Yellow lab won’t eat

I swapped my 1 year old yellow lab from puppy food to adult food about 2 months ago. I can barely get him to eat it. He will sometimes finish half his bowl or sometimes not touch it at all. It’s the same brand of food as his puppy food was and his attitude and energy hasn’t changed at all. Any tips are appreciated!
@bornagainchristian1 If he is still eating you are good. How much the dog eats is up to the dog.

My puppy used to have an insane appetite while he was growing up. He would inhale all the kibble given to him. Now his bowl sometimes sits full for hours.

By the way depending on how much the dog is spoiled it may have learned that there may be better food out there and the kibble may be the food of last resort.
@bornagainchristian1 You might try drizzling some coconut oil over his food, this has worked for one of my friends who has a picky eater. Maybe try switching brands of protein. If he’s still eating some and drinking water it probably isn’t a health concern.