Y'all... I messed up


New member
I tagged this Wags because I sort of got what I wanted, but I think y'all will get a kick out of my mistake.

I never wanted my dog to play keep away, so if he got ahold of something unknown or questionable I would put on a really excited tone of voice and ask "what did you find?" Then I'd hold out my hand, tell him to "drop it" in the same excited tone, and he'd get a toy in return. So far it's worked.

Last weekend we went to my parents' house, and my dumb butt looked away for 5 seconds too long. He came trotting around the corner with something in his mouth, and I started my "hey, buddy, what did you find" routine. Then he drops a cat turd in my open hand and just sits there looking proud of himself.
@jimpaterno I taught the same thing to my poodle and now he won't play tug of war with me. Whenever I go to grab something from him he immediately drops it, great for things he shouldn't have, bad for play time
@sandy1133 My pup likes fetch more, he's not as interested in tug of war. It takes a few tries, but I've found that if I grab a long toy or rope and offer him one end he gets that he's allowed to try and take it from me. If the object starts with him and I take it, he's either going to get something else or we're going to play fetch.
@sandy1133 We have 1-2 toys we only use for tug for this reason so whenever she wants to play tug she grabs her scrap of fabric and drapes it over my hand. Everything else is dropped in front of me for fetch. Thankfully she loves to chase things and is not a fan of keep away so that’s never really an issue
@mishclark My previous pup never did either. She had the moniker of turd burglar her whole life. I always assumed it was because I got her when I was 18 and never properly trained her. She lived to be 18 and was never properly trained.