I messed up leash training, how do I fix it?

@potterpoole So your response to a post about leash etiquette is to not bother with a leash.. Glad that works for you and your dog but I actually do want mine to understand what being on a leash means. My dog has off-leash time to frolick in the fields and herd random shit, but that’s not what I’m asking.
@potterpoole If your life accommodates never putting them on a leash, that's great. But for most people, the reality is that sometimes, the dog will need to be leashed, and that necessitates regular, good leash walking as practice for those moments, regardless of what other activities they do and how they get exercise.

"I want my dog to learn good leash walking" =/= "walks on a leash are the only activity my dog gets."

It's like crate training. You may not have your dog sleep in a crate every night, but it's good for them to be comfortable with because it is sometimes necessary.