Y’all I’m at my wits end with all of this and I’m about to cry. I don’t know if I can do this


New member
My 9 month old pup has been so healthy and a great dog. However the last 3 weeks he’s been getting diarrhea. He was treated with meds, and things were looking good.

However a few days ago it came back full force. Another vet trip, more meds, and this time anti diarrheal meds and probiotics. The problem is now he hasn’t pooped in 2 days and he isn’t even acting like he has to. I’m getting so frustrated and I know this isn’t his fault. He’s still eating a bland diet, playing and drinking.

He senses my frustration, he’s a very sensitive dog. I love him, but I’m about to cry. I can’t even look at him right now. I’m trying my best, and I love him so much… but right now I feel totally overwhelmed and frustrated.
@kyotzo First of all, what breed?? Mine and my moms Great Danes get diarrhea quite a bit, and for long periods of time. Then it just goes away. I haven’t had another breed who gets sick like that, but I’m sure there’s a few. So I’d look into that. And maybe he hasn’t gone because the meds are too strong??? If they’re pills can you cut them in half and see how he does, or give him a day without them and only give it to him if he seems to be having issues again? Sometimes it’s stress, hormones, you name it. If the vet doesn’t seem that concerned other than just treating the diarrhea, I would just take a deep breath and try to adjust to what he needs. I obviously don’t know the circumstances, so my advice might not be the best. But everything is going to be okay, sick animals can be very stressful. It’s going to get better ♥️
@imagebeastmarkbeast He’s a shih tzu… he’s stool sample was negative for everything as well as his Snap tests for parvo and giardia. He’s getting the probiotic paste with a stool firmer…

Days like this make me feel like im not cut out for pet ownership… im doing my best though. Thank you for your kind words.
@kyotzo My old neighbors had 3 and I know they can get pretty anxious, at least hers did. I don’t know a lot about the breed. But I would definitely give him a day without the meds and see if he goes normally, maybe he was fighting a little bug or just upset and now the meds are just stopping him from going altogether. It’s okay to try different things, at least you know the meds DO work so you might just need to work on the dosage if he’s still having diarrhea. Did they recommend chicken or rice for him?? That’s what I give my Dane when he’s having problems and it usually helps! I would ask your vet before you do it as I don’t know much about smaller breeds, but it could be worth a shot!
@kyotzo Get an allergy test! Our pup was a diarrhea machine for the first 6 months, circovirus, giardia he caught them all but in between he was still a lil fountain. Tests from Vet came back negative, must be garbage gut they said picked up something on a walk, but we were super careful.

We paid for the AllergyTest my pet and it came back with a severe wheat allergy, and more minor ones as well. Cut all wheat, coconut etc from his diet and solid poops for the first time since we took him home! It's not a proper allergy test like blood work etc, but it tests for enzymes that allow dogs to digest things properly - kind of like how people who are lactose intolerant don't have the lactase enzymes so dairy makes them sick. Same thing maybe happening with your pup! It was $70 through Groupon but I think its gone now, but still only $90 IIRC full price, and in our experience well worth it.

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