Would this be an appropriate toy for my 2 month old miniature schnauzer?

@georgiana No. You don't want small puppies running a lot and doing sharp turns untill their growth is complete. You can throw a plush toy not to far from you, and just a couple of times. They will have their whole lives to be obsessed with fetch, their childhoods have to be calm and easy on their joints.
@georgiana I always seen these toys as items that help relieve repetitive strain from tossing a ball over and over. They also help with getting the ball to travel further. The reason I'm saying this is I don't think ether of these go hand-in-hand with a puppy that young. Play should generally be kept short and low intensity with a pup that young. These fetch items are great for when your dog is a little older and can cover more ground, for now I would just throw/roll the ball a short distance and reward if they bring it back. I always found that you need to give these toys a bit of force to actually release the ball, and I would personally not have a 2 month old pup covering that ground. ChuckIt sell small balls that may be more appropriate than a full sized tennis ball for the age of your dog, if it were me I would just buy a few of them and throw/roll them yourself as play. Now, if bending over and picking up a ball multiple times a day is something you can't do, or something you would rather avoid, then yes these items may help you.

Also as an side note, I bought one of these when my girl was about 5 months old. It was fairly useless, she lost interest in chasing the ball and wanted to go for the actual throwing item instead which ruined the whole idea of fetch. Haven't used it since. Best of luck! I love the schnauzer as a breed.

Edit: I just want to be clear, I would still not recommend this toy even if hand thrown fetch is something you cannot do. It will help with not having to bend over, of course, but the cons far outweigh the pros here (in my opinion). Toss a rope, or a toy, a few times but outside that I would focus on socialization (excellent resources in this sub's wiki available to you).