love using a muzzle. My dogs mellowed out over the years, but man, does that thing make people control their dogs if it's on. I also use a bright yellow leash that says "Nervous" on it AND have a patch for his harness that days "Nervous". In parks, works like a charm!
@gadrogeek My beautiful adorable springer wears a muzzle because she bites, I live in a dense urban area and at least once a month someone approaches her to pet her without asking or even looking at me. I say nothing and keep walking after she lunges at them. There's nothing to say to stupid.
Seriously, love using a muzzle. My dogs mellowed out over the years, but man, does that thing make people control their dogs if it's on. I also use a bright yellow leash that says "Nervous" on it AND have a patch for his harness that days "Nervous". In parks, works like a charm!

Yes! Even the gentle lead (master lead) looks like a muzzle and people get serious all of a sudden. Thinking it's a muzzle and then they avoid us just because of that. I also get stares and questions like why are you muzzling your poor dog. Jesus.
@that1starfish “Just let him be a dog”

But also, when he’s reactive: “you need to control your dog!”

There’s literally no winning. Screw what other people think. Just do what you know is best for your dog. End of story.
@huey507 A dog who was being walked off leash in my apartment complex ran up to my dogs and I had to pick them up to make sure they didn’t tear it to shreds. My boys are smol but they’ve been attacked a lot by big dogs so they get ready to fight at the sight of another pup. I yelled at the person who was holding their leash saying “put your dogs on a goddamn leash!!”

She has the audacity to say to me “learn how to control your dogs better!”

Yes because I never thought of that 🤦🏼‍♀️

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