Yellow Diarrhea after a vet visit, but totally normal pup otherwise. I am so stressed


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I am seriously S T R E S S E D, and am desperately looking for answers.

Preface: I have a dog vet visit scheduled Saturday, but I'm wondering if this is going to end up being more urgent.

Long story: My 10 month old, male Australian Shepherd went to the vet this Tuesday because a few weeks ago while playing frisbee he seemed to have suffered from a sprain on his back right hind leg. We waited a week or two because he still plays on this leg with our other Australian Shepherd all the time. It seems it cramps up occasionally and he will favor the other leg, but will slowly bring the back right hind leg back down and will act normal. Well, vet said she wasn't super concerned about the leg after a semi-ortho exam (dog was too anxious to let her do the full thing), so we decided we'd go home, force him to rest, and see how he was feeling in two weeks.

Bernie (my dog) had an abundance of treats at the vet. That night while we were sleeping he was whining so we let him out at about 1 AM, 2:30 AM came around and he started whining again. Bernie is known to be a whiner, so we decided to take a stand and let him whine it out, but woke up at 6 AM to discover he had pooped brown liquid all over his crate. Fed him chicken and rice later that night, and we got a more firm poo the next morning. Back to kibble (costco kirkland puppy chicken and pea formula) and ended up with a leaky butt again, however he's been sleeping through the night up until last night, we had to let him out a few times.

I have now decided to keep him on chicken and rice completely until this clears, which I should have done to begin with. Fed him chicken and rice last night, this AM, but I just saw Bern go poop and it was straight yellow liquid with little bits of rice just shooting out of his bum. I am so sad, so stressed, and I don't know what to freaking do for my dog. He's acting completely normal, drinking water (we've even added small amounts of pedialyte to make sure he stays hydrated), plays with the other dog, literally is the same dog other than this poop issue. I'm beginning to get really worried, and am wondering if anyone has had this problem before and what to do?

TLDR: Dog went to vet on Tuesday and has had diarrhea since, but is acting completely normal otherwise. Still drinking/eating/playing, just had liquid, yellow diarrhea.
@fullofeyes37 First, if you're super worried, try calling your vet and ask them if they think it's urgent and what they recommend you do. Some vets will answer quick questions like this over the phone.

Second, this is just my personal experience, but my dog has had the same issue when he gets overloaded on treats. My mother-in-law sneaks them to him near constantly whenever she's around, and sure enough, within a few hours of her departure, he'll be whining to go out every 10 minutes because he's got the yellow runs. My vet has said that it's not uncommon, and his recommendation was to have my dog go a single day without eating anything (no snacks, no food) and to instead encourage him to drink lots of water. The vet also said that if I wasn't comfortable with withholding food for a full day, that a little bit of plain boiled rice and chicken could help, but to go easy on it.

Honestly, my dog improves a LOT faster when he has an empty tummy for a day, compared to when I've given him his small meals of plain chicken and rice. When eating chicken and rice, it's about 2-3 days before we're back to solid, healthy stool, compared to a day of an empty tummy, where he's back to normal the very next day. I figure it's less suffering for him to go hungry one day when his tummy is already upset rather than feed him on an upset stomach and have him pooping constantly for a few extra days.

Through all of this, my dog has acted normal; wanting to play, looking for treats, sleeping soundly, just has to go out frequently because of the runs. My vet has said that so long as he's drinking water and his behavior is otherwise normal, not to worry. Again, this is just my experience.

Incidentally, my dog's treats are hidden now whenever certain company is expected, and the issue hasn't come up since. I hope your dog feels better soon.
@fullofeyes37 I would definitely call your vet to be safe, but I just wanted to add that recently our pup had liquid diarrhea and was otherwise totally energetic and happy as well- the vet said we probably overdid it on the treats. She said diarrhea + otherwise normal puppy means something irritated their stomach, but diarrhea + lethargy is bad. So I wouldn’t stress yourself out too much unless he doesn’t seem his happy self, but a vet will be able to help you figure it out!
@fullofeyes37 A lot of people have given you great advice. Diarrhea happens. You seem to know the source (loads of treats) so there isn’t too much to be super worried about. I speak from experience with a dog that can’t handle much beyond her normal food. We’ve had a couple emergency vet visits from diarrhea (sometimes just blood) where it’s just rest, going easy on food (giving her some rice and plain chicken a couple times a day).

A call to the vet isnt unwarranted. Keep an eye on how much your dog is drinking. That’s a good indicator of they need to be seen sooner for fluids. Diarrhea can be dehydrating, but if your dog isn’t throwing up and is still drinking water he should be fine