Why does my 1.5 YO Female GSD not eat?


New member
We've tried various brands of dog food, she eats them for 2-3 days and ignores the food put out post that. The vet prescribed dog food was a bust as well.

We started cooking chicken and rice for her, which lasted a week but she has stopped eating this completely as well. We tried to limit her to one meal a day, so that she would finish her food but she still doesn't complete it. She is very skinny and I wanted to know how we can have her gain weight.

@marysue You can try making food less boring. As an example, I had a 13 yr old foster that would not eat consistently and would gorge when he did. I picked up some food balls and he would chase them around the house for his meals and he never skipped a meal again. As a bonus, the movements helped stretch his shoulders and back.

You can also try mixing it up. Have 2 or 3 foods she has liked and choose one at random each meal.

Perhaps a schedule would help. Get her body used to being fed at certain times and build the expectation of eating.

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